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Ultana Whelen - Silver Gate Academy Highschool Building, Classroom 4-A

It's been just about 2 weeks since the whole 'vampire' and the 'castle' incident that happened at school. Surprisingly, with how fast things went back to normal, it's almost like nothing happened. Whether it's from people thinking it was a dream, the teacher's covering it up or just that nobody really cared, who knows. That Ruthven guy at the end made it seem like it wasn't the end, so it's probably likely they'll see him again. While excited for another fight, she's still not getting any closer to finding what she came here for. With a sigh, she got out of bed and left for class.

Today's lesson was with Instructor Utsumi regarding Arcanis' primary elements. With Ultana getting her sleeping schedule back under order, she was all revved up and ready to go as it was a class she was particularly excited for. While her talents mainly leaned toward the physical side of things, Ultana was definitely looking forward to improving her magic skills if she was ever going to become a proper spell knight. Or for when I find them. Out of the 4 spellbooks regarding Royal Magic that the teacher handed out, she was particularly interested in the ones for Fire and Earth. Naturally

There was still a few more minutes left in class, so she decided to comb through the spellbooks until the teacher spoke back up to inform them of their upcoming school trip to Kyoto. Apparently it used to be Japan's former capital almost 200 years ago before it moved to it's current city. She'd hear of what the city was like from the students who been there before or at least know of it and eventually piqued her interest. It was a city that had a lot of history to it.....especially of the yokai variety. It was a trip she was definitely excited about, especially going to all the shrines and dojos. She was especially interested in the dojos and being able to improve her swordsmanship.

The teacher handed out a form in regards to room assignments for the hotel they'll be staying at while in Kyoto. A max of 4 people, huh? There wasn't many people she really interacted with, so she wasn't sure there was a point to filling it out. But then again.... Glancing around the classroom, Ultana's eyes eventually stopped at Asta's seat. Hmm, might as well ask to see what she thinks about it. Could be fun. Once the bell rang and the class officially wrapped up, she packed up her spellbooks into her back and made her way over to Asta's seat.

"Hey Asta, in regards to the trip, interested in sharing a room?" Granted they just met and to anyone who heard about their 'little' spar in the fields not to long ago, they might find this quite bizarre but if there was anyone she'd room up with, it'd be Asta. It would definitely be interested, especially when going to the dojos. Who knows, maybe they'll get to finish their 'spar'. Ultana's grinning was probably giving people the wrong idea, not that she was aware of it.
Ultana Whelen - Silver Gate Academy Grounds, Soccer Field

The class would eventually split into two different groups, one focusing on swordsmanship while the other would focus on Ninjutsu. It would be a first for her seeing Shadow Clones in action. Being from where she was, Ninjas are not exactly something she'll bump into often or at all, so seeing something like that was interesting to say the least.

The class spent the rest of the day doing their selective skill lessons. Considering what they all went through last night, the lesson definitely took it's toll. Though, Ultana wanted to get even more swings in but was eventually talked out of it. While a part of her wanted to continue, another understood that her body needs rest and that she shouldn't push it.

With a sigh, she decided to head into town and get herself something to eat.
Ultana Whelen - Silver Gate Academy Highschool Building, Classroom 4-A

After last night being chock full of fighting and eating. she was definitely feeling it for the lack of sleep. Though, given their next class, she'd find herself wide awake. Their next lesson was PE, a good ole physical focused class that was something Ultana definitely enjoyed. While most were complaining about it, she was excited and even more so when they suddenly found themselves outside on the field.

Everyone would soon find themselves wide awake after the teacher's loud call to attention. In an effort to build their body up, everyone was given 2 options to focus on, Swordsmanship or Ninjutsu. Since Ultana didn't have much interest in ninjutsu, and given her style, she decided to focus on swordsmanship. Out of the options given to them, working on her skill with the sword would definitely benefit her more in battle.
Ultana Whelen - Castle of the Frozen Moon // Seidoujima Park

While the vampire managed to sit back up, it was clear that this fight was over and they had beaten him. A part of her wanted to continue fighting, having finally gotten the fight she so craved, after having her previous fight interrupted by that irritating teacher. However, now that it was over, she finally get something to eat after all that fighting. But the moment she thought it was over, a man came out of nowhere to stab the vampire they had just defeated in the chest with his cane.

