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  • Old Guild Username: Igraine
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    1. Igraine 10 yrs ago


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AmongHeroes said Hey all,

I'm going to go ahead and pull the plug on this RP. I know that several of you have done a wonderful job of staying interested, and posting in a timely manner. However, my own heart has not turned out to be in this project. Perhaps my expectations were too lofty and unrealistic. I didn't intend to do this RP with so many NPC's being required to play, and instead of forcing something, I'd rather just go ahead and put this to bed. I apologize for this sudden change, but I feel it necessary.

Once again, thank you all for your time and work. I wish you all the best, and hopefully I'll see you around RPG.

I'm really sorry to read about this Heroes, but I suppose you have to do what you think best - and it's always best not to drag out a story you think may not be viable. Thanks to all the other players who made this fun so far!
Bree's head whirled over her shoulder as the knock came at the door, her brow furrowing with a sudden worry as she shrugged into her black leather jacket. No one had called to tell her they were coming to her room, for either a pick up or a briefing, and cold suspicion lanced through her chest. Working in the Organized Crime unit had already imbued her with a healthy overabundance of caution, and the horror that was this case now colored everything with a toxic layer of genuine paranoia. She pulled the Glock from the shoulder holster beneath the jacket, holding the pistol to her side as she opened the door, grey eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Please don't run, Bree."

He needn't have worried, even if his words were simply the form of a weak, half-hearted jest. No, Bree couldn't have run, even if she wanted.

"Ethan?" she breathed softly, shaking her head incredulously as she holstered the Glock again beneath her jacket. He was here. Thank God, he was really here!

She didn't know how, or why, or what in the world or in Ethan had changed inside these past four days. It simply didn't matter. In an instant Bree wrapped her arms around Ethan's shoulders tightly, throwing herself into the embrace as she pulled him close in the motel room doorway. In that moment, she wasn't thinking about what she was doing, who might be watching or what they would think or how anything might appear in that moment, what she was supposed to be doing, or much less what she should be doing. Tears welled up in her grey eyes, and suddenly she wasn't simply Special Agent Brigid Walsh, nor even former Army Military Policeman SGT Walsh - not even a tiny bit. Right now, she was just Bree, only Bree, a woman who could not even begin to hide the relief that nearly brought her to her knees.

"Thank you Ethan. Thank you so much. I'm sorry - God I'm so sorry, for every last thing I said," she whispered, eyes shut tight against even more tears as she buried her face in his shoulder.

"Thank you," Bree whispered one more time, as an enormous black cat padded behind her, rubbing his wide, soft head against her calf, and then winding himself about Ethan's calves with a purr deep and loud enough to rumble all the way to the bones.
Wow - there are a LOT of those that could apply, and so interesting to consider. Cybernetic septicemia - perhaps the reason those people died, to whom Hob alluded earlier?
"As you will, aniki. May your pockets be wide and deep, because I intend to fill them with all manner of goodies, just to see that inner-American crow with delight." The boy's dark eyes flashed up to his elder brother's, and he bowed once more before lighting off to grab the attention of one, and then another, of the warehouse workers, plucking at the men's sleeves before darting back to his brother, the honored first son who would do all the speaking for the duo.

Quick little brother was there simply to learn the family business beneath the wise tutelage of his elder, and to add his speed and surprising, wiry strength to their small endeavor this evening. No matter the unfortunate matter of his injured leg, the elder brother obviously possessed a great deal of shrewd intelligence and a grand deal of experience in this business. His golden tongue and easy manner stated oh-so-quietly and yet oh-so-firmly that he knew what he was about as he began to streamline their sojourn through the warehouse, all the better to see them gone and on their way in service of this clan.

The elder caught the attention of one of the administrators keeping the inventory, his calmly assertive demeanor ensuring that of course a cart was brought to central loading area at his request. Its empty bed was padded with thick palettes of straw that filled the air with that heady, sweetly golden scent as the younger brother trod over it. The slender boy climbed over the edge to the seat, offering his hand to help his elder brother maneuver his way upward and into a far better vantage point, from where he could direct the efforts of his little brother and the two warehouse workers they had recruited.

