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"I'll bet," she laughed, "Just wait till August, when it to gets humid. Then temperatures can jump to 110 degrees!"

Cassy gave a smack on his back, "But, you should be fine, if you stick with me!"
Cassy felt more at ease seeing when Micheal laugh. She now knew he was potential friend material. She figured she should do the whole "get-to-know-you" routine.

"So, Alaska huh?" she nodded, "I used to want to run away there, but then I heard how freakin' cold it is up there."

She hoped life in Alaska would make for interesting talking.
"Meh," Cassy shrugged, "I'm not the most exciting person to stalk anyway."

She raised her arms and stretched a bit, "If you really want entertainment, go watch my sister. She's probably into all sorts of kinky stuff."

Cassy wondered if her brand of humor had crossed the line with that one. She sometimes forgot not everyone found offensive stuff as funny as she did. Well it was too late to take it back. She hoped she made it obvious she was joking.
Hello, I have a few RPs going at the moment but I still would like to try a few more. At the moment, I'm looking for some fun romance stories, but I might expand out if you got your own ideas. I'm not extremely picky when it come to RP partners but I would like them to have a good grasp on grammar and spelling (I know we all make mistakes, so don't sweat it if you type fast or just don't notice some tiny errors.) Ladies, gentlemen and everything in between are welcome.

In terms of content, I suppose it depends what we decide how we play it. It can be cute and playful to dark and sexual, so may as well put a warning up. I'm leaning toward soft-core as my limit, unless you insist you are a decent smut writer.

I'd like someone who is dedicated enough to at least do a weekly post and let me know if they are going to be scarce for a period of time. Also if you want to drop out, just let me know. It sucks when a story just withers and die.

Anywho, here are some of the parring ideas I enjoy (I'm cool with being either male or female.)

*Additional note: I decided to add futanari as an option for the parings. (Mature theme stories only.)

School mates teens to college (M/M, F/F, Futa)

Noble/Servant (M/F, M/M, F/F, Futa)

Disaster situation (M/F, M/M, F/F)

Incest story (Sis/Bro, Sis/Sis, Bro/Bro, Futa)

Monster/human (M/F, M/M, F/F, Futa)

Bully/victim (M/F, M/M, F/F, Futa)

Some fandoms I like

Gravity Falls
Adventure Time
Regular Show
The Walking Dead Game (haven't seen the show)
The Wolf Among Us
The Powerpuff Girls
Friendship is Magic (depending)

Remember, I'm not just looking for one partner. If you want to start something let me know!
Cassy felt a pit in her stomach grow as May led them inside the house. She sat down next to Anais and rested her chin on her hand.

"You girls need anything?" May asked excitedly.


"We'd love to have some of that tea you mentioned earlier Ma'am!" Anais chimed in before Cassy could finish.

"Oh of course!" May beamed, "I'll just have Micaheal bring some-"

May frowned at looked around, "Oh dear, I think he's still asleep. Don't move, I'll get him."

May disappeared upstairs leaving Cassy and Anais to themselves. Cassy gave up on trying to leave since it would be rude beyond measure if she left in the middle of being invited into someones home. She was actually more worried about having to drink tea, she never liked it much.

"May mentioned she had a nephew about our age," Anais mused.


"Sooooo," Anais gave a playful smile, "this may yet be the handsome prince that will...tame the shrew."

"Excuse me?!" Cassy hissed back.

"Well it's a well known fact that you certainly haven't made any effort in finding mister right."

Cassy rolled her eyes, "Yeah, high school is the place to find a stable relationship."

"You never know," Anais teased, "what if he's cute, hm?"

"I saw him already." Cassy casually dropped.

"Really?! Well, what was he like?"

"Oh he's ok," Cassy gave an evil grin, "except he's a massive pervert."

"HE IS NOT!" Anais folded her arms and turned away not even wanting to look at her sister.

"It's true," Cassy giggled, "he totally was watching me change last night."

"Stop lying Cassandra! May assured me he was a gentleman."

"In fact," Cassy was on the verge of laughing, "I kind of enjoyed it. I even put on a show for him."

Anais shoved Cassy, "UHG! Don't be such a disgusting freak!"

Cassy and Ansis were almost ready to brawl when May came back down. Both girls sat up and smiled like nothing happened. Anais launched into another round of adult conversation with May and Cassy slowly sunk into bored stupor. A few minutes passed when the dark boy came down the stairs. He was quite different looking up close. Instead of it being messy, his hair looked more cleaned up. He wore a black vest that Cassy couldn't help but admire. She suddenly felt very self conscious when she saw him recognize her.