If that wasn't enough, the man would eventually make a move to go after them. Filling the area with a sickeningly thick sweet scent, with red vines bursting from the ground and red flowers appearing everywhere.....things weren't looking good to be quite honest. With her magical energy draining at a fast rate, it started to seem like they weren't going make it through the situation. Though, a loud crash that soon followed, fortunately dispelled that notion.

The one that would be responsible for the crash turned out to be their PE teacher and their exorcism teacher was also there as well. After they made sure everyone got away to a safe, watchable distance, a crazy fight ensued. A fight that was definitely out of their league with how they were now but it was nonetheless exciting to watch. Once the fight had concluded and the man, revealed to be 'Ruthven', had gone, the city returned to normal.

Their teachers would go on to reveal what they had fought and given a brief background on them. It appears that the vampire they had fought in 'the castle' was indeed completely different than what she, and others from Arcanis, had known of vampires from back home. In Arcanis they had Demonic origins but here on earth their roots dated back to an earthen biblical figure 'Noah'. It would seem that all of this ran deeper than she had originally thought and could possibly be involved in a lot more fights of this nature, something she was definitely excited about.

Not only about being involved in more fights, but also the more likely it brings her to what she came here to seek. The night would end with them revealing that their vampire foe would be sticking around at the academy until further notice. She wasn't entirely sure how her classmates felt about it but, personally, Ultana didn't really care either way. Not like she or the others died during the fight and had the teachers approval, so it was whatever.

All she really cared about at the moment was finally getting some grub. Well, and the fact tomorrows class would be PE and not Exorcism. Definitely looking forward to it.

Ultana Whelen - Silver Gate Academy Highschool Building, Classroom 4-A

As she sat in the back of the class looking bored, Ultana made occasional glances around the class. Of course Asta would be in the front of the class, ever the diligent one. Though, the most of the others in the class seemed to have fearful expressions on their faces and found it hysterical. While she could understand why, it still seemed laughable. Not many people seem to like the teach, huh? He came off as cold and uncaring and, naturally, that will rub people the wrong way but it's nothing to dread over.

If anything, he's strict and takes his job seriously, of course people who slack off and don't put any effort in is going to get the short end of the straw. While she doesn't hate or fear him like the others might, she doesn't exactly care for him herself. Ultana's lack of interest in the class tended to draw herself some negative attention, but it's not like she doesn't put any effort in. Not exactly a diligent bookworm whose studies take top priority, she does work hard to improve herself. Though, like most people her age, Ultana tends to focus more in her select points of interest and Exorcism definitely isn't one of them.

As the class ended, Ultana glanced at the manuscript and sighed to herself. While it's a given there'll always be classes that one wouldn't care for, it's still a pain having to take it. She's definitely not going to enjoy taking this class this year. The only thing that really interested her was the mention of Yokai. A supernatural race of beings that are the basis of many myths, of whom is exclusive to this world. Coming from Arcanis, naturally, she's curious about them. Learning more about them definitely sounds more fun then this class, that's for sure!

Glancing around the class and back at the manuscript, she sighs again.
Ultana Whelen - Seidoujima Island - Mountain River

While she was training, Ultana found a large river that went down the mountain side. It was definitely a sight she hadn't seen before, being from Igneus Caute and all. While curious as to the source of it all, that was something for another time, Ultana was thankful it was there as it was the perfect spot to take a break and train. Definitely should come back here someday.

As she was getting back to training, she heard a familar voice calling out to her. Turning around, she saw Asta in outgoing clothes, carrying a good size bag and holding a book. It would turn out that, unlike Ultana who came to the mountains to train, Asta came to collect edible plants and the book she held listed such plants. Considering how Asta is, of course that's why she was here. She couldn't help but laugh a little bit.

"Yeah, I figured I'd spent golden week training whenever I can. But anyways, edible herbs, eh? Definitely doesn't hurt to be prepared for anything." Being edible is one thing, taste is definitely another.

After talking for a bit, they went their seperate ways and Ultana resumed her training. After a few more hours of training, she'd find herself back in the dorms and fast asleep.
Ultana Whelen - Seidoujima Island - Some Mountain

Ultana originally thought golden week would be quite boring but it started out better than she expected it to. Meeting Asta was quite something, to think she'd find someone else around her age that was a spell knight, let alone another girl. Though, Ultana's first impression of her didn't start out to good but that quickly began to change. Eventually it lead to her finding out more about her, well, that she too was a fighter and inherited a style of her own. The battle that followed definitely wasn't something she thought she'd be able to have at the Academy.

