Avatar of Hibiscus
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 51 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Hibiscus 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Bleh. I feel like I've abandoned this site. :(
8 yrs ago
Wow. It's been quite a bit. Now that it's summer, you can DEFINITELY see me on here more often.
9 yrs ago
I'm back, bitches. ;o
9 yrs ago
Going to be away for a while...
9 yrs ago
Waiting for a response and it feels like years, especially since it's my favorite RP...


Hi, my name is Hibiscus.

I'm very excited to be back here on the Guild.

Here's a quick photo of myself.


Most Recent Posts

"It took a while to learn, but once I knew the basics and grammar rules, everything else just fell into place." He raised an eyebrow at her confession. "Yeah, I was afraid too. I thought you'd call me an old pervert, hit me with your purse and leave." He smirked. He loved teasing her because of how flustered she got. "I'm glad things worked out too. You're a very beautiful young woman, and very intelligent. I couldn't ask to be with anybody else right now." He smiled, moving some loose bangs to the side. "I didn't like it when you cried, though. You have beautiful eyes. They should never cry. The only time I want you to cry is when I- I mean someone is down on one knee, asking to marry you. Okay?" He mentally hit himself for the slip up. He wasn't even thinking that far into the future, so why the hell would he say that? "I'm not worth crying over anyway." He added, taking another sip of his water.
"Oh, I won't. Your grades are alright as is." He thought back to his gradebook and remembered Reina had a class average of about 86%. She did very well, almost better than half of his classes.

Roman's eyes widened at her fluent pronunciation. "Wow! Where did you learn to speak Italian like that?" He was surely amazed. The only languages that he spoke were English and Latin. He became interested in Latin when he was about 13. There was just something about how almost all English words were derived from it that interested him. His mother, however, didn't like him learning it because Latin was associated with magic. She was always very superstitious. "I mean, I don't know anything about Italian but wow. That was perfect." The smile on his face grew wider. "Label me impressed."
He listened to her reasoning and nodded. He understood where she was coming from. When he went to school, all of the girls only wanted to prove their worth by sleeping with a certain amount of guys, or having the most money. Things never change, do they? He couldn't help but feel a soft blush when she complimented him, though. "Reina, you are one smart cookie." He joked, a small chuckle rising from him. When she mentioned her not loving him, he raised an eyebrow. "Not just yet you don't. Just wait until I start grading papers." He smiled, flashing his bright white teeth.

The waitress came around again with some menus. "I'm sorry for the wait. When you've decided on what you would like, flag me down okay?" She bowed slightly and scurried off again. This made David's brow furrow, but he didn't pay any mind to it. "This place is much better than takeout Chinese food, I'll give you that." His eyes flicked side to side as he read. After about 2 minutes of silence between them, he put the menu down and looked at her. He could feel himself give a half smile. "Well, I've decided on what I want. What about you?" In his mind, he was deciding if she were a salad or a pasta type of girl.
"Antiques, huh? That's cool. I used to play the piano." He shrugged it off like it was nothing, but he actually wanted to impress her. "I used to play it like there was no tomorrow. I'd push off my studies for it, even my friends. Playing it would make all of the problems in life just melt away, you know?" He sighed as they approached the restaurant and held the door open for her, smiling when she did. The waitress looked at Reina and then at David. "Table for two, I assume?" She sounded a little jealous and bitter, but she covered it up with a smile. "Yeah, that's correct." The waitress kind of pouted and looked at the available tables. "Alright, come with me." When they were walking, David hesitated between holding Reina's hand or just leaving at his side. He reached out and softly grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together. He leaned down to explain. "Everyone is to busy eating. Nobody will notice." He whispered.

