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    1. Helios J Mears 6 yrs ago


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In HJM's Tester 4 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum


✖ ‖ N a m e
Chou Akiyama

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
35, 1st of January

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Short, Willowy and thin as a rake.

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e
Takigakure (Missing Nin)

✖ ‖ C l a n
No clan affiliation

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Ken Akiyama (Deceased)
Mother: Asuka Akiyama (Deceased)
Siblings: N/A
Others: Rukia, her old guardian.

✖ ‖ R a n k
Jounin (Missing)

✖ ‖ T a i l e d B e a s t
Choumei, the Seven-tailed Beetle

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
The Roving Butterfly, Taki's Loose End

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Chou is something of a hard woman, with a disinclination to personal connections and a vicious mean-streak. Her long, and at times arduous travels have shaped her into a bastion of cool indifference and calm composure. She is well known for moving on as suddenly as she appears, roaming from place to place and leaving a trail of corpses and grateful villagers behind her. In the event of her being confined, she has, on no fewer than three occasions, unleashed as much of the Beast's power as she was able.

She's become well known for her sense of justice, which is as well-developed as it is warped. She views attacks on the powerless as personal sleights, pursuing the instigators with dogged, vengeful determination. That said, she also carries a mercantile streak, and makes most of her money filling contracts or retainers for nobles and desperate commoners alike.

She's a highly secretive woman, and keeps her Jinchuuriki status under heavy guard. She's rarely seen without some form of henge, given that being recognised would draw undue and dangerous attention. She treats attempts to probe into her identity with vicious contempt.

Her relationship with Choumei is sparse, but mostly cordial, given that her seal prevents it from exerting its will without her express intent to access his power. They speak fairly regularly, and the Seven Tails is, seemingly, content to remain within her until her eventual death. Interestingly, She reacts as negatively towards those who disparage the tailed beasts as she does to those who speak against her.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Travelling
- Peace and quiet
- Fairness
- Pastry
- Insects

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Aggression
- Condescension
- Nosiness
- Most Ninja
- Inequality

✖ ‖ N i n d o
Let me get to 40 first, then we'll talk.

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Orphaned shortly after her birth, Chou Akiyama, at three years old, was shortlisted to be the latest of Taki's uninterrupted line of Jinchuuriki when the Seven Tails' previous container was critically wounded on a routine mission. After a series of thorough checks and examinations, she was recognised as the most hardy infant in the Waterfall's care, blessed with deep chakra reserves and a strong immune system, and was selected to be the new jailer.

The Beetle had been in Taki's hands for as long as there had been Jinchuuriki, and their Loremasters held a long tradition of updating and augmenting the seal periodically. It was no difficult for Chou, who was given an adaptive seal, designed to entirely confine the Bijuu's presence, allowing only a portion of filtered chakra to mingle with the container's and bind the two.

From the moment of the sealing, Chou's fate was all but assured. As soon as she was up and about, her training began in earnest; her every waking moment not spent eating was dedicated to training in all aspects of the Ninja lifestyle, from Taijutsu to rudimentary chakra control. Her Teachers in turn ranged from accommodating to brutal, some allowing her time to rest, and opportunities to enjoy herself, while others only just refrained from killing her outright, resentful that such malignant power was in the hands of a fumbling toddler. Needless to say, she grew up quickly.

Her only solace from the constant graft was her assigned guardian, Rukia. A Jounin of some renown, and an empathetic soul at heart, she had been assigned by the Kage to raise the girl as a proper ninja. Rukia disagreed with that edict. In Chou's limited down time, her surrogate mother would do her best to teach her the intricacies of being human, instilling in the young girl a sense of Justice, and, for a Shinobi at least, a strong moral compass. Even after she entered the academy, with the goal of acclimatizing to others her own age, Rukia remained the guiding influence in her life.

