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    1. Henwen 9 yrs ago


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I'm Henwen, dayshift desk-jockey and excel wizard.

I'm not a big fan of the Now, but i love all things Past and Future to rp in. Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Steampunk, Noir and DnD-esk are what I'm here for. I thrive with worldbuilding and plotting character drama with angst alamode. I'm crafty too so expect arts of your characters and stuff because i show my love with doodles.

As far as myself personally, i am a 30 yo female from KS. The rest you'll have to get to know from me personally.


Most Recent Posts

In The Lucidae 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Hahaha fantastic!

okay i think i'm gonna go with the "rummaging through the kitchen" for Valko, cause groggy is just boriing and we want to dive right into his character after all this time. He'll still be a bit groggy, and dopey cause of the pain-meds, but having him up and attem will make Viva feel so much better and get the Doc all stressed out (stomache Wounds should HEAL before you start using them again idiot!)

And for Viva I think i'll go with a junkie like you said, but a ravaged junkie. Someone going through withdrawls. So they are vicious, desperate, and not as strong as they could have been with their wasted system. They'll get the jump on Viva but wont overpower her. Sound good?

Annnywho, I think i'm gonna hold off on doing that post for a bit so YOUUUUU can get some sleep you crazy potato you. I'm gonna go veg my brain out with some fun youtube videos in the meantime ;P
In The Lucidae 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Your post looks great to me. Poor Loire, Viva didn't mean to give him the cold shoulder for so long, she was just so angery at Noah he just caught the backlash of that.

If Viva's gonna pop out for refueling, do we want her to get attacked by some crimminal underlines? Maybe not the guys that are chasing them but just some lowlifes that have heard through the grapevine that a ship of their class is carying a treasure trove of Nth?

If thats the case, then it shouldn't be anyting more than she can handle, cause she's on her own and we dont need to do another Kidnapping LOL. Just a lil something to show just how deep in the shit Noah's got them.

And then maybe Valko can wake up? I'll need to refresh his character in my mind too, its been so long LOL just a re-read should do for that. He barely got to be himself before he keeled over hahaha. Do we want a groggy awakening, or do we want to find him rummaging through the fridge? LOL
In The Lucidae 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Hmmm well its still early days, so the romance could still be fourishing- or it could be one of those (suddenly they're banging in the storagecloset and howd they get there?) Dive right in romances.

Either way that's your call as they are your characters, but I'm game for it! And yeah, Viva's got the good doctor in her good book so their friendship will have progressed as par for the course.

As a funny anicdote, you could have Loire mention that it took like until the next day before Viva asked for his name... i still don't think she's gotten his yet. LOL
In The Lucidae 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Hehehe I'm glad you liked it. And yeah, Viva and the doc have potential to be really good friends in the future... but these are early days and trying times. HEHEE

I thought Viva's cold anger here was a nice contrast to the rage-y shouty russian swearing of earlier. Before, that was a hi-stress hi-activitity emergancy situation. It was also her (and the rest of them) against an enemy stranger.

THIS TIME however, it was during the cool down from that. And what Viva would consider a personal betrayal. That sent her from raging hot- to raging cold. And personally i find the cold all the scarier. :D

But yeah, give her some time to cool down (or warm up in this case) and she'll be on friendly terms with the Doc again. Noah though? Not so much. LOL
In The Lucidae 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Annnnd POST! Its a lovely time for a timeskip too!

And i've come to a desision about val. It was Valko's idea to do bigger jobs, maybe haul bigger better loads of drugs. Nth was mentioned- but as an idea for maybe a small cargo (like a single use or a small box for one person. NOT an entire CARGO HOLD full of it). Cause Val agrees bigger jobs, bigger pay, is the best thing to keep the Lucidae flying... but Valko would not have put them all into that kind of danger deliberately. He'll keep his cool in front of Viva when she asks, show a united front/show of support for his captain. But Noah will need to do some convinsing that this wasn't all risk with no benifits.

Hows that sound? :D
In The Lucidae 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

"Fucking hell Vee." he swore in a ragged voice.

Viva ignored him as she sat herself back into the pilot's chair. She'd hoped to have knocked the wind out of him for longer- but if Noah would rather ruin his voice just to get the last word that was his problem. He could say whatever he liked, she was done talking to him. Whether Val was in on this or not, she would wait to hear it from him herself, and if he was- like Noah said- then she'd give him the same treatment she'd just given Noah. Pain and Silence.

