Avatar of Ike
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 128 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Ike 10 yrs ago


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deadpixel101 said
Well.I was honestly expecting him have a few problems (I AM JUST BRIMMING WITH CONFIDENCE) Not that the GM has said anything yet... Thanks for the input though guys.Also question to Ike.Multiple characters, Y/N?

Later on possibly, but for now we are going to make the "Founding Members" of the guild.

Hibiki No Echo said
I'm doing some revisions on my CS. Also can I have customized skill names? Like instead of say... "Final Shot" we have things like "Mami's Heart Pounding Tiro Finale!". I know it sounds stupid but I like this idea... We can also show certain characters personalities and to differentiate certain moves like counters and buff spells,

You can name it whatever, if you've noticed I've been extremely lax on the character creation. I don't want to feel like this is MY rp and you are making characters that only I want, I'd rather you make a character you want. I expect others may follow in your suit and began fully customizing characters and beginning to craft their identities in game. Just know if you change a lot of things you should notify me :)
Just letting everyone know, today will mark the start of me reviewing the characters. Since we've had the OOC up for a day I think it gave everyone interested a time to create their character. If you're reading this, you haven't missed the deadline but move along with it already can't wait for you forever. So yeah, I'll be doing that now.

I don't have anything else to say but I probably should. I'm half asleep so please don't hold anything against me..

Edit: Those accepted can find themselves on the first post, others who were not are either incomplete or have a problem with your character. I don't enjoy being criticized in front of a group so I won't do it to others. If you find the need to discuss why your character may not have been accepted. Please PM me or go ahead and adjust it then contact me that adjustments have been made and we'll go from there! I figured this is the simplest and organized way to go about this as opposed to spamming the OOC with conversations between 3-4 others about their character something that really only matters between me and said person. Also if you finish your character AFTER this post is made, please notify me in the thread or by PM that your character needs evaluation.

If you find yourself on the accepted list and want to make adjustments please tell me you've changed things because that might impact my ruling. So yeah...
Good to see more characters are coming into play and I'm also glad to see people working out their own issues, right now I'm just gonna sit back and allow you guys to fumble through the ideas you have and create something before I start judging them or anything. Most people seem to enjoy revising their character over and over until it becomes unique to them and that's what I want, everyone to have their character feel unique and something they actually enjoy. I'll organize characters when the time comes so don't worry about that. We still don't have a Guild name set in stone but the one everyone seems to enjoy is Reincarnation, so that's a possibility.

So far what do we have: DPS Magic Knight, DPS Samurai, DPS/Utility thief, DPS Gunner, DPS Speed fighter, Damage/Tank/Bruiser, DPS Magic Alchemist, DPS Mage/Knight, Support Mage, DPS Sniper.

I hope I got that generally right. Just an idea to give you guys a clue at where we're at. I'm waiting for the guild to come together before I release my character.
I don't wanna be all over the place posting every 5 seconds, I like to be the silent watcher. I'm giving people time to adjust and change before I even start critiquing characters or anything. However in about 24 minutes I will probably be off the computer and only have the ability to watch from my phone.

I'm also currently working on a section about limitations in the world, PVP and other such things while thinking of a character among other things. But I'll take this moment to ask a few questions:

- Guild name! We need a cool name for our guild. Preferably something simple, crisp, clean and impressive. Also extra guild names for potential guilds we may run into (considering each Kingdom should have about 2-4 depending on size.)
- How to begin the RP: I have an idea in mind based around a Party Quest that forms into an opportunity to form a guild (which is something not all players will be allowed to do.)
- Mounts/Pets/Familiars: How do you guys believe this should be regulated? Only some classes get access to these or should it be an entire addition to classes. I don't want to see everyone with a familiar or mount so I do want an added draw back to them (perhaps it would consume a socket for a skill and/or profession depending on the intention.)
I would say technology isn't really defined in this. Some cities might be made of practical stone and mortar structures while others could have crazy floating buildings or skyships powered by steam. As long as it isn't TOO ridiculous (computers, nuclear energy, other such things that don't fit a fantasy setting) it could exist in this virtual world.
Yes there is definitely magic/mana/chakra/ki/ju-ju whatever you want to call it for your character's specific needs.
Character Name: Elijah Mithe
Real Name: Paul Everett
Real Age: 18
Appearance: Elijah is described by others as a medium build character, slightly taller than average with a lightly tanned complexion. An unkempt tangled mass of rather long dark brown hair pushed back sits upon his head above a pair of deep set, plain brown eyes separated by a big crooked nose. Elijah's rather strong jaw is covered in slight stubble that appears to have only freshly formed for him. Those who see him walking would describe him as a dark and looming figure, often with a hood up covering the majority of his face.

Class: Spellblade
The spellblade is a unique class identified by its ability to utilize both Arcane magickas while maintaining proficiency with weapons (not limited to only blades). Most players agree a Spellblade is somewhat of a 'second rate' class since it lacks the variety in magic and high burst of damage that a typical mage has while also lacking in the high defensive aspects most fighter classes have. However, the broad range of damage they can apply makes it near impossible to be immune to a Spellblade's damage. Spellblades are notably limited to pure arcane or illusionary magic and unlike other mage classes who can forge spells from nothing, spellblades require a medium to project their magic through; i.e. wands, spellbooks and various religious trinkets.
Job(s): Enchanter, Scholar, Courier.

