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    1. HeresyOfTheFallen 10 yrs ago


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Hey Ike, I made an addition to my passive skill, is it still alright or too OP? If it's too OP I'll get rid of it.
Blue Demon said
I vote for this one then.

I do too.
Jamiem3550 said
Any particular reason? That's the part I really like lol.

I agree, but I suppose we can find an alternative to Covenant.
I vote Covenant of Misfits!
He barely ever fights, but when he levels later and does have some actual battle skills he will probably be mid. I'm sleeping now, so bye everyone.
Michiko caught the ball as Rikyu walked to the two other members of his team. "Naoki, you go up to the front for the start, if Masaru just copies you he won't be able to reach the ball, so get it and quickly get the ball back to Taki. Taki, you go behind, pass it to the half line at the right side, even if you don't see me just pass it. Naoki, soon as you hit it back run forward and focus on where Taki is going to pass, I'm going to pass to you from there," Rikyu said, the most he has said for a long time. Rikyu then looked at Michiko, who was walking forward, ball in hand. "When we go on defense I'll go on the captain, Taki on Masaru, Naoki on Izumi," Rikyu said then went to the right of the center, a bit back from everyone.

Masaru simply nodded at Kimura. When Masaru was in a game it was evident his attitude changed. He was still a show-off but he got more into the zone in a game. Masaru walked up to the front, giving a chuckle as he stretched, waiting for the game to start. Michiko looked at Masaru. The Copy Cat didn't make sense for a battle of height, especially against a taller person to go against. It would seem Masaru is going to just fake his jump and have the captain or Izumi try and get a steal for a counter attack. This game would not only test everyone's all around skill but expose the skills they did have, allowing the captain and Michiko to both help form strategies. Michiko wasn't sure if the captain realized that fact, hopefully he'll be paying attention to people's play styles instead of just winning. It's too often people have too much pride to focus on the long run, the big picture.
For guild name, only idea I have is 'The Necessary Evil' which sounds a little over-the-top. Or maybe 'Purgatory Wildfire'. I'm good at making names that sound too over-the-top, if anyone likes those names cool.
Character Name: Alex Clubs
Real Name: Samuel Reeds
Real Age: 18

Class: Jester (Archetype:Mage)

Jester is played in quite an interesting way to say the least. Rather than focus on attack, defense or support, the Jester class focuses on spells of other varying purposes. Be it cheap entertainment or massive bluffs, the Jester plays in a comical fashion, and rather than using a wand or staff uses various items people never think of using for actual magic, be it a deck of playing cards or a rubber chicken. The Jester in normal terms is extremely weak, but has a much larger mana reserve and cool times than most other mages, allowing these much weaker skills to be used more in a shorter period of time.
Job: Busker - He does magic 'tricks' and plays the lute for money, with only slightly more dignity than the common beggar.

Skill List:


Equipment List:
Deck of Playing Cards x1
Lute x1
Wooden Stake x1 (Joke Weapon by the developers that he kept, now uses in conjunction with 'Looks Can Be Deceiving')

Yeah this character's gender is actually male but confused for female and acts feminine at times in a joking personality, even going to the length of having a gender neutral character name.
Alright, I think we should have 4 base classes. Swordsman, Ranger, Rogue, and Mage. Swordsman goes into all sorts of paths, including but not limited to tanks and DPS classes. Ranger's many paths could include going to anything from a nature survivalist to a gunner. Rogue could change with stealing, stealth killing and such. Mage could be support or battle, being a healer, buffer, or a Red or Blue mage. These 'titles' are developed by the AI, and are as of such virtually infinite.

I really like your second idea Ike, I for one am voting for that one, I can see very fun to roleplay scenarios coming out of this.
I'm used to playing multiple characters, and I haven't started planning a character yet. Yes, i believe it would be interesting with 4 or 5 kingdoms, possibly a NPC war going on, it is possible to join a kingdom as an individual or as a guild. Also, if the NPCs didn't think they were in a game and that they were real people it'd be interesting.
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