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    1. Heliosa 10 yrs ago


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Name: Zalena Shibaba

Username: Heliosa

Age: 24


Zalena is short (5'3) and curvaceous. While she prefers the ease and mobility of her tribal clothing, she wears simple, light dresses while in Veganshi. Her dark curls are usually swept back into a long and messy ponytail.

Home Land: Zalena's family hails from the desert outskirts of Rowal, which is sparsely populated by various nomadic tribes. However, recent skirmishes troubling that area forced her family to leave and make the long journey to Veganshi. This was done despite the misgivings of the tribe Elder, who was also Zalena's mentor in the healing arts. The remainder of the tribe stubbornly chose to stay behind. Zalena made the arduous trek with her parents and her four younger siblings, and once they reached Veganshi they found a home at the very edge of the city.

Personality: Having been the eldest child and in charge of helpless children for the majority of her life, Zalena is used to shouldering responsibility. She is level-headed and rational though not without a sense of humor, which often presents itself as sarcasm. Zalena is also very persistent, almost to the point of it being a fault. As an apprentice healer in her tribe, she had been known for refusing to give up on those who came to her for her magic and knowledge. Though Zalena grew up in a tribe that did not find much importance for more urban skills like reading or writing, her father's experience as a well=traveled merchant taught him that these skills were necessary and so he passed them down to her. Consequently, Zalena is a bit of a bookworm. She is also fiercely protective of those she loves, especially her younger siblings.

Back story: Zalena was born to a nomadic desert tribe that had a proud history of producing talented pact-bearers.
As a small and still fairly unbalanced toddler, Zalena fell into an oasis and died. However, her demise had only lasted for a few seconds. Her tiny sinking body had caught the attention of Susiri, one of the undines residing in the oasis, and she had swiftly brought Zalena back to the surface. The undine had a particular knack for healing magic, and had used her ability to revive Zalena. Without realizing the brevity of such an action (given that four year olds are bad at gauging the brevity of any situation), Zalena accepted the undine's offer to form a pact. The magic manifested in her at a young age, and she had learned to heal small wounds and injured animals before she was of ten years of age. Despite not being pacted and lacking in magic, the tribe healer took her on as an apprentice to aid her in controlling her power.
Due to the rumors of war and the frequent brushes with foreign forces, youths of her tribe were also trained in basic combat skills. Being more proficient at being agile and evasive, Zalena preferred the speed of daggers. Despite their preparation, her tribe was outmatched when an unruly band of Vikash's forces decided to cause trouble while passing by. Zalena's uncle was among the four warriors who fought fiercely but inevitably fell. There would have been more trouble if the tribe Armsmaster had not called upon the Cerberus it was bonded with, and slain the enemy soldiers within a matter of minutes.
Fearing more trouble, her parents made the very difficult decision of leaving the tribe, despite Zalena's healer training being incomplete. They settled in a small house on the outskirts of Veganshi, and her father resumed being a merchant while her mother opened up a shop of exotic goods. Zalena spends her time caring for her siblings, exploring with Susiri, and attempting to enhance her healing abilities and knowledge.

Weapon of Skill: Healing magic, an extensive knowledge of medicinal botany, moderate proficiency at dual-weilding daggers.

Magic: Healing magic, not trained in using her magic for attacking or defense.

Equipment: A visible flask of water is always at Zalena's hip though she does not use it for drinking. Her daggers are strapped to her thighs, and out of sight if she is garbed in a long dress.

Pact Beast: Susuri is an Undine that resided in a desert oasis with her sisters. Susuri is a restless spirit, despite most Undines being calm and peaceful. She saved little Zalena partly out of compassion, but mostly because the drowning child was the most interesting thing to happen to her in a century. As far as Undines go, Susuri is relatively young, having lived for about three hundred and twenty years. Susuri is able to change size and shape, but she prefers to remain palm-sized. She can travel along with Zalena as long as there is any water on or around her.
"Ugh, if these sheets were any stiffer they'd break like glass," Shilah muttered under her breath as she stripped the bed in front of her of its linens. From behind her came Mrs. Cooper's signature bark of amusement. The old woman's laughter was as robust as she was, and her vigor could be seen from the way her broad hands wiped down the only table in the room table with determined strokes. Rooms at the hotel were cramped and creaky, but Mrs. Cooper made sure that they were clean, cramped rooms. Shilah was essentially the old housekeeper's minion, scrubbing what she was told to scrub, dusting what needed to be dusted, and dealing with the aftermath of the nightly exploits of drunken cowboys and tittering harlots.