Once they were seated at the table, they were given two cups of water and a pitcher in case they ran out. With the bright lighting in the restaurant, Reina really did look like an angel. He cleared his throat softly and looked into her eyes. "Reina? When did you...start developing feelings for me? Why did you start, anyway? There are plenty of guys your age that are drooling over you." It wasn't that he wanted to end what he had just started, he was just curious as to why she chose him instead of anyone else. "I'm only curious." He added, hopping that if he offended her, that would cover it. He took a sip of his water and sighed. It was cold and refreshing, and the sound of the ice clinking against the glass distracted him from bad thoughts. He looked back at Reina.
He nodded as he held the door open. "Not a problem!" Once they started to walk, he noticed how loose his jacket was on her. It made him laugh and he cuffed up the sleeves for her. "Alright, that's fine." He looked around and stayed close to Reina. A lot of crime could happen downtown, and he didn't want Reina to get hurt. He wanted to pull her close to him by her waist, but that just seemed like it should be held off until a later date.

At times, their hands would touch and he would want to hold hers, but David was afraid of people seeing them, and just nervous in general. Her hands were so warm and soft, while his were a little bigger and much warmer. "So, Reina, this is your opportunity to tell me about yourself." He looked down at her and reached up to push a strand of her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.
He's never have anyone prefer to call him Roman but the principal, who usually called teachers by their last names anyway. He listened to her talk and nodded along. Even just listening to her speak was enough to make him happy. "Wow, I wish my mother had put me on a diet when I was younger." He pat his stomach and chuckled. "Well, maybe I should just follow you there instead." He was a little worried about the price, since he didn't have much on him, but he shrugged it off. There would probably be an ATM close by. One thing was for sure, he wanted to take her home with him. Not more anything lewd, just to be with her, alone. He looked around, and knowing that the school's security guard wouldn't be watching the cameras, he leaned down and kissed her on the top of her head. "I'll be right up front in a minute,"

When he got to his car, he slid into the seat and rolled down the window a little, letting the air blow through. He leaned back and sighed. "Finally." A huge grin spread on his face. "She's finally mine." He sighed, shook his head and pulled out of his parking spot. He saw her car and gawked at it. It was way nicer than his, and he was the adult. He followed her into some place downtown, a lot of shops and restaurants were located here. He parked across form her and quickly hustled over to her car, opening the door for her. It was something he remembered that girls liked.

Roman's car. ^
"You can call me David." He mumbled, shoving his bag over his shoulder. When he saw how happy his words made her, he smiled softly. "Yeah, I suppose we could do that. But I can speed a little so if I'm going too fast, flash your headlights. Also, don't worry. We could watch a movie at my place. I-If you want! I mean...yeah." He felt like a high school kid again, getting nervous around girls. He walked her outside and shivered. It was getting cold, and he realized that she only had a sweater. "Here, take this." He shed off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. "I don't want you to get sick. That means you'll miss my class." He smirked.

"So where's your car? By the entrance or in the back parking lot?" He asked, squinting into the lot and digging for his keys. He didn't drive anything too flashy, just something that his dad used to drive. It was rusted in the back, but still ran pretty well. "And where do you wanna eat? Chinese? McDonalds?" He looked up to look at her.

He hadn't been in a relationship in a long time, so he didn't remember exactly how these sort of things would go. "I'm not picky. My house is full of takeoiut containers and all, so please. Whatever you'd like." He chuckled, looking down at her.
It took him a few moments to think things over. Everything seemed to have hit him all at once, and her absence didn't help any. He wanted answers, he wanted to know why, out of all people her age, she would like him. He wanted to know if she would really risk it to be with him. He quickly packed up what he could, messily shoving papers into his bag. She was halfway down the hall when he caught up to her and took her by the arm.

"Wait." He panted. "I...I want you to know that if we do this... you can't tell anyone. If you do, you could risk my job. Hell, I could even be thrown into jail." He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand and tucked his glasses into his shirt pocket. They were for reading after all. "I want to be with you Reina. You make me really happy, and as much as I want to I just...can't control my feelings for you. You're sweet, kind and beautiful." Words were getting caught in his throat.

"That being said..." He took out his cellphone and checked the time. It was almost 6. Would you...like to get some takeout?" It was his lame excuse for dinner, because a teacher and his 17 year old student going out to dinner together didn't seem right. It would only give people a reason to become suspicious.
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