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**Martha Jacobs** _Helen Schwartz, Helen Schwartz, Helen, Helen _Goddamn _Schwartz._ It was all Martha had heard since she started at Northwood Academy. At first she had been so shocked by what had happened the year before: a girl murdered with crazy, undecipherable things etched into her skin, tossed in a lake. It was terrible and very, _very_ scary. She hadn’t even heard about it on the news and her father certainly hadn’t bothered to do a background check on the school before sending her to study here for the next two years. You could say she was bitter. And grumpy, and annoyed. It wasn’t that she didn’t care about what had happened to the girl named Helen it was just that she hadn’t known her at all. So it was hard for her to be too emotional about it and her feelings were more on the scared end than they were sad. She was sick of hearing about Helen Goddamn Schwartz. But that wasn’t the only thing bothering her. Besides how much she hated the fact that she had to attend a new school just because her father didn’t want her messing with his perfect, new family…something was very _off_. Ever since the day she arrived at Northwood Martha had been feeling a gnawing sense of dread. Normally she would have attributed it to the fact that a girl had been found dead close by but it just wasn’t the same feeling she normally had about death. It felt as though she had been cursed with a permanent, thrumming headache and waves of nausea washed over her at random times throughout the day. More mysteriously was the very soft, buzzing sound she heard in her ear every night before she went to sleep. She hadn’t felt this way since her mother’s death, and this time it was worse. If that was even possible. She got an awful vibe from Northwood, especially her dorm. And Martha was _very_ careful not to touch anything, not yet. She was scared of what she might see. The school day was close to being over when the announcements came on. Listening intently, she wondered if it was too late to join the soccer team. She was already on the track team and she didn’t know if the schedules would conflict each other or not. Her intent was to participate in school activities as much as possible in order to distract herself from all the bad feelings. Maybe the bonfire tomorrow would be a nice way of meeting people. She had distanced herself from her friends back home so much that none of them had bothered to write her. It hurt, and Martha missed the company. She wasn’t too sure about her roommate, Hazel, yet. It wasn’t that she was mean or anything, she was just quiet. Of course, if Martha talked to her she wasn’t rude enough to ignore her or end the conversation quickly. But the girl hardly spoke to her first, only responded. Martha supposed she was just shy or something. Hopefully that would change as they got to know each other. She sighed. Hopefully Martha would have the chance to get to know a lot of people.
> I feel as though Hazel would start/join a sort of musical club. Maybe an in school band or just a basic music club, anything could work with her. Musical club sounds good as well as band. I'll add that in the next announcements post! > Also, would it be okay for me to add a NPC? As a roommate for Lydia? Do I need to fill out a character sheet for that? Yeah that's fine. If you would like you can add some basic info to your character post about the roommate.
I've added announcements to the IC section! Should be the second post. I thought I would just edit what had been there originally since it had nothing to do with the actually story. As you can see, I've included an annual bonfire in there which is against the made up Westfield Prep (rival school, obviously.) In the announcements, I just included sports related things. I wanted to ask you all what other sorts of school activities you might want to be included. What kinds of clubs or teams? I'm open to anything since this is supposed to be pretty character driven with a main plot included. I am open to anything! Also, I will be adding my second character's first IC post shortly. > What day of the week/what time of day is this starting at? (meaning would they have classes today - so i know if they'd actually be able to get to the lake or not) Sorry, didn't see this earlier! I included the starting day on the second post in the IC section. At this point in time, your character can be at any time of the day (morning or afternoon, doesn't matter.) Only when important events happen will we need all the characters to be at the same time of the day. And I should mention as well that students can go to the lake any time of the day after classes end at 3 PM, as long as they either have supervision, or permission (as in a written slip that must be signed before they leave and as soon as they come back)