After fighting Asta, and finding someone other than her family, that can put up a fight like that against her, she found even greater motivation to get stronger. While she came to Silver Gate for something else entirely, she did want to get stronger. After all, if Ultana did find out the truth about the guys that attacked and killed her father and grandfather, she needed to be strong enough to take them out. So with that all in mind, she decided to head out to the mountains behind the school to get in some training in while she had the chance with school being out.

When she arrived, with mountain climbing gear in hand, she took a deep breath and enjoyed the view. She figured doing some climbing would help strengthen her body and balance. Especially with the thick mountain air, it was the perfect place to do her thing. After doing some climbing for a few hours, she took a short break before moving onto her main focus of the day. After that battle, she wanted to get some work done with the 'Solid Armament' spell. Her new goal for golden week was to be able to use it without the use of a spell book and make the formed weapon stronger.

Ultana had a feeling that more situations would arise in the future where she wouldn't have her sword on her and the reading from a spell book would hinder her battle performance. With that in mind, she casted her spell spell and began swinging.
Ultana Whelen - Seidoujima Island - Market District - Field By The River

Even though she didn't get to rest on her full stomach, she ended up getting to fight as well. Besides, she can just burn it off during the fight so it works out in the end. "Heh, fine with me. Who knows how longs it's been since I've had a real fight." she beamed. Considering how things went in Igneus and how boring things been in her first month or so in the Academy, she's hardly had a decent opponent to fight with or had any fun. Her opinion of Asta was definitely changing. Considering she had no weapon on hand, like Asta, she casted her own "Solid Armament" spell and recreated her personal weapon with magic. With that, they begin their fight, with Asta making the first move.

Asta takes a stance shield front with spear over shoulder and shield, before she throws it, causing a magical spear of ice to hurl forth while she still holds her weapon. While noting the shield, Ultana steps into spear path attempting to block it with her sword and following with a sweeping kick at Asta's legs. Asta lowers her stance onto one knee and absorbs the strike with shield to her side while simultaneously using the rotation to thrust her spear in counter.

Ultana tries to scramble away to avoid a direct blow and swings her sword launching several earthen spikes at Astas upper body. Asta with her shield freed from holding Ultana's sword, pulls it front to guard from the earth spikes, before advancing through the attack with her spear going for a wide swing, a layer of ice tips the edge, increasing it's range. "That's more like it! Come on!", Asta was a different person in battle. "Guess I'm not the only who is excited, 'The brave shall know glory, onwards with fortitude'"

Casting 'Ward Of Shields' Ultana casts an area of protection with her magic, Ultana chooses to target Asta's spear arm with her Earthen Spikes and charges in on the opposite side to strike. Ultana's attack wards off Asta's advance, causing her footwork to step back and pull the shield up to defend against her follow-up. Seeing as Ultana charged at her shield side, it wasn't difficult at all to guard against it. It appears the moves will be a repeat of parry and shield until someone does something different. With direct attacks not working, Ultana decided to bet on luck and momentum and once again swinging her weapon and calling forth her Earthen Shards.

However, aiming upwards hoping for them to get high as possible before gaining momentum in fall and crash down like a meteor. Whether it succeeds or not, Ultana plans to use her leg strength to charge in for a suicide tackle. Asta spotting the ploy looks up, before back down, taking a kneeling stance and summoning a dome around her to guard her from the wide area attack while casting Archers of Ice. "Ten archers of the tundra, fire!" A volley of 10 arrows flies out from behind her just around the same time as the earth shards land on her shield, splinting it.

With her ploy snuffed out, she swings her weapon into the ground in a desperate attempt to ward off the incoming arrows as she rolls away on the ground from the momentum of her failed charge. With her attempts to get close to Asta going nowhere, she uses the dirt and debris from her swing as a smokescreen to give her some chanting time. “With the spirits of flame and earth, I shall sing a melody that’ll scorch the earth.” Changing her form, she sacrificed her enhanced physical prowess for spell power,she decided to go bring out the big guns.

