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    1. impervious 9 yrs ago


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Hey, could I also have Jormungand as a character?

@HalfOfLancelot Done~
Definitely working on Anubis.
Thinking of doing Anubis, cause I'm a sucker for anything to do with the underworld.
Daniel Carrington


Katelyn Song

“Now, what could this be?”

Katelyn, with a hand full of bills and unmarked envelopes, allowed her eyes to curiously gloss over a small package and sealed letter. It was rare, really, for her to receive anything other than bills or spam mail, and Kate glanced over the two items carefully, soaking up any details she could about them. The letter was hidden in a fancy, perhaps expensive envelope, and seal shut with an almost-familiar wax crest. The package shared the same seal, and seemed otherwise unmarked. Katelyn glanced up at the attendant before her, smiling cheerily at the landlord who was in charge of gathering mail for whomever lived in the building above., and with a slight cough she asked who sent the fancy mail. Much to her surprise, however, she was met with a mere shrug and brief instructions to merely take the mysterious package and letter up to Daniel. Kate blinked once, and then, not wishing to pry, she merely gathered the items up in her free hand and vanished quickly into the stairwell.dsq1

Katelyn slipped into her apartment a few minutes later, carefully tiptoeing her way across the hardwood floor in an effort to keep any mail from dropping. She eventually entered the main area of the apartment, featuring an open kitchen and warm living room. Early morning sunlight filtered through the beige curtains, and Kate’s potted plants curled away from the frost-ridden windows. The chill of winter had not waited for November to end, it seemed, and Kate took note of the breezy cold air that managed to slip through the older window sill. She moved silently over to the small dining table, throwing down the pile of bills and spam mail haphazardly as she carefully moved the mystery package up into her now free hand. She curiously examined the two items, holding the envelope up to the dim light-fixture to try and read the contents, but once that failed she simply turned, calling out in a hushed yet stern voice,

“Danny! Package for you! Are you up yet?”

Dan had just woken up, and shuffled in blearily. He was cradling a warm cup in his hands and took a sip from it, yawning as he made his way over to Kate. His eyes sharpened at the sight of the envelope in her hands, and he moved more hurriedly, setting his mug down and taking it from her. His brows furrowed as he stared at the very familiar Carrington crest emblazoned on the front of it. After a beat of silence, he glanced up at Kate.

“I made some tea for you. It’s in the kitchen.”

Then he stared back down at the envelope and turned it over once again in his hands, trying to guess at what might be inside. Carefully, he peeled it open and out slid tickets and a pamphlet. Setting the tickets down on the table next to his coffee, he opened up the booklet.

As his eyes flicked over the information there, his expression grew ever more tight, lips pursing and eyes narrowing. Finally, he put down the thin pamphlet and collapsed into a chair, hand going for his coffee as he stared up at the ceiling in despair. It was far too early for this. Honestly, a trip around Europe? What, did they think he was going to drop everything and go? (Not that he actually had that much to do, but really it was the principle of it) And very considerately they’d enclosed an invitation for a guest of his choosing. Well, this was his punishment for not coming out when he’d had the chance.

Grabbing at the next letter, he flicked his eyes over it, before his eyebrows starting climbing. Well. This was very unexpected indeed. It was still as formal as he’d expect, but it was more personalised. A small unwanted part of him couldn’t help but preen at the praise, but he squashed that rather quickly. What did it matter if he got this now? Was it meant to make up for all the other years?

Glancing towards the kitchen where he could hear Kate shuffling around, he sighed. There wasn’t anyone else he’d really rather take. Standing again, after another long sip from his coffee he started towards her before his eyes landed on the package sitting on the table, likewise with the Carrington crest placed on it, flashy and demanding attention. There were fragile stickers all over it, as well as arrows saying ‘this way up’

Opening it apprehensively, he found a sleek black box, with ‘Scrabble’ written across the top in very fancy silver lettering. His eyes widened, and he slid the top of the box off to stare at the glass board inside, everything staying within a monochrome colour scheme. After picking up some of the pieces with a kind of wide-eyed wonder that only existed in childhood, he lifted it fully out and stared down at a pile of folders.

Flipping one open, he stopped when he saw it was from one of his favourite cases. The closing argument from a lawyer who was defending someone that was clearly guilty. It had tipped the majority of the jury in their favour.

Next to those was another slim box. As he slid the lid off it, he was surprised to see a sleek ballpoint pen. It would have looked like any other pen to anyone else, but he knew what it was. It was his dad's personal pen, the one he used for almost everything he did. Grabbing a spare piece of paper he scrawled on it before grinning at how smoothly the ink flowed from it.