There were crates of rifles of course, and even a couple Colt revolvers carefully packaged in wooden boxes, all slowly, carefully lowered from the top shelves where the limber younger brother had easily vaulted. He caught his elder's eye on occasion as he leapt from shelf to shelf, seeing the loving concern there tempered with the knowledge that they had a job to do this night.

The young boy's limbs trembled with the exertion, the sweat saturating the back and front of his shirt as he helped haul the unwieldy and unspeakably heavy boxes down from the shelves, and then to the cart itself. A proud young boy it seemed, wanting nothing more than to show his elder brother that his decision to bring him this night had been a wise one, that he could do the work of any man.

The ammunition came next, though this time the boy let the two brawnier warehouse workers maneuver these crates into the back of the cart. Swiftly and unseen, he darted back toward the wing next to the one they had just exited, climbing up the shelving once more. The slender slip of a child was lost to the shadows as he made his way to the 'toys' that would bring such a smile to the face of his beloved big brother. The nitroglycerin compound was slipped oh-so-carefully into the pack he wore on his back, along with a box of fuses, and then detonators as well. The sticks of already crafted dynamite also fit easily into his pack, which he carefully lifted back over his shoulders.

The climb down was a tad slower than the one he took upward, but no matter. Beneath the brim of his hat, the shadows concealed a rather sweet and undoubtedly pleased little smile, gracing the boy's face as he wound his way back through the throngs of warehouse workers and clambered into the back of the cart. Layers of canvas tarp, dusty and hard, were tied down over the back, the rough hemp of the rope cutting into the boy's hands 'til they bled - not that he minded of course.

No, he minded not at all, particularly when he could finally lean over the back of the seat to whisper in his brother's ear, "their share" secure in the cart and the brazen duo apparently about to simply ride out of this rival yakuza warehouse.

"You have been in America long enough to have caught some of their holiday traditions I imagine?" Galina whispered softly into Souma's ear, her breath softly tickling the tender skin. "You are simply going to love the early Christmas present I found for you, my dearest aniki."
KuroTenshi said
And WOW! That post was amazing Heros and Justric!OLGA and Hob are a detective team now, they need their own theme song

Pauline nodded to Deli, her smile bright with an honest joy, savoring the memory of the moment she'd finally earned her first job that didn't have a thing to do with bussing tables or "Do you want fries with that?"

"Oh yes, hired," she quipped as the little yellowy lemony sweet rolled over her tongue, letting it sit in her cheek for a moment while she talked. "And yeah, I'd like to believe it's bit of both: Owen is a great guy." She bit her tongue and didn't add the part about him not earning the same estimation from Mowzer. "And I have been working on these equations for a couple months now, for the training programs. Second Shift didn't see much point, but Owen seems to agree they could be helpful planning for certain eventualities - "

Pauline started when she saw Mike Davis framed by the doorway, her pale eyes widening in genuine surprise as she returned his small wave almost instinctively. She swallowed the yellow gummy bear she’d been sucking on, her smile tentative at first with the memory of her graceless exit from the gardens earlier garishly bright at the forefront of her thoughts. Mike had deserved better from her than some flimsy excuse about having to get to the hangar, not feeling well or to go pee or something like that - and all because he recognized her name?

'God knows, I can act such a fool... ' Antoine had shown her that wasn’t really so bad, being recognized - not at all. Not even a little. And frankly, the Copernicus didn’t have enough hidey holes in all its miles and miles of hallways if she bolted every time someone figured out who she was, and why she was awake. The shame wasn't hers after all, and it certainly wasn't little Eva's.

’Besides, the man laughs with his eyes. That’s really... That's really nice… ‘ And that was the thought that lifted her smile from tentative to positively brilliant.

