Avatar of Hydra King
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 27 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Hydra King 4 yrs ago


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Most Recent Posts

Hero Name : Neck Breaker

Human name : Lessia Peterson

Race : Angel of God



Solar wind

Heaven fury

Azreal Command {Lion summon}

Hero Name : Nightmare

Real Name : Lorak Bejai

Classification : Andriod Demon

Hero or Villian : Anti Hero


-Death frost : able to breath and or touch anything with his frost like powers makes people end up in a death frozen state

-Cruel Shadow : able to incase people in shadows and nightmares

-Nightmare Creatures : create creatures from nightmares

Where I shall post my characters, OC.
Banned for being blue
Banned for smiling
Hello, I am Hydra King. I dabble in all things Fantasy and Horror. If you like either of these please do take a look, for all things that go bump in the night are my dangerous pleasures.

Only a few Guidelines

- I do have a job, 8 hours a day, and have a boyfriend and a life outside of RP please do not expect replies every day since I will not be able to do it.

- I would like someone who can keep at least 3-5 paragraphs. Write passion into it please, do not make me do all the work.

-Character sheets can be used, but I like to try and create Character as I go.

-Love to Double UP in Rps's

Plot Ideas :]

The Monster in the Woods: YC a young lady with not much left to her life then it being a mess and chaotic. She was once a girl that was loved by her town but after her drug abuse and alcoholism, she ends up trying to just disappear. But in the dark forest she finds out, maybe her life in the town was much better then she wants to admit. A monster lurks in there, an old folks tale...a creature of the night and its hungry for new target to eat. Can she survive the hunt, or parish and learn that monsters are real?

The Goddess and the Hydra: A hydra, a powerful beast that even the gods and goddesses are afraid of, still lives in the modern-day. He is a ruthless crime lord with many creatures and monsters at his side, willing to outplay humans in their own game. He is the most powerful crime lord in the country he lives in. She is a goddess, a goddess in disguise sent to find and slaughter the hydra, but many dark roads lay before her, monsters?Lust?Death? only she can decide her fate, his eyes are ready for a game.

The Devil and The Princess: A Princess lady loved by her people, though in the shadow of her brother who is ruthless, cruel and dangerous. Though she is loved more she isn't the one to take the throne. Often abused and neglected by her brother and family she tends to live in the towns around the castle. She ends up finding a mysterious book and taking it home, she reads an incantation, only to release...the King of Hell itself. The problem is she bound the devil to her, now acting as a bodyguard and knife the devil....forced to keep her safe from all harm. Except her brother wants her gone...will he succeed or will the devil show her there might be a world more fit for her power and grace than on earth?

The Guardian Angel and Human: A Human is born every fifty years gains an Archangel as a guardian. Archangels are not built to be guardians but that human was born with one of the youngest archangels as her guardian. The archangel just like the human has to learn to overcome obstacles and be a human. The archangel doesn't understand most human life and tries to fit in, but the only thing is...his human can see his wings...no another human can. Will she run away in fear or learn to trust even in the unbelievable.

The Dragon and the Rider: Dragon riders are born every few thousand years, born with a mark on their hand and a seal in their heart. Often finding that something is missing in their lives they often wander alone till maybe one day they find the dragon egg and the dragon will hatch. Well, that was the old ways, now in modern-day, no dragons are alive anymore, and dragon riders are all but gone. Except...her she was born with a mark and often feels alone and lost in the world. What happens when a creature of myth is hatched and a human has to learn that something else is coming ...something dangerous. Only a girl and her dragon to face it. Can the secret be kept or will the world chase them?


Hello just your average Hydra slithering in to say hello to all the new people to eat...I mean meet.

Hope to RP soon and set up storylines soon enough.
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