Avatar of Irell Starling
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    1. Irell Starling 10 yrs ago


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"Metaphores" by Sylvia Plath


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Ryen nodded when Lazlo mentioned the slide regarding Seita’s qualifications. Yes, the girl was a street urchin and true, she had managed to slip past security measures on the Federation Stronghold and yes, the captain had instructed all of them to treat her like an adult, but that didn’t mean Seita was an adult. By Syrae societal standards, Ryen was barley considered an adult herself.

Then Lazlo started in on what would happen to Seita if she were caught. It was a far cry away from what would happen on Syrae. If the person was young enough, and not deemed hazardous to society, they would receive different guardian, go to a correctional school, or if all else failed, be apprenticed in the mines. Ryen had a sudden flash of herself using an Ertug, digging away deep underground in the crystalline mines of Syrae. Assuming, of course, that she was caught and wasn’t executed instead after her trial and, of course, that she didn’t end up as some kind of lab rat instead. It was a good thing that no one knew that one of the most valuable and technologically advanced pieces of AI technology was currently making its way steadily towards deep space.

”How do you know?” Ryen asked as she followed him back down the hallway to the main elevator. At the mention of the word murderers Ryen shot him a look. Was the captain talking about her charges or was he talking about something else? Ryen decided on the former being the most likely. Cautiously she rode with him down to the bottom floor of the ship. At first she thought they were headed to the medical bay, but they continued on past it. The room they stopped in front of was small and unoccupied. Ryen knew this much from the ship’s schematics she’d previously studied.

The mechanic stepped inside. Everything had an old, worn look about it but the place was clear of dust. It felt like she was walking back in time, to a childhood she never got to experience. ”Now I see what you were up to when you weren’t captaining the ship.” she commented and walked over to investigate books on the nearest shelf. She reached for one and opened up the cover, touching the pages gently. Holoscreens were all good and well, but there was something comforting about a good tangible book.

”My mother used…” Lazlo began. ”…Would you accept the responsibility of schooling Seita during your downtime?”

Ryen considered the offer, the praise, and all the implications that came with it. It was one thing to help the girl learn the emergency codes and quite another to be in charge of Seita’s entire education for possibly the next years.

”My schooling was on Syrae.” Ryen said, turning away to continue browsing through the book selection, ”so it wasn’t through the Federation.” The selection was nice and varied. The books had bright pages and titles. Some even had large, colorful pictures. Some were even purely for entertainment. They were nothing compared to the heavy, dry, encyclopedic volumes she had to study as a child. Here were books for learning, not just memorization. What would that have been like?

”I’ll tutor her if she’s willing,” Ryen acquiesced, ”but you should consider giving her the option to leave. She could live on a non-Federation run planet. Somewhere like Syrae. Somewhere where people are less likely to care about her past.” Then again, her father had said that Syrae was unique in that respect, a 'planet of forgiveness'.
Is the room Lazlo directed Ryen to going to be Seita's room or is it a separate one?

Shortly after being seated, Lazlo started questioning the crew about their familiarly with the new technology he’d given them.”…Is that correct?” Lazlo prompted. Gunther, Ellie, and Quincy responded in the affirmative. Seita didn’t seem to hear the question while Ryen simply sighed out. ”Well enough.” Next the captain began briefing them over deep space and their final destination.

Quincy wasn’t the only one who was concerned about the travel time. From the look of shock on everyone’s face, no one expected the time frame to last that long. Well, no one except for maybe Seita who was taking the news in stride. That or she was very hungry. Or both. Probably both. Still almost everyone else looked as excited as she felt to be stuck with just the six of them for possibly the next two years to say nothing of going to the Federation’s High Council.


”Heh,” Quincy grumbled after Lazlo disappeared of out the galley again, ”I’m second to last to being captain.” Ryen snickered a bit as the doctor got up and walked over to the replicator to order up some food. Ryen was pleased, if not a bit confused, about why she’d been ordered ahead of him but behind Ellie. However, if it ever came down to it, the prospects of being captain and stuck in deep space with only Quincy and Seita remaining was daunting. Almost as much as the idea of being on a strike team with Lazlo. On one hand the captain was obviously versed with weaponry, as he’d previously demonstrated. On the other hand, it was Lazlo. Ryen felt a tinge of jealousy for Seita being paired with Gunther.

”There…were a lot of codes.” This came from Seita.

Prompted by Seita’s words Ellie pulled up the information on the holographic screen again. There were roughly thirty in all. ”Aah,” Gunther commented after another forkful of steak, ”That’s not so many. Mind you, knowing the codes, and actually being able to do the actions they require is a different story.” Neither Ellie nor Quincy seemed phased by the amount of information but Ryen wasn’t so sure.