"I know they get all roostered up and don't know where they're aimin' but this is impressively bad." Shilah continued as she dumped an armful of bedclothes into the wicker basket by her feet. She knelt down to peer under the bed, and the drab gray dress and white apron that designated her position as a housekeeper crumpled under her knees. Shilah let out a tsk of disappointment. "This one didn't leave anything interesting, And I found a ripped petticoat in the last room. This morning's been disappointing."
"I don't want to think what'd happen if the boss knew what a li'l magpie you are...Well you got four other bedrooms to go, so you'd better get a wiggle on girl." Mrs. Cooper said sternly. Shilah sighed as she hoisted the linen basket to her waist. Though easily entertained, Mrs. Cooper was very rigid when it came to completing the housekeeping chores in a timely manner. It was around ten in the morning right then, so more guests would be shuffling out of their rooms soon, and their beds would need to be cleared too. And then she'd have to wash all the collected sheets. Shilah groaned inwardly at the thought.

Her hands, once smooth and elegant, had started to get callused from all the time she spent with the washboard and lye. Shilah did not mind that too much, it was just the monotony of the work that got to her. Swaggering men and sashaying women were in and out of the inn every day, each on their own little adventure. Some led more sordid lives than others, this Shilah knew very well, but she always felt a little suffocated being stuck at the hotel, each of her days very similar to the one before.
Lost in her thoughts, Shilah snapped back to her present reality just in time to scoot a little to the left and out of the way of a groggy and well-armed man who had just exited his room. She remembered him as the one who brought back a busty brunette with him sometime late last night.
"I bet he's off to put one through an outlaw. Or he is an outlaw. Either way, guess I'd better get to tending to his bedsheets." Shilah mused dryly as she neared the door he had exited from.
Wait, have we started the IC in a different thread? Sorry, I just tend to be a little clueless about these kinds of things.
Wait, aren't Sarina and the doctor covering the info brokering? Or is that different?
Ooo, perfect. Approximately when do you estimate the IC will get started?
I swear that's my last question.
Character Sheet:
Username - Heliosa
Character Name - Shilah Anderson
Age - 26
Occupation - Hotel housekeeper
Gender - Female
Height - 5'5
Weight - 125 lbs
Appearance -
Shilah's Navaho blood is apparent in the duskiness of her skin, her ink-black hair and her dark, almond-shaped eyes. She is not lean per se, but is firm with muscles and has a stalwart hourglass figure.
Clothing - Shilah typically dresses in a modest gown of sturdy cotton. Her necklines tend to be low enough to show just a hint of cleavage, her sleeves typically end at her elbows, and her skirts always skim the ground. She avoids corsets except for special occasions, and owns only one. Her long wavy black hair is usually kept up in a large messy bun.
Starting location - Buffalo Gulch
Skills - Eavesdropping on important conversations, reading, writing, long range shooting though she is no expert, and domestic tasks like cooking and sewing,
Weaknesses - Any sort of close combat, witnessing any form of cruelty towards animals or children
Weaponry - Spencer rifle
Equipment - A chest in her quarters containing a few dresses, an expensive gold pocket-watch hidden in a book with a false interior, three classic literature novels, two pairs of worn boots, her rifle and an assortment of cheap jewelry and hair accessories. Situated on her bedside table is a bottle of witch hazel, a jar of cold cream, a small pot of rouge, a chipped hand mirror, and a wide-brimmed straw hat embellished with a maroon ribbon.
Personality - Shilah is alert, curious, and while she's usually soft-spoken she enjoys making a witty remark now and then. She appreciates humor and kindness above all things, making her rather unusual in a setting like Buffalo Gulch. However, she has no qualms about putting a hole through somebody's knee (from a distance) if that's what absolutely needs to be done, or if she firmly believes they deserve it.
Biography - Growing up on a Navaho reservation in New Mexico did not provide Shilah with the most joyful childhood. Her mother raised Shilah on her own, and made no mention of her father. Shilah only knew that he was an affluent proprietor of a handful of oil fields. And of course, he was white. Shilah's mother never told her the circumstances surrounding her birth, and Shilah never felt the need to ask. Growing tired of the reservation's destitute monotony, Shilah decided to strike out on her own with whatever meager funds she had earned working as a shopkeeper's assistant. Her mother's uncle, a saloon worker in Buffalo Gulch, found Shilah a job as a housekeeper at the less seedy of its two hotels. Shilah accepted, despite the the town being of extreme ill-repute, because her paltry savings would not afford her a life in most other places. Though she is not conventionally beautiful, Shilah's exotic features sometimes draw unwanted attention, especially at an establishment where the guests were a dangerous mix of crass, brash and aggressive. Because of this, Shilah tries to draw as little attention to herself as possible, and she's good at it.