“From the depths of the earth, you shall become a prisoner of the earth adorned with shackles of stone.” Hoping to bind her arms and legs for one last charge, she casts her 'Chains Of The Earth' spell, one of her best spells. The battle reaches a deadlock as her charge strikes Asta's shield, creating a deadlock, yet it is quite clear both are getting a little too into their activity, even casting large spells. A passing by teacher, the substitute history teacher Maeleene, spots them. "The fatal hunger of the deep shall claim it's meal, be prey to these fangs". Watery serpents rise up from around the two as they're grabbed and held apart.

In Hindsight, they probably went a biiiiiiiit to far in their 'little' sparring match, with the whole destruction of public property, casting attack magic in the open.....fighting another student and what not. Of course, the teacher wasn't exactly pleased with their actions. Ultana's 'It was only a friendly spar' line of reasoning also didn't fly with the teach. In the end, the teacher had them in, what Ultana would learn the hard way, the 'Seiza' position or 'Proper Sitting' while giving them a proper scolding. While the aftermath wasn't much fun, Ultana had fun. She definitely saw Asta in a new light and knew she was going to have a fun time in the Academy.
Ultana Whelen - Seidoujima Island - Market District - Magumaguro Ramen

Beastmen using a style that's not suited for beastmen? Why use a style if it's not suited for them? She thought it didn't make much sense but also wondered if sometime in the past a human or another capable race taught it to them or if they had an ancestor who was human. Or just one of their clan married one or something. There was probably a reason or story of it but not like it really mattered.

"And open area? Hmmm...." Several places came to mind but whether they were allowed to fight at them was another matter altogether. Assuming that was what Asta was getting at. "There's an open field a couple of minutes from here that should be good enough," it was at the park that was nearby but there was also a decent number of people that's usually at park. Who knows if it'll be safe enough. "If not there, maybe at the Academy?" Ultana was sure there's a good amount of places to 'spar' at but again, the same issue of whether they'd be allowed came back up.

While relieved that she wouldn't be fighting with a full stomach, she was a bit disappointed as well. Ultana did love a good fight, definitely curbs the boredom. "Considering we just got done eating, it's probably for the best. We definitely don't want to throw up the food we just ate." She laughed. "But hey, maybe another time? Definitely would like to see your fighting style in action myself."
Ultana Whelen - Seidoujima Island - Market District - Magumaguro Ramen

"Yea, it'll probably be much more easier and simpler to just show you then explain." She nods in agreement. Ultana always been the type to learn faster by watching others do something and do it herself, so it'll probably best if she just showed her. "Once you get used to it, you'll see how easy it is." Blowing on her ramen before shoveling more into her mouth, unrefined as always.

"Definitely quite the coincidence," she agrees with a laugh. One is from Arcanis hottest region and the other from it's coldest region. Definitely polar opposites, fate can be real hilarious at times, huh? Asta's next question created a moment of silence, as if the girl was start to talk seriously now. Hmm, if she's able to assume that from simple observation, than she's definitely not your run of the mill Prim n' Proper girl. Well, she is from Crystis Talon and raised by beastmen so it shouldn't come as a surprise...

"You're definitely something else if you can tell that much from simple observation. Looks are definitely deceiving Usually they'd look at my muscles and wouldn't think otherwise." After all, soon as they find out where she's from, it's a common stereotype of being from Igneus Caute. Though, not like everyone there is a miner (or from a miner family) or is a muscle-bounded idiot. "But that's kind of correct. Wouldn't exactly call myself a warrior, though. But while I am a miner, It's just that I was kind of trained in a old fighting style that's been passed down in my family for generations."

Well, it was passed down in the area but who knows if anyone other then her family actually passed it down to their kids...Not many people care about an old style used by an ancient knight order...

"I say 'Trained' but honestly, it's mostly self-taught or things I remember from my dad or grandfather or books they had on it. Since I pretty much never took it seriously until...." Ultana trails off as her expression gets clouded as she recalls what happened in her mind. In the years since, all she had to go on was the bits and pieces she remembers when they tried to teach her....only for her being difficult and often escaping from the lessons in frustration. Her grandfather had old books that also helped a bit, but her style is still a bit rough compared to what it might've been if she wasn't such a brat.....

"Since you mentioned that....I take it you've been trained yourself in some fashion?" With the way she carried herself and from how she was raised, nothing looked out of the ordinary, that's for sure.
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