And so things were for her formative years, bounced between jealous classmates, ruthless tutors and an earnest guardian. That is, until she was eleven. A week before her graduation, she had her first real encounter with Choumei. Her tutor that day was particularly nasty, intent on pushing her to the limit, and she snapped, unconsciously tapping her seal. With the connection opened, the Beetle was able to establish a link, and dragged her into the mind space. Chou of course knew that she was the container of a Tailed beast, but never until that moment had she been truly confronted by the reality of her situation. Choumei dwarfed her in every manner. Following a short, bitter and heated conversation, he managed to slip a small piece of his mind past the sealing barrier and into her brain. In the ensuing rage, Chou drew on a tail of chakra and slaughtered the teacher in cold blood.

Over the following weeks and months, Chou, shaken by the experience, did her best to adapt to this new power, retreating to the waterfalls at the edge of the village to tap Choumei's chakra and at least try to understand him. Their conversations were, largely, one-sided, but she found herself confused and intrigued by the beast's calm demeanour and almost casual malice.

As time went on, she continued to grow, first by befriending the team she'd been assigned, and then by training with them and her Jounin teacher to better understand her capabilities, Rukia's steady hand always on her shoulder, ready to help should she need it. However, with every mission, she found herself growing increasingly dissatisfied with the Ninja lifestyle. Ninja, she had surmised, were users. In every situation where a Ninja could be found, they were either the tool of a greater power, or themselves manipulating their lessers. It was true of her. It was true of her comrades, and their commander. It was true of the Kages, and even of the Tailed Beasts themselves! (It was this earnest realisation that earned enough grudging respect from the Seven-tails that he told her his name). By the time of her early promotion to Special Jounin, warding off skirmishes from the Ninja War, she had grown bitter and resentful. Something needed to change.

That something soon came. The Kage, in his infinite wisdom, had laid the death sentence on her old Jounin teacher for disobeying mission orders, and she found that she just couldn't take it any more. Chou made to escape the village, in the hopes of becoming a Missing Nin and, for once, living for herself. As the Jinchuuriki, the village's greatest weapon, she was met with heavy resistance, Taki's finest Jounin swarming her with sealing tags and physical restraints. She drew on every reserve she could in her efforts to flee, and found herself wanting. In desperation, she called on Choumei to help her. The Beetle knew what it was to be trapped, and obliged, promising, with some humour, not to damage her too much before it completely overtook her body and set out on a rampage.

When Chou came to, it was to the sight of a trail of destruction behind her, and the terrifying memory of vanishing under a consciousness that dwarfed her to an unfathomable degree. She ran. She ran until she could barely move, finding herself in the mountains of Lightning Country, where she was taken in by an order of Monks. The Monastery was a tranquil place. It was, in many ways, the opposite of Taki, and she rejoiced in the opportunity to simply be, She would spend hours each day meditating and coming to know herself. In equal parts, she spent time communicating with Choumei, further developing the uneasy truce they held. (Although the beast admitted to having indulged itself rather too much in their escape, it never once apologised for it)

She spent a year atop that mountain among the monks, and by the end of it she felt changed, somehow. She had realised, somewhere along the line, that all she had ever wanted was to live. Well, that, and to never again be overwhelmed by Choumei's presence. Before she departed, the monastery was visited by a traveling seal master of some renown, who had travelled there to pass on his knowledge. He was fascinated by Chou's seal, and after several long discussions with her, he decided to pour his vast experience and wisdom into creating a tool that would help her control her prisoner and better harness his power. The end result, a large belt, adorned with the Kanji for 'Armour' was given to her as a parting gift, and she accepted it tearfully, before setting off to travel the world and truly experience it for herself.

In the years since, she has seen a huge portion of the Elemental countries, sticking her fingers into events and taking sides as she sees fit. Taki routinely sends skilled Jounin to hunt her down and retrieve the Tailed Beast, and twice she has been forced to unleash Choumei wholesale to escape. Her name is one that has seeped into communities wherever she treads, her reputation as a quiet, stalwart warrior echoing across the continent. The changes she makes are small, but their impact is always felt by someone. And all the time she's travelled, the beast has continued to stir.

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
Wind, Earth, some Fire

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
Plays a mean bamboo flute solo. Somewhat skilled swordswoman. Talented in hand to hand combat. Speaks several thieves' codes from her time traveling.

✖ ‖ J u t s u

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Bijuu Control Belt: Crafted by a wandering monk, this secondary seal allows the channelling of bijuu chakra to a finer, more controllable degree, at the cost of lessened power output.

