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    1. hoppiholla391 9 yrs ago


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this sounds epic if it succeeds and i am definitely in!
interested in this, and very interested to see how the story will be handled.
tree demons: hi
lily, immediately: get into the shit tubes
Lily's eyes nearly crossed as the stock of a musket came within inches of her forehead. She lurched back a belated step, arms coming up to shield her head as her eyes widened. Fear shot through her, all but instantly burned away by rage. She'd long since stopped being afraid of men who turned to violence at the drop of a hat.

Tree demons, though...she was still plenty wary of them.

When the door began to crackle and snap with blighted roots, Lily flew into action. She ducked down, neatly slipping the now-limp grasp of the guard, grabbing Spook's sword off the ground and bolting for the door, notched knife forgotten. Neither guard turned their muskets on her, and that was what she'd bet on as she hastily knotted the jewel-studded belt around her waist. She kept a hand on the pommel as she nearly slammed into Emma on their way out—even as hopelessly untrained as she was, a sharp poky metal stick was better than nothing.

Lily just bellowed for them to run as they followed the fleeing guard into sunlight. She was blinded for a moment, her senses overwhelmed by the sudden brightness, the screams of people and the ricochet of cannonfire, the utter stench she only recognized from the very lowest places in Enn—

Head spinning, she ran with the mass of people, trying to stick to the outer edges so as not to be trampled in the center. Grimly, she tangled her hand in Emma's sleeve and hoped, prayed that Emma could hold on to the others. She'd been on the periphery of enough mobs before to know that to fall was death. Lily frantically looked around, one hand tight on Emma and the other on the hilt of Spook's sword, and found what she was looking for—a slope upwards which, even better, a good portion of the mob was breaking off towards.

Tree demons. Tree demons. They were breaking in with roots and with leaves, eating through wooden doors but climbing stone walls. In the forest, they had struck out with branches and thorns. And, despite the screaming mob, they were still in a city—and a city with trundling man-machines must have some sort of upper class, at least a handful of snooty nobles who had better things to do than avoid the piss-buckets being tossed out of windows every morning—

"Come on!" she shouted into Emma's ear to be heard over the crowd and gunfire, tugging her by the arm towards the ascending road. "Follow me, I have an idea!"

What better place to escape tree demons than in the deep dark stone tunnels of a sewer?
still in this! technically! ish!
Bureaucracy. Of all the things she hadn't missed on the road.

Lily raised one hand in the air, using the other to slowly lower the sword to the ground. However, she also planted a foot gingerly on top of the sheath—she wasn't going to use it, but she also wasn't about to just let some grease-fingered night watchman make a grab for it. The kitchen knife was carelessly tossed down next to it.

"My name is Lily," she answered as soon as it was clear she was out of stabbables. "Lily Madyne. We come from the—the road beyond the forest, as Travelers do, and we had no intention—OI."

As soon as the threat against Meryn was issued, Lily took a step to the side, pulling Spook's sword along with her foot—just enough to recapture the attention of her guard but hopefully not provoke a panicked response. Her conciliatory manner had all but vanished, leaving steel in its wake.

"She can't speak, sir, but I am so glad that your first reaction to someone who seems to be just as frightened as you are is to threaten them with death," she snapped. Her hands fisted at her sides before she thought better of it and folded them across her chest—and conveniently brought her hands closer to the paper sigil still hidden down the front of her shirt. She turned back to the guard before her. "What I said was only the truth. We did not lead this menace here, we only seek shelter from it, the same as your citizens. The citizens you protect."

When they still stared at her through narrowed eyes, Lily rolled her eyes and dropped her arms, waving one hand in an expansive gesture. Blunt logic and flattery, then. "Sirs, if you will believe nothing else, if we had intended to bring harm to your city, why would we sequester ourselves inside? If our goal is destruction, why allow ourselves to be destroyed with you? The answer is simple—that's not our goal. We Travelers were caught up in this without warning just like you—and your walls, so well-defended and secure, were and are our best hope."
i'm heading out on a road trip pretty early tomorrow, but i'll do my best to have a post up tomorrow night!
pls, i have an ongoing rp where there's sometimes ten days or so between replies, and it's still going after. like. eight months.

It was the work of moments to shove everything Genevieve had gathered into a pack she'd found, but even then, it was moments too long. When the birds had come and Ryker had scurried off to find his cousin in the mess, Ginny had taken shelter in the ship, along with a handful of other people. She'd gotten to work immediately, scouting the ship for useful supplies, but she hadn't ignored the chatter at the hatch. A few of the beasts had fluttered in, and she'd smiled to see them, but right on their heels was a roar that would star in her nightmares for weeks to come.

She should have figured nothing beautiful would happen without a price.

Screams rippled through the assembled teens as the ground rumbled, and Genevieve's face went white. She had an instant to decide—stay and hide, or run with the rest. Fight or flight; scatter or solidarity.

Ginny's choice was pretty obvious when she came tearing out of the ship a few heart-stopping seconds later, backpack bouncing on her back as she sprinted to catch up with the others—and hand fastened around the wrist of a crying twelve year old. Her lungs were burning as she dragged her charge in her wake, and oh, she wished she'd kept herself in better shape—there had just never seemed much point, locked up in a 10x10 cell and the only anticipated absence would be her execution date. A conversation she'd overheard years ago on the rare day at the track with the other inmates floated through her head.

You don't have to be the fastest, you just can't be the slowest.

She'd always hated gym class.
Lily's numb fingers took the sheath automatically, staring at the man who had been their guide for not even days—yet the idea of continuing on without him felt impossible. She hadn't thought about it until now, but even when the forest came alive against them, even when a demon beast was clawing its way out of their nightmares, there had been one last, illogical thought that Spook would know what to do.

Maybe he did know what he was doing now, but Lily sure as hell didn't.

He'd handed her a sword and pointed her towards her sister, who may or may not be in danger. People didn't do things like that; not for people like her. And she was going to repay him by leaving him to die alone on a barren field with disease eating him from the inside out. For a long moment, she considered drawing the weapon in her hands and staying with him, because fuck if she ever did what people told her to—but, as it did so often, reality set in.

People died. Trying to stop it would just make you one of them; she'd learned that lesson time and time again.

"You'd best come back for this soon," Lily said, unable to keep all the strain from her voice. She squeezed Spook's hand for a moment before securing her grip on the sword, holding it tightly to her chest—it would take more than a jumped-up twig sprite to take it from her now. "I could get a pretty penny for this at a smith's shop, and then where will you be? Out a good sword, that's where."

She hesitated for another long moment, her hands white at the knuckles, before she lifted her chin and turned on her heel without another word. Lily didn't look back as she broke into a jog towards the city in the wake of the trundling mech.

Gods, he deserves better.
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