Avatar of Jarrid
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  • Posts: 33 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Jarrid 7 yrs ago


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Ready to go. I'd love to post first but one of the defining characteristics of my character is that he is not good at General strategic plans!

One of you grand commanders put down the basis of a plan and I'll gladly run with it!
Are we starting the rp any time soon chaos?
Is there anywhere you want our characters to be heading or doing at the moment? Can't help but notice Hunter hasn't made an appearance yet...
Having characters too overpowered also makes for a boring story too. Oh there's another innumerable chaos horde that will fall easily to my blades? Yawn!
I like this. It's easy to imagine marines in a setting like this as unstoppable paragons of warfare, striding effortlessly through battle as some kind of obvious author insertion. Having us all with faulty kit, limited resources and even more limited ammo is a great idea. It adds much needed peril to characters who normally would be nigh on impervious to harm. Really excited for this and hoping it starts soon.

Is my character in keeping with your rp btw? let me know if kurak needs editing
i suddenly feel very dirty playing my character. He's naturally turning into a right dick xD
"Shit!" was the only thing John could scream as he dived on the floor, rolling up into a ball behind the sofa as the shots continued to smack through the wooden door. He tentatively reached out towards the shotgun a few feet in front of him but snatched his hand back when an errant bullet smacked into the floorboard an inch in front of his hand. Instead he pulled out his Colt 45 and raised it above his head so it was clear of the sofa, blindly aiming it in the rough direction of the door.

John had never fired a weapon at anything other than paper targets before. He knew he was a decent enough shot, but he had honestly never considered he would be in this kind of situation the entire time the town had been on lock-down. He only wanted to have the pistol with him for peace of mind, or maybe to use in convincing someone to part with their food or car, but not this. The shooting stopped abruptly followed by the metallic thud of a magazine falling to the floor outside. Whoever was out there was clearly reloading, and now was as good a time as any to fire.

John screwed his eyes tightly shut and prepared to fire his pistol, which he hoped was aimed somewhere near the door. Nothing happened. He realised he was too afraid to pull the trigger, and it was already too late now as whoever was outside was now trying to kick the door in. Scrambling to his feet he grabbed the shotgun with his spare hand and fled to the bedroom. In a few seconds he had holstered his pistol and collected his emergency backpack next to his bed. A few seconds after that he was climbing out of his window and sprinting down the dark streets as fast as he could from his home.

He heard female scream coming from his house behind him, cut short by a single gunshot. He knew what that meant, acknowledging as he ran that in the rush he had not even considered his own Mother. He also knew there was no way he was going back to help her. Suddenly, he felt as if a great weight was being lifted from his shoulders making him feel almost giddy. No more caring for her, endless hours talking to her about long past events, having to coax her into believing the most obvious things, no more sitcoms he would have to endure. For the first time during the last few days, he smiled. John ran on into the dark...
There was another distant sound of a gunshot going off, the crack echoing into the otherwise silent night. John listened carefully for a second shot but heard none, just the deadening quiet of the evening.

"Suicide, probably" John muttered under his breath, trying to not let his mind wander to the other possibilities. It sounded like it came from about 2 or 3 streets away, over on the other side of the neighborhood. It could have even been an accidental shot, what with everyone's nerves being on edge with the recent blockade. Or it could be the shooter killed an intruder. Or the intruder could have shot the resident. Or the Shooter was defending his home and never got chance to fire a second shot.

John shook his head quickly, trying to dislodge the nagging anxieties in his head. He had been at home now for two days and despite his abject fear at what might be outside he was getting anxious to just go and find out. His mother was asleep now, but had spent the entire day trying to make cookies for him but not quite realizing that they had no flour left. When she had occasionally realized this she had tried to leave the house to go the local store to buy more flour which John knew was looted, and he had to gently force her back away from the door and occupy her with something else. He was used to caring for his Mother's dementia, but what with the chaos outside she was steadily becoming more of a liability.