”It’s too bad they’re all numbers.” Ryen replied. ”For example, ‘Code Pink Whale’, is a pretty catchy name and would make it easier to memorize.” The look the rest of the crew gave her said they pointedly disagreed. ”Anyways,” Ryen continued, ”It’s not as bad as it seems, Seita. Most of them you don’t have to memorize right away since you don’t have to do anything. Like Code 0 when I have to go direct power to the oxygen area and shielding. Or Code 17 where Quincy needs to report immediately to the medical bay. It’d be good to know those ones eventually just so you know what’s going on but you probably won’t need them right away.” Ryen continued reading over the list. ”We could study together later this evening if you like.”

Seita was hesitant but eventually nodded. Ryen smiled back at her. Studying was something Ryen was well accomplished at. It was a good thing too since almost 80% of the codes pertained to either her or Gunther.

”So what is deep space like?” Quincy asked, placing a bowl of some kind of bright orange soup on the table before taking his seat. Looking around, Ellie finally answered first. ”The ship I was on had a Slipstream License so we didn’t need to spend much time in deep space but … it was very empty.” Ryen nodded her agreement. Everyone’s eyes turned to Gunther.

”It is very empty.” the solider remarked, his eyes growing distant, ”Very black. It’s a big ol’ ball of nothingness most of the time. Planets, strongholds, even other ships are few and far between. And the planets and people you do meet… well… they aren’t usually the friendly type. There’s usually a reason why the Federation’s not involved with them. Sure, there’s a few good places to stop since not everyone can afford a Slipstream License, but still. Not seeing anything at all is almost always the best kind of deep space travel. Then again, you get caught out there and you might as well be planet dust. Ain’t no one going to come to you rescue you anytime soon.” Looking up from his meal, Gunther saw the looks on the women’s faces and quickly added, ”But we'll keep our heads about us and I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

An awkward painful silence fell in the galley. ”Why don’t we talk about our first stop!” Ryen offered, trying to brighten up the mood. ”Ellie, can you pull up any information on Leruta? I’ve never heard of it before.”

Shortly after, Ellie projected an image of a swirling tiny blue and tan planet. The others listed attentively as the technician timidly began to read off facts about their next destination.


”So, who would like to learn how to play Three Rascals?” Gunther prompted.

”I… would.” Seita said, beaming shyly. Meanwhile, Quincy stood up and stretched. ”Not me. I was up late last night. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” He paused and let out a big yawn. ”Plus there’s a few things I need to check on.”

Ellie said that she would like to just watch, all the while typing away at her pad. Ryen shook her head. ”I’d like to get started studying those codes.” the mechanic said, putting the clean dinner dishes away. Seita’s face fell at the reminder. ”I… have to do something first,” Ryen suggested to the girl, ”So if you want to play a few rounds first, I can stop by and get you after I’m done.” Seita nodded enthusiastically at the suggestion.

The clock above galley door showed that the ship still had almost 45 mins before Lazlo said they would be entering deep space. Walking over to the control panel, Ryen began analyzing and tweaking the various power signatures of the subsystems.


Ryen fidgeted nervously outside the captain’s cabin. Since he wasn’t in the ship’s cockpit chances were good he was inside. She buzzed in using the panel located outside of his door. ”It’s me…” she said through the voice communication system, ”Ryen… I wanted to talk to you.”

Nothing. She waited. Still nothing. Perhaps he was taking a nap? Just as she was about to turn and leave, the door slid open. From where she stood, she could see that his room was larger than hers and, rather surprisingly, had enough gadgets in it to rival her father’s smaller lab spaces. Before she could look any further, Lazlo was standing outside in the hallway and the cabin door behind him was firmly shut.

Ryen smiled uncomfortably at the man who seemed to be looming above her. Gunther who was both taller and burley never made Ryen feel this uncomfortable. Then again, Gunther hadn’t yelled at her… or shot at her either.

”As stated before,” Ryen began with a formal air, ”I wanted to speak with you. It isn’t about my father, although I’m assuming at some point you’ll want to discuss the situation in length…?” Ryen paused to give him a questioning look before quickly continuing. ”Anyways, I wanted to speak with about Seita. I don’t… I can’t agree with having Seita on the ship. It isn’t fair to her.”

Ryen let out a sigh. ”The others of us are adults. We have an idea of what we’re getting ourselves into. I just… Two year? I mean, that’s a lot and that’s just getting there. She’s so young and by doing this… think of how much she’ll miss. She should be in a school. She should be learning and interacting with people her own age. She shouldn’t have to be our scout. I know she volunteered… or at least I’m hoping she did,” Ryen paused here to give Lazlo another questioning look, ”but did you give her a choice? I mean, the rest of us had other options. And then what happens after everything is done? What’s she supposed to do then with a good chunk of her life stuck popping around deep space? I don’t… I don’t like it.”
Would he invite her in or step outside?
No problem. I'd like to have a conversation between Ryen and Lazlo about Seita's future. If Ryen knocks on Lazlo's door, would he answer?
I was thinking that they arrived together. That they ran into eachother in the hallway and it was the end of their conversation.

I like the idea of a space battle, preferably with pirates. Perhaps we have to stop off at a planet to get some supplies or spare parts to patch up the ship after the battle. I don't know if you prefer having the battle ship versus ship or have the pirates attack us when we land to refuel/ give the engines a break and chance to recharge.