> ![enter image description here](http://s3.favim.com/orig/41/fashion-girl-model-natural-pretty-Favim.com-350237.jpg "enter image title here") > > > A rather pretty girl, Hazel is mostly known for her strange, mystical, and maybe even witchy eyes. She stands at about 5'10 and is thin and lanky, mostly due to her constant forgetfulness to eat and stay healthy. Her face is small and pale, and normally heavily made up, especially during school days. Hazel's lips are somewhat large and always curled into a pout, while her nose is small and rounded. Her eyes seem to be blue-green, and almost have a silvery appearance to them. Messy pale brown hair frames Hazel's round face, giving her a much more childish appearance. She is rarely seen in anything too fancy, oft preferring sweats and sweaters over dresses and heels, and her hair is normally held up in a large, messy bun, or loose and down to her mid-back. > > > **Name:** > > Hazel Barwicke > > **Age:** > > 16 > > **Year:** > > Third Year > > **Normal or Supernatural:** > > Clairvoyant (Unaware) - Sees the future through reflective surfaces, more so TVs and computer screens, and hears whispers through phones and during her dreams. Most of her precognition are hard to decipher and rarely wrong, but she has learned to somewhat use them to her advantage, even if she just thinks of them as mere lucky streaks. Also spiritually sensitive, and can see ghosts and other supernatural phenomena. > > > > **Personality:** > > Hazel is a clever and quick-witted young woman, with a sharp tongue and a direct way of approaching things. She is not afraid to speak her mind and will more times then not fight for what she believes is right before truly thinking into it. Very curious towards things that seem strange and loves to go out and adventure whenever she gets a chance. Typically cynical of most people, she is overly polite and quiet around strangers, and at times even friends, unless they are doing something outright wrong or immoral in her eyes. If that is the case, then she will not hold back on insults or reprimands until she feels it is right to stop. Over all introverted, she is easy to talk to but looses energy easily if around too many people, and after parties or large excursions she normally allows herself a day or two alone to relax and recharge. Plagued by visions and voices when both asleep and awake, Ash rarely sleeps well, and is rather forgetful. There are many times when she has forgotten to eat or speak during her daily life, which leaves her family a bit worried for her well-being. > > Absolutely loves poems, and has a rather clever mind. She could write music and lyrics for hours without stopping, and many times she has done exactly that. Easily stressed out, Hazel has trouble keeping calm at times, and if she gets too far into her panic she may suffer for anxiety attacks and other mildly worrying forms of panic. While she does her best to stay afloat in school, she can very quickly get discouraged if she is unable to do something as easily as she would like. Most of her stress is bore from her lack of sleep and her parents wish for her to keep doing well in school, and while some would say for her to simply take a break and nap it just isn't that easy. Excels in English and music classes, while she is relatively okay at math and science. > > Around TVs, phones, and other tech-related devices she is rather nervous. Her powers usually seem to filter through the slender, hole-ridden telephones or smooth, black screens of televisions, more clearly then anywhere else, so when she is close to any sort of electric based item she may hear whispers, or see images of the past or future. Her powers also filter in through still water, windows, mirrors, and dreams, and are overall very dull and hard to see and understand. She is unaware that this is even a power, instead thinking of it as her remembering something odd, like deja vu. She also seems to be sensitive to supernatural forces, and can at times see white outlines of people, or ghosts, as others would call them. > > > **Bio:** > > Hazel was born into a normal, Thai-Irish family. She was the first (and only) child, heavily spoiled, and loved unconditionally by her doctor mother and lawyer father. Of course, due to her parents being busy with their work, she was often alone in her childhood, and though she acted like she didn't mind it kind of got to her eventually, leaving her to be a very withdrawn child. As she grew, Hazel began to notice all the people who lived in her house with them, like the man with the rope around his neck, and the children who often jumped from the railings to the foyer below while giggling hysterically. Hazel often told her parents of these people, but they brushed her off gently, calling them her "imaginary friends". And she soon began to believe they imaginary as well eventually. > > The first time she heard whispers of the future was when she was ten, and she was home alone playing with her dad's old guitar. The phone rang suddenly from the kitchen, the old white land line phone that had been broken for the passed three weeks, and Hazel answered with slight hesitance. On the other end, whispers, excited and certain, filtered through and filled her mind with images. She saw a cat, a bad test grade, and an unfamiliar, sobbing child. So surprised by these images, Hazel dropped the phone and fell back, yelling out in fear as the images took over her mind and caused a massive headache. She was bedridden for two days, and when she finally was able to walk and talk without getting a migraine and a nosebleed she returned to school. On her way, though, she was caught up by the most adorable, yet familiar looking cat. She spent a few minutes trying to coax it forward before continuing on her way. In her second period science class, there was a sudden quiz, which she didn't do too well on, receiving a low seventy as a grade, and during recess, the new kid was being harshly bullied. Hazel witnessed all of this, feeling such a heavy sense of deja vu that she almost felt sick. > > These odd phenomena continued happening, well into her middle school and then high school life, though she merely brushed them off as sleep-deprived hallucinations/lucky guesses. She was eventually enrolled into the Northwood Academy, and she transferred in during her sophomore year of high school. > > **How You Came to the School:** > > Transfer > > **Preferred Dorm:** > > Dorsey Hall > Accepted!
