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    1. Gerad 10 yrs ago


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It always seemed incredible how fast time moved when one was deep in thought. As he walked around the festival, it wasn't until the sun blinded him from the east that Joli realized just how late it was getting. It seemed before he set out that the sun hadn't even reached its full height in the sky. After he was full from food, Joli had left the cafe and had begun observing those in town. He often found himself doing this, but on days of celebration, it was considerably more entertaining. There was the constant look of defeat on the kids faces as they tried endlessly to win prizes at the game stands. There was the strange multiplication of couples around town, all stuck in a trance based on ceaseless eye contact. There were the screams from small children on the faster rides, usually followed by the click, click, click of parents' cameras. There was the myriad of sales pitches flying at lightening speed from the mouths of vendors trying to sell their products.

And those were only the good things.

There was also this universal lack of discretion by the adults underlined by the prodigal use of alcohol and food, and it truly sickened him. It was like watching the worse contender on the biggest loser splurge unnecessarily on grease and butter; unsightly in the least. Still, it was no use complaining, as that was how it had invariably been. Regardless, ripped from his thoughts by the sun, Joli felt the imminent return home settle on his body as he was suddenly shaken by screams.

Somehow, heavily concentrated, he had missed the smell of soot and burning until he turned to face the direction of the scream. Shocked by the size and seemingly sudden appearance of flames, Joli sprung too almost naturally as his feet pulled him straight into the furnace, as they say. Quickly shuffling past panicking citizens, Joli could see the fear and mistrust on their faces, saying clearly, in his mind, that none of them were going to stop to provide aid. A bit distraught, Joli, in that moment decided to only think about what he could do, and ignore that no one might be their to support his efforts. Just as he had made up his mind, he caught a glimpse of a man trapped under chunks of a fallen sign, and changed tilt to help. As he got within reach, he saw that another boy, around his age, had already begun an attempt to lift the metal and wood away, but could only do so much. Grabbing onto the other edge, he helped successfully lift the debris up, but it wouldn't be enough without someone else to drag the man out!
This was unexpected; it would appear that Joli had been ignored. He certainly, wasn't going to waste his time on someone who didn't care to pay attention to him. Resending his extended hand from the back of the chair, he looked around for more seats. It would appear everyone had decided to escape the heat and sit inside, which he confirmed upon looking out the windows. Marching to the front counter, Joli ordered some eggs with rye toast, and pointed to indicate that he would be sitting at the table outside next to the only currently occupied one. After confirming with the cashier, he paid and walked, a bit exasperated, out the door to his seat.

He over heard a little of the conversation between the two people sitting at the other table, but chose not to respond, as he didn't much care to be caught up in discussion. As he took his seat, he quietly sipped his coffee, patiently waiting for his food. Still, he couldn't get his mind off the incident that had occured just prior; maybe it was an overreaction, but he was truly frustrated. Still, he wasn't one to be ruled by his emtions, at least not terribly often. As he thought, he could feel the warmth of his drink slide down the back of his throat. Simply enjoying the moment, he closed his eyes and experienced the heat of the sun beat against his skin. There was something sensual about being outside, about being part of nature. It was like an old friend, or lover; a source of pure comfort.

As he considered this, the smell of salt, pepper and egg snuck its way into his nostrils and jogged him from his thoughts. "Smells fantastic," he said, opening his eyes and smiling gently at the server, "Thank you."
Doesn't bother me.
I think tomorrow I'm just going to post(: I can't waits no more!!!
I didn't mean for that to post so many times...I actually don't know how it did that haha
Why did that post so many times O_O???
Bikko has to reply to me
Bikko has to reply to me
Bikko has to reply to me
I feel like I've been waiting to post forever :( I wannnnnaaaa
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