Sealing scrolls, a Shortsword, Four kunai pouches, four shuriken pouches, 30 metres of ninja wire.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Chou tries to finish fights quickly, using her armoured forms to loose devastating kicks, punches and projectiles, supplemented by her jutsu to maintain both the effective range and number of opponents.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
Helios J Mears

Burai Kasei

Burai's week had, at least in his eyes, been a fun one.

Lunch at Ken's family home was... an experience, certainly. His mother had been surprisingly pleasant, (which perhaps made sense, given that she was clearly no Hyuuga by blood), and had reacted positively, if a little stiffly, to his occasional probing. Equally, his male teammate seemed to have utterly missed his subtle attempts to flirt with the woman (again, she hadn't really reacted, but Shiori's chakra had brightened with amusement, so he considered it a success), which he considered as fortuitous as it was utterly hilarious. He and his Uncle Jou had been in fits when he'd got home. Oddly, Shiori had seemed genuinely content for most of the time they'd spent there, a little of her aura's general malice appearing to fade beneath the surface. It had been... Pleasant, he supposed. It helped, of course, that Kenshiro's response to his summoning spoof was utterly perfect. His panicked hissing to stop, and the accompanying quickening of his chakra to a frenzied pace had sent him breaking down into peals of laughter. Amusingly, the Yokai he'd been invoking wasn't even a malicious one; Rather, it was one of the clan's guardian spirits, who would purportedly ward off any attacks on defenceless Kasei by vengeful demons.

The remaining days had passed in something of a blur, between his frantic work to familiarise himself with his Water element and Jou's constant needling about the presence of both a Hyuuga and a (supposedly) very attractive young woman on his team. Truthfully, he wouldn't say he was particularly interested in such things at present. In his own opinion, there was far too much in his life as it was to waste time on boyish romances. (That wasn't to say he'd necessarily be opposed to the idea, of course...)

His focus flitted between his teammates, zoning out their busy surroundings, but quickly drifted again. He wouldn't deny that he was anxious. He'd been waiting for a week to meet his teacher, and, although he'd never admit it, had placed rather too much pressure on himself as of late. With any luck, he wouldn't fail too spectacularly at the water bullet technique today...

Frankly, he thought with some humour, he just hoped the teacher wasn't a Hyuuga.

He would patently deny that he'd snorted out loud at that.

Takayuki Mekakushi

It had been an... interesting week.

Taka's troubles had begun, of course, on the day of his team's assignment, what with the cocky bastard from cloud jumping in to ruin his afternoon. It had put him into something of a foul mood for the remainder of the day, despite how cute his kids had seemed. Truthfully, he couldn't wait to meet them properly today! He wondered if they'd liked his ducks...

The next day had taken his mood from bad to worse. He'd woken up to find a reassignment notice for one of his genin setting at his windowsill, utterly trashing the test he'd been planning to give his team, and it'd sent him into an uncharacteristically acerbic haze. He'd even snapped at the old lady next door! (He made a mental note to send her some flowers and an apology card.)

The week had, sadly, only really got worse. His father had cancelled their dinner date, citing an urgent board meeting in the Fire Capital, Sensei had only laughed at him when he'd asked for teaching tips, and his old nervous twitch had come back to his arm with a vengeance yesterday, raining hot tea over his kitchenette and ruining the delicate folding mechanism of one of his nearby birthday cards.

Still, he supposed, he'd spent an enjoyable few hours catching up with Ichika during the week, which had gone a long way towards cheering him up, and his new Genin test, although notably less complex than his original plans, was fit for purpose and ready to go!

"Speaking of which..." He stood up from the stool at his breakfast bar and took one last look around his apartment. It was noticeably tidier than usual, and he'd made sure to arrange everything so as to be as welcoming as possible. He frowned, then, recalling once again that the young Senju they'd found to fill out his team was only 10 years old. A scowl crossed his face, though it quickly faded.

He double checked everything, ensuring that the plain white vase was in full display on the coffee table and that the handful of traps he'd scattered around the apartment were properly armed. That done, he grabbed three apples from his fruit bowl, retrieved a kunai, and slowly set about carving miniature shuriken from them, ready to hand to his students when they arrived. He grinned.

