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TheDoctor said
Took ya long enough Ice, accepted.

Sorry buddy. I've been putting it off because I couldn't find any old CS's to copy/paste. I hate writing new ones as well.
Phil was laying face down in the grass completely knocked out. He was having an odd dream. Blood all over the walls of a house. Disfigured faces around him. Screaming voices, one of a girl yelling at him to run. Then more screaming that could not be distinguished. There was more and more. Finally, Phil opened his eyes and realized the screaming was coming from his surroundings. Phil grunted. "Where am I" he asked himself rolling onto his back. His head was pounding with blood. He felt the back of his head and sure enough there was a bump, a big one, on the back of his head. "What a banal way of subduing someone." Phil said in a mutter. He tried to remember what had happen to him, yet no epiphany came to him. He knew his name and the face of a girl imprinted into his mind. His life was an enigma to him.

Phil had no intention of greeting the other people he noticed that were bickering and yelling. "They are all terrified" Phil observed. He closed his eyes hoping to get the pounding in his head to go away, but nevertheless it persisted to annoy him. The people yelling sure weren't helping. "Whatever..." Phil grunted pulling himself up into a sitting position. One person was attempting to bring control to the situation. "Christ...I am expected to work with people." Phil thought. "Hmph" Phil grunted at the words of introducing himself to everyone. "I guess I hate working with others." Phil inferred, "I don't have a problem with it I rather do it alone I guess." He might as well. "Phil Dawson." His voice was surly and a bit unfriendly. "I have no clue what I did in life. I don't remember a thing except my name." Phil chose to exclude the face of that girl, since nobody there reminded him of her. "Whatever...." Phil finished with. He still refused to get off the ground. He sort of glared at the people around him. The girl who refused to give her name seemed untrustworthy and especially had trust issues with everyone else. "Good choice, probably." Phil thought. "Can't rely on anyone."
Name: Phil Dawson
Age: 27
Gender: Male

Past hunter?: Yes
Relationships: None at all
Personality: Phil is Introverted, cold and taciturn who pushes away those who would otherwise be considered his friends. Though withdrawn, Phil does not shrink from what he considers his duty. As much as he resents assuming leadership he is the first to ensure that what is necessary gets done. Phil's clear mind and sense of responsibility lead others to trust and follow him. He is very difficult to work with but he gets what he needs done. Phil remember his parents dying but prefers to forget about that, perhaps to repress bad memories, but he remembers his sister being taken away when he was young, making him afraid of losing the feelings of comfort loved-ones provide. Phil does not believe in relying on others, as friends and family are inevitably lost and in the end he will be alone.
Bio: His childhood is a blur. Phil remembers something or someone taking his sister when he was a teenager. Before that, nothing. He was then adopted by his Uncle who happened to be a former hunter. When Phil told his Uncle what he remembered from the attack his Uncle automatically recognized the attack as a vampire attack. From that point on he decided to raise Phil as a hunter, which in turn gave Phil the life long goal of finding the vampires who killed his family. Not for revenge, since he had no feelings for his family. More just to move on from the traumatic experience of his early life. Furthermore, while in the dome. He seems to remember nothing from his past. Just his name and his sister.
Other: Well crap

Name: Takeshi Yagami
Fighting Style: Master in Krav Maga, a martial art meant for self-defense and military use. He also will use his surrounding environment to his advantage; if there is a book lying around, Takeshi will use or attempt to use it to his advantage. He never looks for a fight, but they always seem to come to him due to his attitude.
Age (15-18): 17
Other: Introverted, cold and taciturn teenager who pushes away those who would otherwise be considered his friends. Though withdrawn, Takeshi does not shrink from what he considers his duty. As much as he resents assuming leadership he is the first to ensure that what is necessary gets done. Takeshi's clear mind and sense of responsibility lead others to trust and follow him.
TheDoctor said
I'm so glad I haven't been nominated yet.So the Walking Dead Season Two Video Game finale just came out so I'm going to play that and post afterwards.

Too bad it's not out on Xbox for two days. :P
I just finished it
Dexter, in response to Nixon, said, "Truce." He prepared himself for a fight. Of course he needed a weapon, so Dexter ran to his base and found a large hunting knife that he normally fought with. He ran to where Nixon was; however, Dexter was shocked as his new partner was being attacked. "Shit!" Dexter yelled as he saw Mithias attacking Nixon. "Mithias, we have a truce!" Dexter yelled. Nixon muttered something that Dexter couldn't hear, but luckily enough Mithias stopped the assult.

Dark Dexter said "Jesus fucking christ we have bigger problems."

"No shit..." Dexter muttered he went over to Nixon. "Nixon let him up so we can..." A fire noise went off and Dexter saw a bolt flying towards his heart. However, someone had stopped the bolt mid-flight. The Demon, Zzyxx, had grabbed the bolt. "You're bloody well welcome." He said to Dexter. "Sorry I'm late. Traffic." Zzyxx grinned looking at Nixon.

Dexter surveyed the area and ran towards a shipping container which would act as some cover, before the the bullets hit him. Zzyxx was right next to him. "You have better vision than me. Look to see if they have any ranged support. I'll go and convince to be nice to our side. Then we need to pinpoint the leader. Capture him." Zzyxx commanded. Dexter immediately looked for anyone in the buildings. He spotted a small shape on top of the roof. "There." Dexter pointed. "I can't tell if they have a weapon, they're too far, but they defiantly in the shape of a person." Dexter looked around the shipping container to try to find the leader of the hunters. He saw a man holding a crossbow, probably the guy who tried to shoot him, walking towards their tiny group. He seemed older and wiser than the rest. Dexter decided to target that person. He looked back to Zzyxx to relay the information, but he was gone. Dexter sighed and jumped into the fight.
Zzyxx's mission was simple. Get rid of any sniper support. He was running towards the building in which Dexter said there was someone on top of the roof. "I hope you don't see me." Zzyxx said to himself. He wrenched open the door to the building after coming to a stop. He then sprinted up the stairs to the roof. There he saw a young man with white hair there. "'Ello laddie" Zzyxx said. Nixon needed a man on the inside of the Hunter's group, so Zzyxx attempted to use his emotional tap on the young man. Due to the man being so young, Zzyxx assumed the tap would go through. The young have weak minds. Years of influencing people had taught Zzyxx that.
Dexter looked Margeret's body as she slowly closed her eyes. The healing would take some time he knew, but she shouldn't be dying. Dexter then realized that she had gone into a coma. He laid her down carefully and exited the container. He then sensed a presence near by. He quickly ran to a near by building's roof and looked out into the distance. He saw a lot of humans walking towards him. "Shit....Hunters..." Dexter said. He wasn't going to win this fight, he knew that.

"You need to run." Dark Dexter said. "Now"

Dexter nodded and prepared himself to run away.
"We can't die from normal wounds, Margret. But, a blow that takes our heads off or a blow to the heart will kill us. Your healing powers aren't fully devolped yet as well since you're a freshling. When you're fully developed, you'll also heal faster than normal humans, but stitches will help the process for now. You're lucky you weren't stabbed in the heart." Dexter started to sew up Margret. He did it very carefully, as if he had years of experience of stitching others up. After finishing his handy work, Dexter picked up Margret and brought her to the shipping container base. He laid Margret down and then returned his attention to the new arrival.

"Thanks for the supplies. She's not fully a vampire yet. Her healing powers aren't fully developed. She needs to be ready to fight by tomorrow so this will help. Anyway, let's talk about you. Who are you, why are you here, and what do you want?"
Sorry Guys, I've been busy with work and stuff. Posting now.
I've already accepted you HellHound
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