“Oh! Micheal,” May smiled and gestured toward Cassy and Anais. “Dear, these are the neighbors girls, they are so charming.”

Cassy gave a forced smile, she was about to say hello when he mumbled, “You seem to be busy talking to-”

“Anais,” May informed him.

“-Anais,” he nodded, “so why don't I talk to her sister.”

Cassy felt a chill run down her spine. What did he want with her? She unconsciously got up and followed him. He looked like he was putting on his own cordial act which made her feel a little more at ease. He led her to the front porch. Once out side Cassy suddenly felt much better, like she'd been holding her breath the whole time she was inside the house. She leaned against a wooden pillar painted white. She saw stepping outside seemed to relax the dark boy as well.

“Soooo,” Cassy brushed some of her hair behind her ear. “You're new around here huh?”
This might be cute. PM me and tell your ideas.
Sounds cute! PM me if you need another RP.
Cassy peered through her curtains at the boy across from her. He had dark messy hair that brought to mind a character from a book she read. His hair was much longer than a lot of the guys around town wore it. The boy look slender, like he didn't do much sports. His pale skin seemed to back up her theory. He also was sporting a pair of brainy looking specs. The boy seemed to make an effort to look for her, until something drew his attention away from the window and he vanished.

Cassy blew a sigh of relief. She never had to worry about people watching from the house next door since the people that used to live there was an elderly couple that never used that room. Cassy was so used to having her privacy, she often left her windows wide open, especially during hot summers like now. She quickly closed the windows and drew the blinds. Just before she closed the last window, she saw her mother walking up to the house next door carrying some welcome desert no doubt.

"That was...fast." She muttered to herself, raising an eyebrow.

She didn't even know her mother had whipped something up. Cassy suddenly noticed how hot it was in her room once the windows were closed. She pulled her frumpy shirt up to her face, wiping some of the sweat off. She tugged on her shirt to get some air against her body. Even though it wasn't that late, Cassy couldn't think of anything to do except get some shut eye. She picked up her stuffed animals and pulled them under the covers as she climbed into bed. She stared at the ceiling, hoping maybe the new boy next door was actually normal and not crazy.
"Cassandra!" Anais called in an overly sweet tone.

Cassy opened her eyes to see the morning had come, but instead of bring any sort of happiness it brought Anais. The door flew open and there stood her perfect sister. She had on a violet dress that was for her choir performance that was coming up. Her hair was just as red as Cassy's but it was much longer and curly. Not to mention she was using a ton of products to make it shine and bounce. She was smiling until she looked at Cassy crawling out of bed.

"Oh my land!" She exclaimed in her annoying soft voice. "Your not going to meet our new neighbors looking like...that?!"

Cassy looked down at herself. She was sporting one of her favorite t-shirts and her trusty jeans.

"It's called casual Anais," Cassy shrugged, "some people dig it."

"Mom wants us to make a good impression," Anais huffed, "and give a proper welcome to the neighborhood."

Anais turned and called back, "Please wear something nice, I'll be waiting downstairs."

Cassy gave a long and frustrated sigh as she pulled her shirt off. She threw open her dresser and looked for something that would make a good impression. She decided on the sparkly 'puppy playing basketball' orange shirt. She always loved that one, why not the new neighbors? She quickly applied some deodorant and put on her eyeliner. She looked at herself in the mirror and gave a thumbs up.

"Nailed it!"

Cassy found her sister waiting for her and the front door. Anais gave an over dramatic look of disapproval at her choice of clothing. Cassy was loving it.

"Ready!" she beamed.

Anais and Cassy walked up to the front door of the new neighbors house. Anais heels clicked loudly the whole way over. It always bugged her how she insisted on wearing heels, even to stupid small events like meeting the new neighbors. Anais knocked on the door and put on her best "welcome to the neighborhood!" face. A middle aged woman answered and Anais flew into her spiel about how wonderful it was to meet her. Cassy only gave a friendly smile, since her sister liked to talk to adults. After a while Cassy just wanted to go. She didn't want to bother these people, she just wanted to go back to her room. As her sister droned on and on Cassy became visibly bored and uncomfortable.
Cassy stared at the questionnaire in front of her. She'd been reading the first sentence over and over without even learning what it was talking about. Just the title made her mind numb.