“Mike? I’m fine, thanks - but what are you doing here?” She laughed softly, pushing off the desk she had been leaning against, standing to her feet to wave Sergeant Davis inside. “I almost didn’t recognize you without your 2Pac accompaniment! Sergeant Davis is a pretty amazing dancer Deli,” she said as she did a really terrible imitation of the graceful shuffling step-slide he'd been caught doing this morning in the middle of a temperate forest. “Yeah yeah, I’m gosh awful, but he - ”

Pauline's eyebrows raised in surprise as she turned to Deli, who was... Well, "dumbstruck" was probably a good word. "Awed" was another one. "Amazed" - probably even "stunned" would work, and Pauline just couldn't leave her like that!

"Gummy bears, of course!" Pauline interjected swiftly and easily, "And with what might be the last gummy bears in the universe? Psh, I mean who doesn't bear, right?" She picked out a few more of the yellow gummy bears from the bag, her pale gaze traveling lightly between the two as she held them to Mike in the palm of her hand, a sweet little welcome offering.

"Deli, this is Mike. Mike, Deli - she and I'll be working together here in Hangar Six, and she's also the lady with the bears! Like a few?"


Abby grinned, shaking her head with a warm chuckle. Her head tilted slightly, curious about the soft blush that crept across Gavin's lightly freckled skin, though of course she said mentioned it not at all as the pair made their way through the

"Oh Gavin, all forgiven - but... A visit to the vet? Hmm... " She tapped her chin thoughtfully for a moment as if deep in thought, before double-checking the location of Antoine Eodore's quarters. "Well, I suppose Stella Albright can have you - but only so long as it's just for a quick once-over! I still need you Doctor Brock, and I think I'll be keeping you around for a good while longer. I mean, what kind of fool would put down a perfectly good geneticist, I ask you?"

Abby winked slyly up at Gavin, still grinning as she nodded her head down the hallway in the direction of the cryotech's quarters. This business with Sylas Adams weighed heavy on her shoulders - shoulders already weighed down with a thousand other worries besides, and she'd only been woken from her cryosleep a few days now. These lighter moments with Gavin still had the cast of something precious and stolen, and she honestly could not - would not - stop herself from enjoying them wherever and whenever they might be found.

"A perfectly good geneticist mind you, who still owes me a real date... " she murmured just loud enough to be sure Gavin heard her, as she stopped outside what should be the room of Antoine Eadore. Abby's knuckles rapped against the metal casing of the door swiftly, a touch of the more old-fashioned Earth-bound manners that some of Her people still embraced before pressing the call button outside his room.

"Mr. Eadore? Are you home?" she said into the speaker piece. "This is Abby Larson, from the briefing this morning? I'm here with Dr. Brock - would you have a few minutes to talk with us?"
WOW! Wonderful post, gentlemen!

And working on my own as well, thanks for the encouragement Kuro and Dot *hugs*
Since I wrote the original short story back in 2010? yup, totally litigation-worthy, dammit!

I just wanted to come by and apologize - I meant to get something up tonight for both Pauline and Abby, but things kinda hit the fan at school, and I'm just not going to have the time until tomorrow. :(
AmongHeroes said
Hey all, just doing a quick check to see if anyone is planning on posting soonish?

Bon jour, Heroes! Obviously already did the post thing, so probably not too soon-ish and such, but looking forward to reading yours Serge soon-ish
KuroTenshi said You're both loons, those things are nasteh

Derren Krenshaw said
^ Such truth.Coffee, or tea... espresso if you really want. Go for the stuff, not those.... 'other' drinks.:P

Lillian Thorne said
You are both so wise! (says the lady who just finished a cup at 11:25 PM....)

DotCom said
Ooooh...yeah, I'm with Derren, Kuro, and LT on this one, guys. Those drinks make me feel like I'm living life in a B list thriller, all jumpy and paranoid and surrounded by the younger siblings of celebrities. =/

Hmmm... I shall sit here with my first Monster of the day, and ponder your combined wisdom...
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