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Wish I had more time. Work these days are picking up. I think I may have missed several things in this rp by now.
Jetstream Sam
Chasing the strange UG

He shrugged and simply ran after the girl, a wry smile on his face. While he wasn't exactly slow when running, considering he was wearing that expensive suit, that girl could run much faster it seemed. Though that sort of speed would make it hard to turn without some sort of accident. Taking his time, he finally caught up to them, with the robot dinosaur now breathing fire around it. Perhaps it would be more accurate to call it a dragon now?

It would not be much trouble to defeat. After all, this sort of thing was something he did a lot before coming here. Even a Metal Gear could be defeated if one plays their cards right.

"Is that all you can do?" He shouted towards the robot, spreading out one arm mockingly. "My toaster fights better than you!"
Tis alright. I've edited my post.
damn. lemme just edit in to match that last post.
Jetstream Sam

"Very well. Rodriguez, you will assist Conablum for the time being. Rivard, Mokou. You will descend to these coordinates under our supervision. In Arcadia, you will be free to depart, Mokou."

"Ah, finally my first mission." He stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Now what does the little miss would need help with?"

Without warning, another flash blinded him for a second, revealing he was again teleported to another place. Well this certainly was annoying. A little warning beforehand would be very appreciated; it felt as if this was something it does on a regular basis. Teleport in some minions, direct them on what to do, and expect them to carry it out without question. Not that he could complain. He did sign up for this after all.

He seemed to be teleported at some robot's head, and the little miss in question, Cyano, was perched on its shoulders not far from him.

"I've only just arrived, but it seems," He started, cracking a wide grin. "I'm already ahead of you."

Jokes aside, it was easy to see what he was supposed to do. Help with the maybe hostile robot, and let Cyano there do whatever it was she wanted to do with it. All he was ordered to do was help her after all.

Noticing the robot was changing, he quickly jumped down, turning around to see what it was doing. He have not seen that sort of transforming technology after all; none of the UG or anything else for that matter can do this sort of transformation as far as he knew.

All of a sudden it moved with a purpose, one he would have thought to be crushing him and the girl there, but instead it ran off somewhere, leaving him scratching his head in confusion.

"So? Do we run after it?"
Apologies. I've been loafing around so much I quite forgot I needed to post.
Jetstream Sam
Bern, Switzerland

The sudden appearance of something behind his back led him to instinctively lower his posture as he reached for his sword. However, the realization that it was naught but the Ethereal caused him to relax, albeit slightly more annoyed now. Sam didn't know anyone who could teleport in his world, but surely it was considered rude to suddenly appear behind someone's back.

"Don't do that." The annoyance in his voice was readily apparent.

All the good feeling he was having vanished in an instant, though he didn't let that affect his demeanour.

They were taken to some sort of floating room, most likely the ship as it seemed he was standing on thin air. Impressive. At the very least, the Ethereal had some serious equipments backing it up. The room filled with images suddenly, showing men in power armor fighting... odd creatures shooting lasers at them. That was certainly strange, though it remained as bloody as any war he had seen. It then started on a speech, apparently aimed at both of them. Well, he was already set on helping them as long as they promise to return him, but it didn't seem to do much on Mokou.

"Are you sure?" Sam spoke, a serious expression on his face. "You may not find that way back for years, you know? Ah well. If you are dead set about it, then I guess I can't do anything about it."

He may have misjudged her, taking her to be a frail girl, but it seemed she was more headstrong than he thought. He seemed to be misjudging a lot of people recently.
Tired. Can't think of much to write. I'm going to try later after a nice bath, and perhaps some black coffee.
GreenGoat & Hamstrong collab
Jetstream Sam & Fujiwara no Mokou
Bern, Switzerland.

Mokou landed somewhere on a street, sighing. There doesn't seem to be anything much here. Nothing that hinted at what brought her here or how she was going to get back to Gensokyo. Well, at least she has all the time in the world to figure it out.

She could feel some sort of energy somewhere, but its very nature seemed... very combative, aggressive. Not something she was interested in for now. They would inevitably meet sooner or later, but she preferred it to be later. There wasn't any joy in fighting normal beings seriously. Sighing again, she wondered how long it would take before she could escape. There wasn't any worry about food or anything, since she was beyond those already, but several hundred years alone would be rather boring.

Perhaps she should practise her danmaku skills.

Well that was that, Sam thought. He'd joined with another odd group. Hopefully they won't feel the need to add their colors onto his suit. Wearing Desperado colors was enough; he didn't want to end up like one of those racers with their suits filled with their sponsors logo. They certainly seemed the type to do just that. Maybe not that bloodthirsty woman. He got mixed feelings from her, not enough to form a solid opinion.

Now that he had joined however, he had decided to look around the place. Even if there wasn't anything of interest, knowing the area around them would be useful. He didn't go too far before he stumbled upon a white haired girl by herself in a ruined street.

"Oh? What's a pretty young girl doing by herself here?"

He didn't need to ask. From his own situation, and her looking like she didn't belong here was enough to tell him she herself was stuck here by some unknown force. Plus her clothes was clean, even if they looked odd, and she was just standing around looking bewildered.

Mokou turned around at the voice, wondering if this was going to turn out to be a fight. Instead of a youkai, however, the voice came from a human, wearing some sort of armor. Instead of a challenge, it was instead a genuine inquiry. Relaxing, she sat down on one of the flatter debris, eyes focused on the man before her. "I'm lost", she said, hoping the man would know something worthwhile. "Do you perhaps know where I am, or how I can go back?"

Just as he thought, the girl was stranded here like him. But unlike Sam, she didn't look like she could protect herself. She didn't attack, there was no hint of hostility in her voice, or anything else that says 'I'm dangerous'. He scratched his head, smiling slightly as the girl answered then asked a question of her own. It was hard not to feel like he should bring her back under his protection. She was trusting enough to sit down with her guards down in front of an armed man she just met out of nowhere.

"Ah, if only I had the answer to give such a lovely young lady." Grunting slightly, he sat down himself, taking up a seat near her. "Unfortunately, I've no idea myself. I just got here as well."

Mokou sighed. She should have expected it wouldn't be as easy as a native coming up to her and telling her the answer. But at least she wasn't alone now. He certainly looks strange though. She had never seen anything like what he was wearing. The weapon was familiar but the sheath was different. Perhaps it was for a better grip? "You're human, right?" Blunt as always, she simply said what she was thinking of.

Noticing she was eying his replaced arm and suit, he smiled. "Ah this? Simply a replacement for an arm I lost. I'm mostly human. Not a cyborg or anything like those."

Cyborg? Replacement? Sounds like something the kappa would say. Perhaps this man was a good man, judging not people by their appearance or such. He carried an air of a seasoned warrior as well, though there was a feel of sadness around him. And if he could get the kappa to make those for him... "I see. You're a good man." Realizing she forgot something, she stood up and apologized. "Ah, sorry. I am Fujiwara no Mokou. Call me Mokou."

He was taken aback from that last statement. A good man, huh? While he tried to make his own path following his own beliefs, calling him a good man would be... . "Mokou huh?" He closed his eyes a moment, before regarding the girl with a smile. "Samuel Rodriguez. At your service."
RIght, I'm with Goat there typing up some things. Will have a post up soon.
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