He managed to get back onto his feet, his hand rubbing his still very sore throat though he'd finally stopped coughing.
"You want to blame someone for this mess? Look at your twin, he's the one who made this deal go south. If he'd kept his mouth shut like I warned him those dealers wouldn't have been so trigger happy and we wouldn't be knee deep in shit right now. THis was supposed to be an easy transaction." Noah replied hoarsely, he'd need to put some ice on his throat to ease the throbbing.

That she more readily believed, but she'd like to hope her brother had more sense than to mouth off to Nth dealers. But south or not, even if this disaster had not resulted in Valko nearly losing his life, she'd still be pissed at them. She didn't care how lucrative the money was. You did not mess with Nth.

Because Nth was like a wildfire. It consumed everything it touched. It destroyed everything in its path. Not just the users, the junkies, those that tasted it and would be forever addicted for the rest of their short lives, but also the dealers, the mobs, the gangs, the mules- And Noah had thrown the Lucidae into this fire. Just by taking the job, they were all in indescribable danger.

"You want to check yourself Viva, because you're messing with the wrong guy. Get us out to Paradiso asap, we'll make the drop off there." Noah threatened, taking his leave and skulking out to the hall.

Again, Viva refused to respond as she checked their stats. The Lucidae was already keyed into Paradiso's coordinates, but she had also been going on a hard burn since they'd had to leave Dross-6. While Noah wouldn't like it, they'd have to make a stop somewhere along the way. Right now Viva could not care less about what Noah wanted, and plugged in the coordinates for the nearest space port they'd hit before the fuel levels when critical.

"Your brothers clean." he said softly, worried that he'd be next to face Viva's fists. "The nth I mean ... I ran a quick toc-screen to be sure ... he's not been contaminated."

The doctor's voice was unexpected, but she didn't jump, still busy at the controls and staring stonily out into space. His words however, were comforting- At least she hadn't dragged the doctor into this mess to save Val, only to lose her brother to the ravaging effects of Nth contamination. Or use.

He looked around nervously, the monitors and screens bleeping here and there, displaying statuses of different components of the ship.
"I should go stay in the med bay." he said, clearing his throat softly and leaving to return to the med bay, the one place he was sure he'd be fine, out of the way and out of trouble.

Viva continued to hold her silence. Not even breaking it to say thanks. If she loosed her tongue now, she'd not be able to stop- and nothing she could say or do would change the situation for the better. So she held course, and continued to monitor Luce's levels, keep her flying.

And wait for her brother to wake up.
In The Lucidae 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
They're gonna get a 'routien inspection' from the spaceborder cops. They'll need to hide the shit-ton of Nth some where on their tiny ship where it wont be found. (Aka utillity corridor down below the cargohold, tucked away by the engine access in the belly of the ship.

And they've been on a hard burn so they will deff need to refuel. So they gotta stop at Chronos II with a refuel on SpacePort 241 (where they will be attacked by mobsters or something, they've got a RICH haul. Someone will but a wave out and crimminals will be all over them.

Also, for a moment of levity, perhaps they will get a call from Viva and Valko's folks? LOL that could happen anytime.

Edit: RUnning out to Dinnner will be back!
In The Lucidae 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
God Noah is such an ASS! Viva is so pissed at him, but she's said her peace so she's not going to respond to any of his digs. She'll ask Valko if he knew... I gotta descide if he knew or not... AHhh help i'm waffling idk if he does or not!

Did Noah tell him?! Did he say outright it was Nth or just that it was a huge score of drugs they were transporting? HELP! Lol
HEy Folks! I've been gone due to a stressfull week of work, but i am alive and i have the next three days free for homework and posting! WOO! I'll try to keep up better, but i'm glad (and sad) to hear i'm not the only one. I hope I haven't missed too much?

In The Lucidae 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I wavered on wheither or not she would ask him if Valko knew or not. But that would make her appear more vulnerable than her rage would allow her to appear right now. She'll ask Val if he knows or not when he wakes up, which should be in a few posts or so i would think. We've got a nice timeskip spot popping up.

And then the big question is Does Valko Know? And would he care? I am torn about it. I think he would care more if he DIDN'T know, cause that would mean Noah wouldn't have trusted him with the info but i'm sure he could easily be talked around to Noah's way of thinking... but if he Did that means he was talked into not telling Viva, and that throws some more wrenches into their relationship there. And Viva would spread her rage to the both of them.

But yeah, she's totally never going to forgive Noah for this. He's crossed the line.
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