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I see. I guess I needed a catalyst for his wound to become really bad. Maybe its trained by the Unholy Hand to use deep-cutting magic like this? Not necessarily tapping into the Beyond. But the artifact, the Ruinous Catalyst, was something that changed hands in a deal between The Unholy Hand and the Acolytes. I just wanted to use something my character uses, to relate the covenant I made to an existing Similar? one.
I uh... Took some liberties with The Unholy Hand's magic and the pyromage Tiberious mentioned. I hope this is acceptable. There aren't many Mage things going on. Pls.
Vami had been there for the conflict between the Unholy Hand member, and the vengeful pyromancer. This and the rallying speech that the Terror of the South had given afterward. It worried him that the leaderless magi were already turning their magic upon one another. He knew not any of the other magi gathered in the courtyard; his friends from the Acolytes had not shown interest in the promise of the Witch of the Black Forest. Vami traveled here because of something he could sense; the footsteps of the many magi walking here, collecting like raindrops into a barrel. This courtyard was a pool of energy, none of it like his own. He could hear a dozen conversations, mostly about the mages homes, and why they had decided to trust the Witch. The pyromancer who had been impaled was now surrounded by his fellows, who were trying to figure out if there was an infirmary or a healer that could treat him. The flame-weilder spat curses, and Vami could tell that the man hated the feeling of weakness from losing his fight.

Vami gazed at how the light bounced around the walls of this place. This castle would have held much glory, if its stones hadn't been so worn by the ages. Now the buildings were like skeletons, filled with worms and rotting. But, beneath his feet... There was, something...

This distracted Vami for a moment, but then he saw that the pyromancer was being carried away. The others had found the infirmary of the place. Vami walked after them, curious as to what would happen next. While he was being carried by his three red-robed companions, the pyromancer turned about in their arms and shouted a few things about “garbage” and “worthless”. He wanted them to cauterize his wound with magic, but they refused saying that it could cause a bad reaction with magic lingering there. He calmed down when they laid him out on one of the stone cots of the infirmary, perhaps accepting rest and less blood loss as his best option.

Here in the infirmary was a place to tend to a bleeding and beaten army. Rows and rows of bottles, more than half of them empty, were contained within glass shelving encircling the rotunda. Dozens of benches, chairs and stone cots were evenly spaced throughout the room, with splints and bandages laying next to some. Here the floor was interesting stone tiles, each plate etched with symbols of snakes. The symbolism of the snakes eluded Vami, for to him snakes were only an untame animal filled with poison. Drawn to where the pyromancer was seated, Vami sat across from him, and gazed at the wound. Vami knew the wounds inflicted by members of The Unholy Hand to be legendary; to combat the paladins common powers of regeneration, the Unholy covenant uses dark magic, which is known to ravage the bodies of the living. In this way, Paladins on the battlefield would die rapidly from their wounds, long before the Light could restore them. This is what was unfolding now; the flame-wielders blood was a river from his stoumach, spilling across the stone table and onto the floor. The others were frantically checking bottles, maybe looking for some stolen Light-Cure, a powerful paladin remedy. None of them were turning up with any luck, however, and the fire mage grew paler by the moment.

Vami wasn't thrilled about the fate of the man before him. Already this sanctuary wasn't safe for anyone inside it. This man surely wouldn't survive. Wounds to the stoumach cause incredible amounts of bleeding if even from a normal weapon; this man had been torn open with dark magic, which is known to react violently when it is removed. Vami understood some of what the Unholy Hand described as “the Beyond”, but he couldn't be sure if it referred to the same thing as the Long Un-Life. He had never spoken personally with a member of the Hand, but their magic seemed to be incredibly dangerous, to themselves and others. It was from their personal store of relics that Vami had received his staff; and object that had destroyed many of its past wielders. This staff he held in his hand now, and something about it resonated with the magic remaining within the wound of the pyromancer. There was some kind of kinship there; both the magic and the staff sought the bane of all living things they encountered. But the staff was trying to speak. Vami could feel it, like a dog tied to his arm, tugging and wanting to interact with the man on the stone table.

One of the other pyromancers threw an empty bottle against the wall, shattering it loudly. He couldn't save his friends life, not like this. All of them knew that magic used to close a wound inflicted by this type of dark magic would simply be turned upon its wielder, as though the magic flees in terror from the remaining taint of evil. He turned in despair to the ghostly pale dying pyromancer, and was shocked to see a man touching a stave to his friends wound.

“What the Hell are you doing? The magic in him will harm both of you!” he warned as he approached.

The Duskling spoke to him; “I am Vami, and my staff is the master of all harmful magic. The Ruinous Catalyst will save your friend.”

The other pyromancers in the room had also turned away from their searching, with expressions now of mixed concern and hope.

“The Ruinous Catalyst? Some name for a stave that can heal.” The pyromancer now stood closer to Vami and his friend who was near death. “My name is Iwan. If this does not save him, I suppose nothing will. How can you work against the magic of the Terror?”

“My staff is at work; even I did not know it was so good with diplomacy. It is speaking to the dark that causes your friend to bleed, and making a deal.” At this, a hissing sound filled the room, and as the Catalyst glowed momentarily the dying pyromancers wound closed. “This man can be healed now; use any magic you can to instill the vigor of life back into him.”

The pyromancers were speechless. One approached, conjuring a pale flame that radiated comforting warmth. This she brought close to the chest of the dying man, and he began to breathe more deeply, and his face to take in color again. As this happened, Vami was drawn back to the center of the rotunda. Again he felt that there was something there... Underneath his feet... As though the ground here was a facade concealing a great cavern. Much to the confusion of the pyromancers, he began to tap his staff against the tiles, searching for a sound.
The cocoons not a secret, it was a cocoon where the caterpillar had been eaten by a parasite which had then left, but when Vami saw that it was filled with darkness and the omen of death in place of life, it awakened something latent in him.

The Acolytes are a bunch of weirdos, theres only a handful of mages among them. They're all deathmongers and more or less not acknowledged by anyone but the tales told to children, where the Acolytes will kill you and turn you into a zombie if you dont wash behind your ears.

Alrighty, I edited the things you mentioned.
So if I post my CS here, then read a bunch of IC, I can join in? What do. Here's my CS.

“Form as Regal as the Night Sky”

Name: Vami Norkatch

Gender: Male

Alignment: Mage

Sounds like it's neato.
This sounds awesome, I'll check back l8er.
Also, can I join with 2 characters?
“Gold in blood.”

If he's not normal enough just tell me, I was trying to walk the line between interesting to play and not OP.

Name: Marlaq Veyacour

Age: Possibly 200

Race: Elf Lord

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