"Hypothetical Baptist's Nanny"

Cassy's parents demanded she fill this out before she could even think of using her computer. She scanned the paper and almost burst out laughing. Cassy wondered if her parents were in denial or just crazy thinking she'd take this seriously. She straight up told them two years ago she was agnostic, yet she gets dragged to church every Sunday since. The questionnaire starts, "YOU are a born-in, baptized Christian female, early 20s. You are employed as a full-time nanny for a Atheist married couple of business executives who have a preschool-age child."

As if she'd be a nanny in the first place, Cassy never got along with kids. She read on, the first few questions included, "1) Is your first responsibility to God and his earthly organization, or to your "worldly" employers? 2) Would you expose the child to "My Book of Bible Stories" or other Christian indoctrination? With/without seeking the parents' permission/input?"

Cassy pondered the idea of giving really hilarious and offensive answers, but remembered that her dad was going to look it over and probably take her precious laptop away (the only connection she had to the sane world outside.) So she decided to go the complete other direction, she was going to give the most brainwashed and indoctrinated answers possible. Cassy enjoyed staining her mind trying to find the creepiest answers that a zealot would like. After only a few minutes, she proudly looked over her answers. It was poetry, she actually produced a cackle when reading some of her answers. She dashed downstairs to her fathers study. Her dad was pouring over his notes and charts form work.

She proudly handed the questionnaire over to him, "Finished!"

Her father smiled, "Well, good for you"

He removed his glasses and peered down at Cassy's answers, his smile began to melt away. He didn't look up for quite some time. Cassy had the feeling she might have over done it. Her dad looked up at her, "You are willing to kill an abortion doctor?"

Cassy fought back the urge to laugh, she made a very serious face, "They kill babies all the time, so it's only fair."

Her father started at her with disappointed eyes, before he opened up his briefcase and produced another copy of the questionnaire. He handed it to Cassy and turned back to his work.

"Take this more seriously," he sighed, "and maybe I'll let you have your laptop next week."

Those words punched Cassy in the gut. Another week without her laptop!? She slowly trudged upstairs, feeling like the whole world had jumped on her back. She wouldn't be able to talk to rational people for a another week, maybe more. She didn't want to think about it. She crashed face first into her bed sending her two stuffed animals flying off. She didn't care. Her life was terrible. Well, she did live quite comfortably compared to some girls her age in other countries, but she still felt that didn't mean her parents were good. Her red hair fell in her face as she turned her head. She'd give anything for a family that just let her be herself. The sound of a truck stopping nearby made her look up.

Cassy turned over and sat up to see moving trucks in front of the house next door. Lots of boxes were sitting on the lawn until big mover guys took them inside. Cassy stuck her head out of her window to get a better view of the situation. She saw a woman giving instructions to the big guys as they carried her stuff in. Cassy figured her mom was going to send over a pie or some other desert to welcome the new neighbors. There was a dark looking boy looking at her from the opposite window. Cassy fell backwards on her ass being freaked out that someone was watching her. She carefully inched out of sight to another window and tried to peak at the boy without being seen.

Name: Cassandra "Cassy" Riffin

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Cassy is the exact opposite of her twin sister, Anais. She is not energetic and rather cynical. Instead of striving for better things or improving herself, Cassy is content to take things as they come. She may be appear standoffish, but she would never be outright cold or cruel. She hates confrontations and tries to avoid them as much as possible. When push comes to shove, she will back down simply because she feels there's no point in changing someones mind who is dead set. This however, doesn't stop her from giving her say in the matter though. Rather than socializing at big parties, Cassy prefers a small dedicated group of friends that congregate at the local pizza place or at anyone's house that has a game console. She is learning to expand her horizons ever since she joined the drama club last year. Acting and performing in front of others has taught her to throw shame out the window in certain situations.

History: Born into a very conservative family was Cassy's first of many head aches. Not only did her family demand properness, but they also were perfectionists. Cassy's twin sister Anais excelled at pretty much everything she took up. This is fine by Cassy, she never intended to be number one. Except her parents expect the same from her too! Elementary school was a nightmare for Cassy. Everyday she and her sister were drilled to read books above their grade level and do math that she wouldn't use until high school. By the time she was in high school, it became clear that Cassy refused to keep up with her sister. Her parents seemed to have given up and focus their attention on Anais (which is what Cassy wanted in the first place.) Her upbringing has made her shun perfectionists, but did give her a healthy respect for good literature. Dinners at her house has mostly devolved into "Guess what your sister did today?" Now Cassy just wants to finish up school so she can find her own apartment and never hear what her sister did.
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