Avatar of Hydrophobe
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 35 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Hydrophobe 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current I mean I'd rather start counting my years from when I came into this world rather than when my parents had sex to conceive me. Maybe that's just me


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Most Recent Posts

I'd be interested in fire if not taken. Earth if it is already
Buuuuuuuuuuuuump. Edited post. Really want to get some more RPs going. Looking specifically for Avatar: LOK, Percy Jackson, or X-Men.
Bumped and edited slightly. Still looking for partners. Preferably for Avatar and an original story.
Hello everyone. I'm Hydrophobe. I won't bore you with the details about myself, but briefly: I'm 18, decently busy but want to find time to roleplay. I probably started roleplaying seriously when I was around 14, so I have a couple years of experience. That being said, I haven't written anything for quite some time so I will probably be rusty.

  • As I said, I'll probably be a bit rusty. But I can easily pump out a decent paragraph or two, so I would like around the same from my partner. I'm not super strict on that, but at least give me something to work with and I'll give you the same.
  • We don't have to go 18+, but if it fits the scene and you are alright with it, then I am as well.
  • I'm totally down for OOC chat. I like to get to know people and talk about things. It doesn't matter if it is about the RP or anything else. The more active you are, the more fun it is.
  • I'd love to worldbuild with you, especially if it is about an original setting.
  • I'd rather have partners that can post at least daily, if not multiple times a day. I tend to lose interest a lot faster if it takes multiple days to keep the story moving. That being said I understand that IRL comes first. Just let me know if things come up.
  • Regarding fandoms, I tend to prefer OCs and developing our own story, however I am completely fine with exploring previously established characters. To go along with this, I would rather avoid canonical events almost completely.
  • MxF FxF MxM preferred in that order. I'm not super picky on that, however.
  • I prefer PMs over threads, but it isn't a big deal. If you prefer threads, then I am fine with that.
  • I also prefer plots that have adventure and action. Slice of life is alright, but it gets old fast. I need a purpose beyond just living life for my characters. Hardship, choices, danger, etc.
  • I'm done. Time to get into the meat and potatoes.

Note: I'll mark with ** which fandoms I'm particularly interested in right now

  • RWBY
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Avatar: The Legend of Korra **
  • The Magicians (TV Series)
  • Percy Jackson **
  • Star Wars (This would have to be OC and almost entirely original, as I enjoy the universe and the ideas behind it, though I'm not invested in any of the characters and know almost nothing about the universe beyond what is explored in the movies)
  • Almost anything regarding the MCU
  • X-men **
  • Hairy Potter
  • LotR
  • James Cameron's Avatar
  • There are probably more. If I didn't list it here, just ask. I have never watched anime (RWBY and Avatar are the closest, though some people don't class those as anime. Whatever), so don't ask about anime.

Original Stuff

I don't bite, and I'm not picky. PM me if you're interested in anything, or if you have any ideas.
Hey dudes, it has been some time. I'm not new to roleplaying, in fact, I've roleplayed through this site before (Was probably 2 years ago, I've unfortunately forgotten my login info). I just got busy with life and all that. I'll probably get busy again, but for now I'm here to stay. Hope to have some fun with y'all.
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