> Mind if I rehash my old girl? Course not! We would love to have you! > Sorry, I just realised that I posted in the wrong section, but am in my phone now, which does not like the Guild. I'll move it over in the morning. It's perfectly fine, still accepted.
> Is this still open to applications? If so, would you let me be a teacher, preferably a supernatural one? Otherwise, don't worry, i'll just be a supernatural student. Yes, still open! If you were going to be a teacher, I would prefer it be a teacher that has just started. You can be both a teacher and a student.
> Hi! I would love to still join this rp if it's not too late! > > ![enter image description here](http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k133/mary_anne_shipp_yo/Daria2_zps66a259bb.jpeg "enter image title here") > > > - Name: Lydia Wintworth > - Age: 16 > - Year: 2nd > - Normal or Supernatural (as in, what are you?): Normal > - Personality: Lydia is a shy girl who makes quite the effort to keep out of as many people’s way as possible. She’s very sweet, but hardly talks to anyone other than a couple friends she’s managed to find during her time at Northwood. > - Bio: Lydia was born in New York City, the only child of the wealthy socialite, Vivian Wintworth. Although she comes from money, Lydia was often neglected by her mother and the job of raising her was left to various nannies and caretakers. When she was six, a woman named Anita was hired as a permanent nanny to Lydia. Up until the age of 12, Anita was one of the only people she trusted completely and loved with all her heart. Lydia was devastated when her beloved nanny had to move back to her home in South America to take care of her ill father. She then went through eight different nannies until her mother finally decided to ship her off to boarding school. When she was 14, Lydia applied to Northwood Academy, located far away from her home in NYC. Due to her excellent grades and high standing at her boarding school, Lydia was accepted into the Academy. Although she had to adjust to being so far away from any huge cities, Lydia enjoyed being in a place surrounded by nature. She does not miss her mother much, and never knew her father. The only person she writes to often is Anita. > - How you came to the school: Applied to get away from her home and was accepted. > - Preferred Dorm: Wells > -------------------------------------- > ![enter image description here](http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k133/mary_anne_shipp_yo/Joe1_zpsb42c0f53.jpg "enter image title here") > > > > - Name: Max Elliot > - Age: 17 > - Year: 3rd > - Normal or Supernatural (as in, what are you?): Max is a necromancer. Ever since he was little, he’s seen the ghosts of dead souls everywhere he goes. They can only communicate with him if he speaks to them first and Max tries to avoid talking to them as much as possible. It’s hard to distinguish between real people and dead people sometimes. > - Personality: Max is very reserved. He doesn’t like talking to other people but he also doesn’t really like other people too much. On a good day he’s rather friendly but on gloomier days he is uninviting. He’s usually trying to ignore everybody for fear of what they might be. > - Bio: Max was 4 when he first communicated with someone from the other side. A woman who had been murdered by an intruder in his house 150 years beforehand lived in his closet-the place she had been murdered in. Every night until he was 8, the year his family moved, he hid under his covers while the woman begged and pleaded with him to save her. When his family moved, Max had hoped the woman would be left behind and he would be safe again. However, instead of the lady who had been murdered, his new home held an entire family that died in a fire. Afraid that they would torment him like before, Max ignored every single one of them and found that they couldn’t bother him if he didn’t talk to him. It was when he was 13 that his little sister was born and his family moved once again. In his new house, a man who had died in the 30s lived in his room with him. > - How you came to the school: Max received an invitation. He jumped at the chance to leave the home that held yet another ghost for him. He didn’t know, at the time, how many students had died at the school. > - Preferred Dorm: Dorsey Accepted!
> Great. I must ask, though--Were you going to assign characters rooms and dorm mates, or is that for the poster to decide? Since there aren't too many people, it's up to you guys. Whether you want another person's character as a dorm mate or a NPC as a dorm mate is fine.
Yes, all characters are accepted. I just want to clarify that Northwood is a normal school and the supernatural beings that attend Northwood don't necessarily know there are others like them attending the same school. Just in case anyone might have been confused on that. But the first IC is up! I have only written something for Sam to begin this RP. I'll write something up for Martha though, probably after everyone has posted. I figured we would start about two weeks into the first semester.
Hi everyone! I've been waiting to see if anymore people would be joining. But it doesn't seem to be that way. I will post the first IC sometime tonight. Might be pretty late if I'm too busy but it will be up before tomorrow morning!
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