John glanced at the clock once more before taking another sip of warm beer. It was getting late and almost time to turn in for the day. There was nothing to stay up for as all the tv was picking up was an emergency channel and the radio was passing warnings to stay indoors and not much else. It was as if his tv and radio just weren't picking up anything other than emergency news channels.

He stood up, brushing off the crumbs from supper off his jacket. That's when he heard the porch floorboard creak outside the front door. He froze in mid step, glancing towards the shotgun that was only 2 meters away leaning against the sofa and feeling like it was a world away. The porch creaked several times more. There was more than one person outside.

That's when the shots fired through the door.
Hi guys, I've added my Marine to the character tab if you all want to take a look. Looking forward to this starting if I'm accepted!
Name: Sergeant Kurak
Age: 153
Legion: World Eaters, renounced
Planet of Origin: Terra
Physical Description: Short for an Astartes (6'4) but squat and powerfully built. Black, scruffy unkempt hair and scraggly black beard. A patchwork of old superficial fragmentation scars dot his face and upper body. Wears a brand new set of Mk5 Heresy Armour, gifted by his Captain due to his battle exploits. The pauldrons have been carefully repainted black to cover any old Legion affiliations, but the remainder of his armour is the old white of the World Eaters. The armour is notched with tallied kill-counts all over the pauldrons, arms and upper body, giving it a far more worn look than a suit that new has any right to be. There are a lot of notches.

Kurak looks very angry most of the time, except when at rest when he simply looks annoyed.


Kurak has become highly proficient in the role of heavy assault, leading his squad through the heaviest enemy fire into the thickest of the fighting. Time and time again he has emerged from the hell-storm of battle, sporting more war wounds but even more notches on his battle armour. He relies on his hard won close quarters skill and pure aggression to see him through the worst fights, hacking and ripping apart the enemy in a shower of blood and limbs. Kurak prefers a straight fight and could never master the use of the Jump Packs, instead relying on his great speed over short distances to close the gap with his foes. Kurak is the first to admit he is not the smartest man, having no real grasp for anything but the most basic of armour maintenance and tech systems, but has a top tier understanding of squad based tactics, honed through countless battles. Kurak is also not a great shot (for an Astartes), relying on his ability to get close to the enemy for his signature point blank head shots. His skill at close combat is almost matchless however, and his great feats of strength had become a minor legend in his Company.


Kurak was recruited from Terra at an early age, some time into the formation of the World Eaters. Prior to joining he was a simple street thug with aspirations for something greater than beating drunks, and was the first in line for that year's Astartes recruitment. He excelled through his training, his physical strength and pure aggression outweighing his intellectual deficiencies. He passed the harrowing recruitment with only a few fellow youngsters, and soon enough was fighting side by side with the more experienced Astartes. Kurak garnered a reputation for being almost un-killable in his first few decades, twice coming out of deadly encounters as the sole survivor of his squad, and many other times emerging from blast craters, enemy held bunkers and rad-zones with a few more scars and more kill trophies than one so young should have.

After only 30 years Kurak was given command of his own squad, leading several older and more experienced Astartes. Any doubts on his capabilities by his squad were soon resolved when it became clear he valued the lives of his men over almost everything else, leading them into the most dangerous war-zones but taking care to ensure most of them got back out again. Any further advancement was denied to Kurak however, as his general lack of grand strategic thinking or technological expertise precluded him from orchestrating large scale engagements. This was fine by Kurak, who was perfectly at home leading small squads in close combat situations, his reactions and Superior perception skills suited to ably ordering his men into better firing positions and advantageous flanking maneuvers. This is where he stayed throughout the great crusade, fighting loyally for the world eaters year after year in the name of the Emperor.