Next planet= Swampy planet

I'm not 100% pleased with it (more like 70%) but I don't want to hold this up any longer so there it is.
Like the rest of the crew, Ryen quickly searched through the boxes with Maria’s and Ellie’s help. Seven boxes in all, eight if you counted the separate cartridge of shock pistol pellets. It took multiple trips for Ryen and Ellie to carry their technology, along with their purchases back to their separate quarters. Quincy got off relatives easy since his room, along with the medical bay were also located on the bottom floor while Guther was kind enough to help Seita with hers before heading back to collect his own.

Ryen started off with the closest box, thoroughly reading through the owner’s manual. The contents happened to be the gun or, at least, the shock pistol. It was odd to her that Lazlo would first tell her not to go buying weapons and then just hand one over. Maybe that was how he liked to handle his ship. She suspected some kind of underlying control issue.

”Simple enough, I suppose.” Ryen said using the manual to assemble and then disassemble the gun a few times. ”Ten seconds… pff… yeah right.” She’d be lucky if one day she could get down to thirty. Just because her brain was starting to remember how the pieces went together didn’t mean she had the accuracy just yet. Ryen read the directions on how to use the pistol once and then a second time a little slower. Then she gave up trying to understand what in the world it was talking about. Maybe the Xs and boxes and colors would make more sense once she had some practice with it. Placing the gun and a spare magazine clip in her tool belt, Ryen continued riffling through the technology.

A quick look through the communicator’s manual and the mechanic came to the realization that the one Lazlo had given them wasn’t nearly as nice as the one she had on her wrist. She’d worry about interfacing with the other crew member’s devices at a later time.

”Maria,” Ryen said, ”I need your CIC.”

No response came. Was the AI ignoring her? ”Look,” Ryen continued, ”You heard what I captain said earlier. I know you did. I’m in charge of your subsystems, repairs, resource management, and design optimization. Essentially, I’m in charge of you! I won’t be able to do my job without being able to communicate to you while off ship. So can I have you CIC… ” Nothing. ”please?”

”Communication Interface Code: 562729343-detla-bravo-foxtrot-736.” Maria rattled off so quickly that Ryen had to struggle to keep up as she typed in the code to the projected holographic screen. A few minutes later the process was complete.

”Access ship status of Fes Maria” Ryen stated. With the ship’s permission, Ryen was able to receive a screen shot of the ship’s energy diagram. However, unlike before with the access panel, she would not be able to directly manipulate the out puts. ”Only 38% percent now? Why? What’s taking so long.” Digging a little deeper, Ryen discovered that a significant amount of the core’s excess power, which should have been going to the rebuilding the shields, was being directed to the ship’s medical bay. What exactly Quincy was doing in there was anyone’s guess. ”Does the captain know about the shields?”

”He has recently been informed.” Maria responded. With that, Ryen shut off the screen on her communicator and turned back to the task at hand.

The active-armor jacket seemed simple enough if not a bit-sticky. She didn’t like the idea of something contorting to fit flesh against her skin and since there was no reason to wear it on the ship, at least that she could think of at the moment, Ryen opted to leave it off. The ETL seemed simple enough, at least on the surface. The omnitool was impressive and had a good user interface. Like the pistol, she placed it in her tool belt. Next up, the Cache Keeper and Feeder…


”It’s just a lot and its power that could be directed somewhere else.” Ryen griped as the gallery doors slid open relieving the rest of the crew was already seated at the table. Once again Gunter was slicing away at a hunk of meat. Ryen briefly wondered what the solider had against cows.

”It’s for my containment unit.” Quincy remarked with a casual shrug. ”It needs extra shielding.”

”I’ll tell you what needs extra shielding…” Ryen replied, walking over to the replicator and typing in the code for Spiced Risotto. Something pricked at the back of her neck, and Ryen turned around to see the doctor eyeing her curiously. ”What?” she said while reaching in and pulled out the now fully formed dish.

”You eat a lot of different dishes.” He replied nonchalantly and then offered a wide smile. ”I guess you like variety.” Ryen nodded and not sure how to take the comment, opted on simply taking at seat at the table, nodding a greeting to those already there.
For the storage device, I was thinking more of the former. I don't think Ryen will be overclocking the Feeder. There's no reason to, plus she's extremely careful about not revealing her chip. A little too careful which is why things like her educational records are just luke warm.

Alrighty then, just let me know when you are done.
I will work on some kind of storage device for the crew. Most likely it will also be a sort of warping device used for none living "samples". I'm thinking the second cargo hold can be filled with large, empty boxes. Each box is assigned to specific crew members (this way there would be no matter overlap like the problem two people use the Translocater at the same time). The limitations would be the size of the box and how many boxes each person has.

I'm also thinking of having Ryen experience some side effects with the technology. For example, if she charges the Feeder on body heat, hers will charge slightly faster do to her increase in metabolism. Meanwhile, she'll experience some interference with the Communicator Lazlo's provided and opt to use the one on her wrist instead.
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