This was going to be great!

Takayuki Mekakushi

Taka glared at the younger man as he spoke, his body coiled with tension, but he reigned in his temper so far as he could. After all, he thought, if the Cloud shit was at Ichiraku's in broad daylight, in the presence of one of his own colleagues, no less, there had to be a decent reason. Speaking of which...

"Not too old to kick your arse, kouhai. I take it he's with you?" The jab was made with as much humour as Taka could manage. He could only hope Kuroki was in as good a mood as he seemed. Belatedly, he grabbed his left arm, which had begun to vibrate nervously. He cast a cold eye back towards the grandstanding chuunin. "Not sure there's a button around that could silence a mouth that big." He laughed, coldly.

Had this kid shown up any other day, Taka would've let it go. Frankly, he'd probably taken the offer to spar in good humour (he'd always enjoyed showing off).

Today wasn't any other day. The man had threatened one of his kids! In his own village! The Mirage cast a fond eye towards his students, who'd been dragged over to a group of peers, an then looked back at the chuunin. His hands blurred, and a moment later he was shrouded in lightning chakra, his hair cast upwards in jagged spikes. His body hummed quietly, and if one were to look closely, they'd realise it was rapidly vibrating. He regarded the younger man viciously, and lowered his tone almost to a whisper.

"I'm willing to ignore the jab, kid, since you clearly don't know what you're getting into. As for your business in Konoha, if the Hokage's sanctioned it I couldn't give less of a damn." He stepped forward, almost seeming to blink between spaces. "Now, out of respect for Ichiraku-san, whom I've long considered a valued acquaintance, I'll refrain from tearing your stinking throat out. Instead, I'm going to give you a warning." His hands blurred again, and time slowed. Almost leisurely, he wandered behind the man, reaching into one of his pouches for a kunai and aiming it squarely at the back of his neck, dropping his free hand on the kid's shoulder. He broke the Jutsu. A second later, time resumed its natural course. "If I ever see you, or any other Cloud scum near my kids again, without my explicit permission, no one will find the bodies." He grinned, and it was far from a kind expression. His piece said, he stepped back and dropped the Shroud, in a crackle of discharged lightning. To his delight, old man Ichiraku had left his Ramen on the counter next to him, and he sat down to eat with a satisfied smile.

"I'm busy today, by the way, but if you still want that spar next time you're in Konoha, look me up." He laughed. "Hell, I've got a few friends who'd be interested in watching, we can make a game of it! I'll be sure to show you a good time..." He trailed off, a lecherous edge to his voice, and slurped some of the broth from his bowl.

Despite the massive chakra depletion, this had been more than worth it. Truly, it was for moments like this that he'd developed the Godspeed Flicker. Poor kid wouldn't know what hit him.

Takayuki Mekakushi

Takayuki frowned as he left the Hokage's office. He supposed he should be happy; he had, after all, been nagging the man for a team for quite some time, and he couldn't deny the pool of excitement currently bubbling in his chest. Still, the news of attacks to the north was... deeply worrying, especially given that they'd been able to track his own movements. The widely accepted theory was that his movements were planned, at random, by the Hokage's office. Frankly, that it was common knowledge suited him just fine; it was, after all, a load of bollocks. With a flash of hand signs, Taka flickered to his apartment, making quick work of the lock, and sauntering over to his desk. There, sealed into the wood, he kept his map book, and he spent a tense few minutes scratching through and redrawing many of the countless, multicoloured lines that he used for routing. This book, started when he was a simple chuunin, was his pride and joy: A journal and atlas, all in one, hand-drawn from scratch, featuring every shortcut, clear channel, nook, cranny and straight he'd ever run, and likely ever would.

Finally, with a deep sigh and a wistful smile, he scratched out the final route, dotting a new one in some 3 miles West, and snapped the book shut, resealing it before leaning back in his chair. Taka's accommodation was a blatant reflection of his lifestyle. Given that he was so often away from the village, he'd lived in his humble studio apartment for the better part of ten years. His bed lay, unmade, in the corner, and next to it was a potter's wheel and a high cabinet filled with clay and tools. On the opposite end was a rather spartan kitchen, still littered with the aftermath of yesterday's lunch. He eyed it, dubiously.

