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PajkaNight said
"Well, it is true that not a lot of men usually see me dancing... Mother said it was scandalous to show your belly to men, I don't know why though." Cyan looks at Issa's injured head. "Are you acting wimpy to get me to kiss you better, or are you actually hurt?"

"Oh you're a belly dancer? Interesting. There are many surprises with you aren't there?" he said with a wink "You can kiss it if you want. I won't complain." He laughed. The idea of a human kissing a genie is just different. "So we should probably get to the firepit. Don't want to be left out of the very fun activities planned today, now do we?"
PajkaNight said
Cyan punched Issa's arm playfully. "Not Mac and Cheese, American food is disgusting." She leans closer. "-and I have never fallen from dancing, besides, you don't deserve to observe my dancing."

Issa's supporting arm gave way at the punch and he slammed his face into the table. He quickly pushed himself up and cradled his forehead. "Wow, that was rude... Okay. Yeah most of it, but pizza? Gift from Allah if you ask me, that and french fries." he said more focused on his head "And why am I not worthy? Is your dancing sacred? Only the greatest men get to ever see your graceful gift?" With that he laughed, but quickly stopped as he massaged his forehead again.
PajkaNight said
"Shut up." Cyan tried to hide her smile. "I actually like to cook, for your information." She shrugged Issa off, sitting down at the table nearest to her. "I'm also a dancer." She made a graceful pose, laughing.

"Mac and Cheese doesn't count," he remarked with a chuckle. Issa took a seat next to her and leaned on his elbow smiling devilishly. "You dance? Now that'd be a sight. I promise I won't laugh if you fall."
PajkaNight said
"Ugh!" She turns and trudges back to the tables. Do I really need to talk to that many people?

Issa appeared from behind Cyan and put an elbow on her shoulder. "You cooking? That'd be a sight!" he laughed "You don't seem all like the cooking type..."
Issa picked up his backpack and walked over to cabin nine. He dropped his bag in his cabin and then shut the door. Issa leaned up against the door and slid down. He was not excited to be here, but he would have to deal with it. Issa forced himself off the ground and climbed into bed. Staring out the window at the stars, he eyelids grew heavy and he drifted into sleep.
[double post, sorry]
PajkaNight said
"Huh, you remind me of my Grandmother. my mother told me how much she hated my father and tried to convince him that she wasn't for him... Now that I think of it, that might be the reason why he died..." She looked serious at first, but snorted, starting to laugh. "I guess I do take after my family." She mumbled to herself.

"Woah... Are you saying you think your grandmother killed your father?" he said eyes widened. "Or... are you just messing with me?"

UNOwenWasMe said
"Aw so you don't live in lamps waiting for someone to rub it and grant them 3 wishes."She said in dissapoitment.

"Well we can get trapped in them in our traditional form. Yeah wishes? Not really our thing. Sorry." he said slanting his eyes at her "Just don't think about trapping me in lamp alright?"
So hey is there like a planned plot or something?
UNOwenWasMe said
"A genie,"Eris said curiously,"Can you grant wishes?

"No, but that'd be pretty cool wouldn't it? I can be the traditional smokeless fire form or like now. We tend to just mess with peoples lives. Convince people to do deviant acts, steal things, you know the usual." he said dryly. "I got a few people thrown out of Egypt back in my day and broke up probably one too many relationships." He laughed remembering the many marriages he had destroyed.
PajkaNight said
"I don't need a wand to cast spells, but I would need a cauldron, a broom and a black cat... I'm joking! It's all about willpower actually, besides, I don't know much other than curses. What are you? An Incubus?" She chuckled.

"Incubus? No matter how much my family likes to think I am demon... I'm not," he laughed "I am a Jinn... er more commonly known as... a Genie."
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