Avatar of Jake
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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    1. Jake 8 yrs ago


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Haha, I've stooped far lower in my past, young one. I've stooped to levels no one has stooped before.
1v1 me
Dunkmaster Darius is life.
If it helps, I often call Yasuo 'The edgiest motherfucker alive'.

Like seriously, his quotes are so edgy, I laugh everytime I hear them. They will definitely be making an appearance in this RP. Said ironically, of course.
<Snipped quote by Jake>

I tend to trash talk with ";3" or ":3" when I destroy people with Anivia's E, especially the ones who don't expect it from her or haven't ever played against her in lane. I'd always see something along the lines of, "Wth, that dmg" or "wth...". Especially level 3 ingame where I put two points into E and one into Q. Usually get first blood in two or three solid combos and ignite if the enemy mid laner doesn't have their runes set for magic resist xD (which is kinda silly...)

Most of the time I settle for a simple ":3" or ";3" and watch them *trigger* or tilt more xDDDD

I've only played Anivia mid-lane once or twice, once as a Fizz, and another time as Yasuo. I don't know what I was really expecting against her, but since Yasuo and Fizz decimates squishes - IE most mid-laners - I assume it'd be an easy match-up. Lmao I underestimated her. Me and my friend actually had an argument because I called her Articuno and he got offended for some reason.

Anivia scares me now

Edit: I think every male has black hair, haha. Although, I guess Jason's hair is a dark blue in some lightings. It varies.
Jasons the type of player who says 'Gl hf' at the beginning of the match, and says nothing else the rest of the game.
Yasuo Top be like.
I like the rectangle, but the circle would be easier for you to make, right?
So, canon characters are allowed?

Tentative interest. If the above question is a 'yes', then I might be creating Peter Parker with a few tweaks.
Yup, that works for me. Gnar'll be pleased. fresh meat

I edited Gnar into Jason's CS post if anyone is interested.
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