"Welp," he muttered, "That's going in as a D rank!" He spent another moment stretching, laughter on his breath, then turned his gaze to the folders he'd been given on his students. He spent longer than he'd perhaps meant to, just reading through the files, a broad smile slowly blossoming across his face. They were a ragtag band, certainly, and he'd have to keep a close eye on the boy from Mist (Lord knew he'd seen what they could be like), not to mention a bloody Jinchuuriki, (and hadn't that been a surprise, on his first team), but still...

His eyes shone, one arm twitching restlessly.

"My kids are going to be fun!"

Later, with a few raw eggs and a cup of milk down his gullet, and a wood carving of a duck for each of his students in his pockets (It was far trickier to work with than fruit, but equally more permanent), he began making his way through the village towards the academy, taking a much deserved walk, taking in his surroundings as he went. As a child, he'd wanted to get out, to see the world, and to prove himself wherever he went. Now, he wasn't sure there was anywhere he'd rather be than home. A voice caught his ear.

"Lots of shinobi at Ichiraku today!" That got his attention, and he kept half an ear on the civilian conversation, stopping to eye a shop window. It wasn't as though such a thing was rare, of course, Ichiraku Ramen had been a hub for Ninja for as long as he could remember, but there was always the chance one of his genin was there - that and he hadn't had a bowl of the stuff in quite some time. That settled, he changed course, and made for the rooftops. From there, he fixed his eye onto Ichiraku's and Flickered over, some twenty metres to the right. What he saw, needless to say, rather upset him.

It was, from a certain point of view, an amusing scene. One of his fellow Jounin observing a cloud nin (whatthehellwasacloudninthereforhe'dfuckingkillhim!), who seemed to be threatening one of his kids, another one, the Jinchuuriki, tugging at the boy's sleeve while another team watched from nearby. All told, he felt rather sorry for the proprietor. Especially given what he was about to do. In a single, swift movement, his brass knuckles were fixed firmly over his knuckles, and just the faintest hint of the Shroud was flickering over his hair. Shredded leaves exploded across the scene as he flashed between Rashiku and the Cloud Nin in a Surging Flicker. A tongue of flame rushed across the fingers of his left hand. He turned, viciously, to the one from cloud, a snarl tarnishing his lips.

"You,", he began, voice barely a whisper, "have twenty seconds to tell me who you are, what in god's name you're doing in my village, and why, precisely, you seem to be inciting a conflict with my student."

And then, suddenly, the tension was gone from his form, and he turned genially to the old man at the counter.

"Sorry for the ruckus, Teuchi-san. Just trying to diffuse the situation." He paused. "One bowl of Pork Ramen, if you don't mind." Order placed, he cast an eye over his shoulder at Rashiku, smiling kindly - although his body hadn't moved from where he'd arrived. He reached into a pocket and pulled out two of the carved ducks, handing both to the boy. "Sorry about this, kids, I won't be a second. There's one of those each. Carved them myself!" He laughed. "I'm Takayuki Mekakushi, your Jounin sensei!" He placed emphasis on the word Jounin, and looked back to the older boy, a wicked glint in his eye.

He needed to resolve this quickly.

Burai Kasei

Burai laughed along with Kenshiro's easy quip, smiling in relief as the boy's chakra seemed to settle, at least somewhat. It appeared as though he had one less issue to worry about in this team. He had, of course, been worried that some small hostility may have surfaced upon close interaction, but so far his male teammate seemed entirely mellow.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said of the Hyuuga girl. Her insult may have stung, had this been his first year. As it was, his smile turned hard. "Blind, but not unseeing. Be sure not to forget it." Satisfying though the retort was, it didn't stop him from reeling internally at such a blunt confirmation of the Spiga's... dietary habits. Was it really such common knowledge?! Such was, he supposed, the cost of spending most of one's time in one's own company. He cast another assessing glance at Shiori as the girls parted, tuning out the conversation to a degree. It... certainly explained a few of the observations he'd made. A part of him had always dismissed that clan's reputation as malicious rumours.