Kate, after grabbing the mug of tea Daniel had prepared for her, creeped silently over to watch her friend unwrap his package. Peering over his shoulder curiously, she instantly grimaced at the sight of the Scrabble board, but, as polite as ever, she merely tapped his shoulder and asked innocently,

“Why’d you get all this?”

Daniel jumped slightly as she tapped him, but turned around to face her. He only hesitated for a second, before asking,

“Well, you’ve heard about the Carringtons, right? Not me, my parents. They own Trium-Veritas.” After a pause, and a breath, he continued, “they kind of want to have a family reunion of sorts. But, across Europe.” He rolled his eyes mentally at the thought of them doing anything by halves.

Glancing down at the scrabble set, then across at the tickets, he offered a weak smile,
“So. How do you feel about travelling across the world to meet up with my family?”

Kate nodded briefly at the mention of Daniel’s parents, and then her eyebrows hitched upwards at the apparent vacation they had planned. Damn rich people. She sipped her tea thoughtfully, listening as her friend continued on, and as he ended his explanation with an invitation for her to go with him she nearly choked. “Me, going with you to Europe?” Kate laughed, sounding confused and excited, “how can I say no? Unless there are, eh, ya know,” she rounded across the table, taking a seat in the chair across from him before continuing on, “catches. Is everything paid for? And, like, I’ve never met your folks. What if they don’t like me?” Kate caught herself before she started rambling off about things that could go wrong, and with a quizzical look on her face she leaned forward and awaited a few answers.

Daniel couldn’t help but smile at her immediate excitement, and barrage of questions. He laughed and held up a hand at all her queries, and started to answer them one by one.

“Everything is paid for, our flight out from here and everything after that. My parents...they can be a little much to deal with, but it’s really my siblings you’ll have to look out for. There are...what, ten of us? Yeah, a lot basically.”

He thought for a second, and rubbed the back of his neck.
“The only catch I could think of, is that you’d have to pretend to be my girlfriend. I found out about asexuality when I was in college, so most of them don’t know. My parents might suspect, but I don’t think anyone else does. I don’t fancy having to explain it, because you know how long that will take.” A pointed look to her as they both remembered just how many questions Kate had shot at him then

As he finished talking, his stomach gave a loud and unappreciative grumble. They both paused, then burst out laughing, and Daniel stood.

“Alright, enough talking about my family. I need food, and I need it now.”

Daniel wasn’t ashamed to say that he had packed more then Kate. It was by barely anything, but she always teased him for it, saying that it wouldn’t be that bad to wear something two days in a row. He’d simply looked at her, horrified and that had been that.

His hair also needed an almost lethal amount of hair products to make it stay down and maintain at least a facade of being tame. These were all excuses he used to explain why he needed a large suitcase.

Tucking his overcoat around him more firmly as they both exited the airport, he paused to take a deep breath. Kate put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and he looked back at her appreciatively before they both set off, the tickets impossibly heavy in his coat.

They could see the jet from here, and as Kate hurried forward-excited even now-and he had to quicken his pace to follow. As they approached, he saw four figures standing at the top of the steps that lead to the aeroplane. His breath shuddered, and he stopped once again the close his eyes under the facade of adjusting his grip on his suitcase. A hand gripped his free one, and he looked up to see Kate’s smile. It was oddly calming.

They made it to the bottom of the steps and had their bags taken from them. His hand clenched with nothing to hold and he stared at the first step as thought it was going to kill him. It wasn’t that much of a noticeable hesitation before he did take the first step, and another, until he and Kate were both behind the four figures already standing there.

The first thing he had to note were his parents. He hadn’t seen them in so long, but it was as if they hadn’t changed. The same, stiff posture. The same unsmiling faces. Although that could have been the people standing in front of him. He paused for a moment, before a look of surprise dashed across his face. It was Sam. His older sister who he hadn’t seen since he was a child. He didn’t know who her guest was, but they were gripping hands tightly, as if Sam didn’t want to let go.

His eyes flickered to them and away again, and there was an awkward pause before he cleared his throat.

“Um, yes. Hello. It’s nice to see you. This is my...girlfriend?” It sounded like almost like a question as he shot a quick gaze back at her. She nodded imperceptibly. They hadn’t talked about this enough. Or at all really.
“Yes, my girlfriend. Katelyn Song.”

He struggled for something else to say before tacking onto the end of his statement,
“Thank you for the Scrabble set. And the pen.” He glanced at his father at the last bit, a small smile tweaking the corners of his lips before disappearing again under tense, pursed lips that looked almost like a mirror image of his mother's.
Future manipulation. Villain I guess?
@Undine Just clarifying that Kate's going to be Daniel's fake girlfriend. They'll probably be very, very awkward.

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