Shilah does not enjoy the drudgery of her work but she has a keen interest in the various hotel guests, especially the ones who look more adventurous than usual. Given her penchant for eavesdropping on the conversation of the typically unsavory characters frequenting the hotel, Shilah has extensive knowledge of the going on's of Buffalo Gulch.
So I was wondering what the general world environment is like? I'm assuming it's mostly medieval-y, but it would be great to have more details on things like what the main town/city is like, political factions of interest, the kind of social hierarchy present if at all etc. If this information is already somewhere and I somehow didn't notice it then I apologize, I'm still getting the hang of this forum.
Character Sheet:
Username - Heliosa
Character Name - Shilah Anderson
Age - 26
Occupation - Hotel housekeeper
Gender - Female
Height - 5'5
Weight - 125 lbs
Appearance -
Shilah's Navaho blood is apparent in the duskiness of her skin, her ink-black hair and her dark, almond-shaped eyes. She is not lean per se, but is firm with muscles and has a stalwart hourglass figure.
Clothing - Shilah typically dresses in a modest gown of sturdy cotton. Her necklines tend to be low enough to show just a hint of cleavage, her sleeves typically end at her elbows, and her skirts always skim the ground. She avoids corsets except for special occasions, and owns only one.
Starting location - Buffalo Gulch
Skills - Eavesdropping on important conversations, reading, writing, long range shooting though she is no expert, and domestic tasks like cooking and sewing,
Weaknesses - Any sort of close combat, witnessing any form of cruelty towards animals or children
Weaponry - Spencer rifle
Equipment - A chest in her quarters containing a few dresses, an expensive gold pocket-watch hidden in a book with a false interior, three classic literature novels, two pairs of worn boots, her rifle and an assortment of cheap jewelry and hair accessories. Situated on her bedside table is a bottle of witch hazel, a jar of cold cream, a small pot of rouge, a chipped hand mirror, and a wide-brimmed straw hat embellished with a maroon ribbon.
Personality - Shilah is alert, curious, and while she's usually soft-spoken she enjoys making a witty remark now and then. She appreciates humor and kindness above all things, making her rather unusual in a setting like Buffalo Gulch. However, she has no qualms about putting a hole through somebody's knee (from a distance) if that's what absolutely needs to be done, or if she firmly believes they deserve it.
Biography - Growing up on a Navaho reservation in New Mexico did not provide Shilah with the most joyful childhood. Her mother raised Shilah on her own, and made no mention of her father. Shilah only knew that he was an affluent proprietor of a handful of oil fields. And of course, he was white. Shilah's mother never told her the circumstances surrounding her birth, and Shilah never felt the need to ask. Growing tired of the reservation's destitute monotony, Shilah decided to strike out on her own with whatever meager funds she had earned working as a shopkeeper's assistant. Her mother's uncle, a saloon worker in Buffalo Gulch, found Shilah a job as a housekeeper at the less seedy of its two hotels. Shilah accepted, despite the the town being of extreme ill-repute, because her paltry savings would not afford her a life in most other places. Though she is not conventionally beautiful, Shilah's exotic features sometimes draw unwanted attention, especially at an establishment where the guests were a dangerous mix of crass, brash and aggressive. Because of this, Shilah tries to draw as little attention to herself as possible, and she's good at it.
Shilah does not enjoy the drudgery of her work but she has a keen interest in the various hotel guests, especially the ones who look more adventurous than usual. Given her penchant for eavesdropping on the conversation of the typically unsavory characters frequenting the hotel, Shilah has extensive knowledge of the going on's of Buffalo Gulch.
Perhaps Sarina could have connections to the more corrupt upper echelon while the doctor is more well-versed in the power dynamics of underground operations? Or vise-versa? Either way, I don't mind sharing clientele.
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