He watched the other pair leave to find their teams, and took the opportunity to launch a blunt pencil at the Hyuuga's head. Distracted as he was, it didn't reach her. He turned back to face Shiori directly. His smile, pasted onto his face even now, seemed rather more forced than he would've liked.

"In this case, Shiori, Kenshiro, I should hope that we could make decisions as a team. Especially given that our Jounin Sensei will carry the authority." He paused. "And I'm afraid, Shiori-san, that I would make rather an unpleasant meal. I am both stringy and distinctly caustic." A laugh bubbled from his throat. "Rather like eating cement and gristle, I should think!" He kept laughing, despite his... mixed feelings. This, he realized, would be one of those days. Fortunately, it died off quickly, and he sighed.

"I think it would wonderful to acquaint ourselves over lunch." He turned, worriedly, towards Kenshiro. "If, of course, your parents will not mind? It's... all too clear to me that relations between our clans are... shall we say tense?"

Burai Kasei

As mild-mannered as he often was, Burai was nothing if not a prankster, and seing the Hyuuga girl's chakra writhe with hurt was entriely too satisfying for him to comfortably admit. 'Serves her right,' he thought, his face twisting into something between a smirk and a frown. The girl was entirely too big for her boots, and, frankly, he'd been meaning to knock her down a few pegs since she'd first looked down her nose at him. A twist of laughter made its way onto his face, and he cast his gaze to Shiori directly.

The girl was... far from what he had expected. Equal parts malign and puckish, he found himself drawn to her somehow. Perhaps it was curiosity? Or perhaps simply caution... Either way, he gave her a firm nod, returning her handshake warmly.

"In that case, Shiori-san, let us hope that day comes sooner rather than later." A moment later, he addressed the Hyuuga girl, although his head never moved. "I'm afraid the same does not extend to you, Hyuuga. Perhaps, one should think twice before casting judgements, hm?" Against his better instinvt, he smirked. Let no one say that Burai Kasei was a wimp!

He would deny, until his dying breath, that he had jumped when Kenshiro announced himself.

He would vehemently deny having forgotten to tag the boy.

He wheeled around, (most assuredly not) startled, and choked out a sputtering laugh.

"Ah! Kenshiro-san! I didn't see you there!" Sensing an opportunity to gather his dignity, he coughed, pointing to his headband, and mustered a chuckle. "For obvious reasons, of course! Myself and Shiori-san were just discussing you" He held out his hand, smiling. "It's a pleasure to work with you!
In HJM's Tester 4 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
✖ ‖ N a m e
Nina (and Len!) Niwa

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
12 - May 30th

✖ ‖ G e n d e r
Female (don't forget me, damn it!)

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Slightly taller and more developed than most girls her age.

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n
No clan affiliation

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Aru Niwa
Mother: Misa Niwa
Siblings: Len Niwa (deceased)

✖ ‖ R a n k

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
That Weirdo Who Talks To Herself

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Nina is a lively, if somewhat shy individual whose focus from day to day is simply to make it through with a smile on her face. In conversation she is chipper and positive, although she finds herself marred by a nervous stammer and occasional bouts of forgetfulness. She tries to maintain a level of optimism no matter the situation, believing wholeheartedly that even the darkest clouds are lined with silver.

Given her apparent tendency to talk to herself coupled with her abnormal size and premature development, she has found it difficult to form a proper social circle, and this shows both in her slightly off-kilter sense of humour and reluctance in approaching strangers. That said, she believes firmly in holding the line, and would gladly jump in front of an attack if it would save others. In her more introspective moments, Nina would consider herself the strong, silent type, although in reality-

(That's crap! Nina's got a raging downer going on herself, it pisses me off! I'm Len Niwa, her better half, and I don't stand for that dishonest bull! But enough about my lame-o sister, this is my bio too! I'd like to think I'm the brains of our little operation, but I pack a mean punch too! Don't underestimate me, or my little sister!)