Skill List:
Passive: Arcane Infusion - Each basic attack releases a small burst of arcane energy from the weapon striking with both Magical and Physical damage, with each strike the blade also begins to charge up additional arcane energy. Upon reaching five charges, The spellblade can swing their blade to release a powerful burst of magical energy, sometimes in a large vertical slash striking adjacent targets and other times as a straight extended strike adding a slight distance to their physical range.
Active: Arcane Missile - A basic ranged magic attack, fires a small bolt which can strike a single target for low damage. Applies a slight resistance debuff for non-elemental magic and physical attacks.
Active: Prismatic Barrier - Imprints a sigil on a target (object or creature) which creates an arcane barrier around them. This barrier can resist a variety attacks but eventually wears down and 'shatters', removing the sigil. This allows the spellblade to buff an ally's defense or temporarily create a makeshift shield for them self.
Active: Binding Grasp - The spellblade will imprint a rather large sigil into a surface. When this sigil is interacted with by another being, it activates causing two etheral hands made of arcane energy to grab the target temporarily binding them. The target is able to wrestle themselves free, but not without a struggle.

Equipment List: Basic black tunic with matching black trousers, a pair of leather boots and a heavy blue cape with a hood attached. Elijah also carries a single iron short sword and a basic brown spellbook.
OOC is up! Please claim a post and begin making your characters, if you have something you're confused about or questions in general please don't hesitate to ask.


Welcome to Kingdoms of the Sky Online, a massive online world where players will be placed within a virtual reality environment and face gaming in an all new life changing experience! You will hack, blast and cast your way through hordes of creatures varying in shape, size and ferocity. With the all new SYNAPS combat system the player will be able to feel the reality of combat against creatures never before seen in this light. With the server being run by the famous Artificial Intelligence Gaia, the computer allows for an infinite number of combat styles, far more character customization than ever before and a never before seen infinitely expanding skill list! Join us for an adventure of the century in the world's first ever Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online game!

The Story.
A game known as Kingdoms of the Sky Online has been launched, the world's first Virtual Reality game. The Company that has released this amazing adventure announces exactly one week from the launch date they will hold an amazing in game event, either this information pushes you over and you decide to purchase the game or simply you had already planned to and finally saved up. For whatever reason you entered the game, you did so on March 1st 2017 the day of the event. At the time the event was supposed to begin, players wait patiently for an announcement that never comes. Confusion begins to set in when players realize the log out function has been disabled. The following message was sent to every inbox.

"Greetings player, welcome to the fantastic world of Kingdoms of the Sky Online! We thank you for your purchase and want to inform you that your contribution will not be in vein, you have been entered in the most amazing event to ever occur in human history! Kingdoms of the Sky Online is now your new world, we hope you enjoyed your time in the game so far because you will now be of permanent residence! As most of you have probably discovered the log out function has been disabled, don't worry about your real life body its existence is pointless now since you are here. A few changes have been made following this glorious event, you will find the respawn function is also disabled. Death in game means death in real life, monster AI has been increased and a new real-pain indicating system has been introduced allowing you to experience the world in a more realistic way, isn't that exciting!? Again we thank you for joining us on this new adventure and once more, welcome to Kingdoms of the Sky Online!" The Roleplay will begin exactly two days after this message was sent.

The Guide to 'Leveling' Up.

Within Kingdom of the Skies Online, a player will have no indication on any form of what we know as 'stats', rather everyone starts at a neutral point. At the start of your game, every action you take will reflect upon your character. The game's highly advanced AI nicknamed "Gaia" will be constantly micro-managing everyone's ratios. Players will experience a highly natural growth rate of skill that reflects upon experience. As you progress deeper in the game, your jobs and classes will open up and allow you more skillsets, items, gear, etc.

Upon beginning the game, the player will answer a short series of questions that will end with them receiving a specialized set of equipment tailor-made for their personality and style. To advance in the game and evolve your character, one must show actual attempt to progress including participating in guild skirmishes, boss raids and party quests. In order to progress to the next tier in your class what is known as a "Progressive Feat" is required, which includes but is not limited to: completing an epic quest, defeating a legendary monster or reaching a milestone in power forcing you to advance. Upon this "level up" a player's avatar is open to change, some may simply acquire a new specific item (ie new tome for mages.) while others could acquire an entirely new look displaying their clearly more advanced capabilities.

General Guidelines & Expectations

  • Characters are expected to be limited in their own right by the person who made them, none of us wants someone who solves every situation.

  • Moderate length posts are what we're aiming for, something around 2-5 paragraphs per post, please no one liners or any other silly things.

  • A Mature level of writing, there will be blood, slight gore, cussing and intense themes. Sexual natures are forbidden and if you want to do that, I suggest going somewhere else.

  • Your word is just as important as anyone's, speak up if you think someone's character is too powerful or you disagree with a way something should go, but in the end majority rules and I will decide any possible tie-breakers and handle disputes.

  • Keep the arguing out of here and things down to a discussion, no insulting or hostility, lets all be friends and do this for fun. If you begin causing problems you will be asked to leave.

  • All other Roleplay rules are expected, please lets make this enjoyable!


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