Avatar of Hennigans
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 18 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Hennigans 9 yrs ago


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This looks really cool.

Is there room for more?
<Snipped quote by Avanhelsing>

Sorry, sorry.
Just that I've seen too many newcomers try to join into an RP without reading fully through, especially the part about posting CS in OOC first.
I used to wonder why other people were less than savory when dealing with them, until you start noticing...they come in hundreds >.<!
There's no end to them!

I've noticed this in other RP sites as well

I'll read more carefully next time I make a CS. I'm a fairly experienced RPer. I'm just new to this particular site.
Live and learn.
Name: Peter Jarvix
Age: 33
Race: Human
Rank: Captain
Skills: Peter has very impressive reflexes
Away Mission Equipment: N/A
Personality: Peter has a very social personality, meaning he loves being around others. Peter can be a lot like the bossy older brother, meaning that since he’s been flying for most of his life, he feels that gives him authority over others.
Quick-Bio: Peter grew up in rural England on Earth, racing small craft since he was big enough to reach everything. His dad was an engineer for a local spacecraft manufacturer, so Peter grew up around the vessels. His mother developed a mental disease when he was very young, and was put in a psychiatric hospital. Peter never saw her again.
When Peter was 27, he decided to join the Galactic Alliance Navy as a potential aviator. He completed training as 3rd in his class. However, for some reason that he wasn’t informed of, Peter spent the next 5 years in the “Reserve”, meaning he saw no action during that time. Finally, he received the call and was put on a carrier for active duty

Ship Designation: GANS Jericho
Ship Registry: NS-3111
Ship Class: Interceptor
Ship Size: 11 feet
Ship Crew: 1
Ship Weapons: 2 high-powered laser cannons, mounted on the wings
Ship technologies: An old shield system, and an A.I. system that Peter has nicknamed “Vicki”
Ship Appearance: Short, and sleek looking. Painted black and red. Short wings, and a tinted canopy.
Notable missions: None
Other:Peter’s Interceptor has been heavily modified to make it one of the fastest and most agile ships in the fleet. However, because of this, it is extremely lacking in armor, relying almost entirely on it’s weak shield system. It also lacks weapons besides it’s two laser cannons.
In that case, I'm in.
I replied to you Interest Check in Casual (I like to stay there.), and noticed I was the only one and that there were more on here.

I'm pretty sure I'm in, but don't feel 100% confident in my RP ability to make advanced posts.

What do you plan on making your standards? It's post length that I'm concerned about. I always use correct grammar and spelling in my posts
Howdy folks.

Wouldn't go as far as to go myself an expert or anything, but I've been RPing for about a year and a half. I plan on sticking to the casual section, at least until I feel confident enough for advanced.

As far as my interests go, I'm not that into fandoms. Maybe video games, but nothing else. I prefer original stories. I recently did a Steampunk RP that was surprisingly fun (It was my first exposure to the genre), so I might do some more of that on here. I don't like anime either.

This seems like a great community, and I look forward to becoming an active part of it.
Sounds great to me.
I've always wanted to do something like this, but I suck at GMing.

Sounds like a good idea. I'm in if other people are.

And India sounds interesting
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