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Her Brother (Gee, thanks, I guess)
- Quiet time
- People watching (Gross!)
- Tea
- Being outdoors

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Judgemental people (Assholes!)
- Loud Noises
- Being cooped up
- Shrimp
- The cold

✖ ‖ N i n d o
"We'll rise to the top together, however long it takes!"

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Misa Niwa, Chuunin, had been expecting twins from her first pregnancy. Instead, she found herself giving birth to an abnormally large little girl, with no sign of her sibling. Naturally, this disturbed the woman, but she and her husband found themselves so overjoyed by parenthood that the discrepancy was swiftly forgotten; that is, until Nina began talking to herself. The behaviour worried her parents from day one, although at first they simply believed she had an imaginary friend. Soon, however, she became so enthralled by this presence that it couldn't be ignored. They asked her who she'd been talking to. "My Brother!" Was far from the answer they'd expected.

The family tried as best they could to cope with this seeming hallucination, taking her to multiple professionals, but it quickly became clear that this was no mere delusion. The brother, whom she had dubbed Len, was far too real a person to be a product of psychological distress. With no other options, the Niwas decided to simply accept Len's existence until such a time as Nina could better explain what he was.

And so things were for her formative years. Nina would live each day with the gradual realisation that she and Len weren't normal. She was growing faster than she should; by the time she was seven, she stood at an easy four feet tall, and had been slowly pushed away from her peers by her constant muttering and conversations with mid-air. In fact, it wouldn't be until her first chakra exercises at the Academy that the twins and their parents would realise the truth. While attempting to access their chakra, they discovered that they possessed two separate wells of power.

Suddenly, things made sense! Their parents finally sat Nina down and told her that she had been a twin in the womb. That Len must have parasitized her, and in a stroke of fortune, been accepted by her soul and body. They were, in effect, two separate individuals in a single suit of flesh. It was then that the pair decided: They would work together to prove each other's existences, and would take the ninja world by storm!

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
Fire (And mine's Lightning! Cool, huh?)

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
Multitasking, Battlefield Awareness, Singing, Cold-Reading.

✖ ‖ J u t s u

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Standard Kunai and Shuriken outfit, plus ninja wire.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Nina and Len work in tandem to deliver confusing taijutsu barrages, with Len's phantom limbs able to redirect attacks and harry opponents.

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Burai Kasei

Burai frowned. He didn't know what he'd been expecting from his teammate, but such open malice... wasn't it, somehow. He had... heard of the Spiga, of course, but he really wasn't the kind to believe rumours. Now, however, he began to wonder just how many of them were true. Still, she hadn't been openly hostile yet, and if he was to work with her for the next several years of his career, it wouldn't do to make too awful a first impression. As such, he thought for a moment, never diverting his attention from Shiori, before saying his piece.

"The Hyuuga are bloated, over-traditional, and have an unfortunate propensity for crippling arrogance. In particular, their attitude towards my clan is... vexing, to say the least." He turned his attention to the Hyuuga girl at the table. "Your friend, meanwhile, I find abrasive, self-centred and overconfident in her station and ability. She rides the social wave with her beauty," his face contorted somewhat, "but what I see is a bland, conceited child who will never make it past chuunin. Her chakra is as plain as dust." He turned back to Shiori, a smile returning to his face. Then, almost as an afterthought, he added "As for Kenshiro-san, I find him a skilled, agreeable individual. He has never approached me with hostility, and his chakra is inoffensive. He will be a good teammate, I think."

He nodded firmly, and took another step towards the desk, thickening his chakra shield as he went.

"As for myself, Shiori-san, I will endeavour to be the best teammate - and, hopefully, friend - I can be, regardless of any stumbling blocks that may fall beneath my feet. They are only obstacles for me to overcome." He extended his hand, once again, to shake, still smiling firmly. "Anyway, in these situations, I believe it is customary to shake hands with one's comrade." He held his pose for a number of moments, before an idea came to him. With his free hand, he pulled up one side of his headband, briefly exposing a single blackened, shrunken eye to the girl's gaze, before dropping it again. "I do not appreciate being referred to as 'it', Shiori-san." And, against his better judgement, a silent laugh bubbled from his throat, forcing a rather more genuine smile onto his lips.

'Right', he thought to himself, 'let's see how she reacts to that!'
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