Kurak refused to accept the 'Butchers Nails' implant that so many of his Legion readily accepted, concerned it would cloud his highly trained reflexes and combat awareness. This was the reasoning he gave his Captain at least, and he and some of his men were allowed to pass on the 'great opportunity'. In truth, he was becoming concerned with the increasingly brutal ways of his Legion and this latest step was one too far into the realms of blood drunk anarchy he felt. He had always seen his own brutality and matchless aggression as a tool to be used in the service of the Emperor, and despite how much he enjoyed hacking apart his enemies he always instinctively knew that he was a monster and should not revel in the fact. Many times he had been ordered to put to the sword civilians, men, women and children in the name of the Emperor, and he had never hesitated, believing that these clearly evil acts would somehow serve the greater good of the Empire and ensure its survival for generations to come. He had begun to suspect that his increasingly frequent orders to exterminate towns and villages were more out of unbridled bloodlust on behalf of his betters and not for any grand tactical scheme, though he often quieted his doubts as he knew he did not have the mental grasp of such grand ideas.

Several weeks before the great betrayal, Kurak and his squad were sent on an individual tasking to assist a nearby imperial army division in the quelling of a rebellious human element on the small mining moon of Junip VII. The army division was already on site several hours before Kurak and his 19 men, and had already surrounded the gigantic mining complex and were slowly moving in. Kurak had expected to be present to offer the threat of extermination while the army rooted out the ringleaders and dealt with them, but these thoughts were quickly dispelled when the army began mercilessly slaughtering all present, even the miner's families. Kurak reluctantly ordered his men to assist, and within a few hours no original inhabitants of Junip VII drew breath. Too late he saw his mistake, witnessing the army division piling the civilian corpses up into giant pyres, decapitating and flensing the flesh from the skulls of the miners and piling them in great piles, whilst screaming prayers to a profane being. Even more shocking was that nearly half of his own men had joined the soldiers in the great debauched affair, drinking the blood of the fallen and feasting on their innards in great abandon. Stunned to inactivity, Kurak and his loyal men only responded when the Army colonel approached Kurak with a bowl of warm blood as an offering, fully expecting the Astartes to partake in the profane rituals.

Kurak opened fire on the soldiers, cutting them down in great swathes. Even when the few men who had shown their true colours began firing on him and his loyal men, he hesitated shooting them down too. In 10 minutes the fight was over, only Kurak and two of his men emerging alive. In the battle, their drop-ship had been irreparably damaged, effectively stranding them on the dead moon among the bodies of their former comrades. All they could do was listen for the next few weeks in quiet desperation to their ship's still working Vox network at snippets of local comms traffic hinting at the great betrayal unfolding across the galaxy on a far greater scale than they had just witnessed...

Psychological Profile:

Kurak is a psychopath and knows he is. He has always had a handle on it, mostly through his loyalty to the Emperor and the focus it gave him. It allowed him to function as the half deranged killing machine he always knew he was, but with a solid knowledge that everything he did was for a greater purpose, even when slaughtering innocent people and enjoying it too. He is not a completely deranged killer however, as his condition is not so severe to stop him from being a highly effective and instinctive squad commander. Kurak has little patience for abstracted strategic plans or deep tactical thinking however, mostly in part to his mental condition, but prefers to act in the moment and make the best decisions whilst in the thick of it, which he invariably does.

He has a deep affection for his remaining men who have stuck with him through this trying time, and would do about anything to ensure they survived. He sees in them two men who have more chance of doing good for the Emperor than he ever could in the long run. He knows he is a Monster, and Monsters are needed to fight the creatures hell bent on destroying his beloved Empire. He knows there is little place for him in the Galaxy when the great work is done, and the injustices are set right.

Phobos pattern bolt pistol with bulky drum magazine and curved bayonet on the fore. (right hip)
Phobos pattern Bolter with drum magazine (mag-clipped to right side of backpack)
Power sword with paired large combat knife. (left hip)
2 frag and 2 krak grenades (small of back)
Magnetic clip webbing incorporating 6 drum magazines (chest and front belt)
1 Satchel Charge (right leg)


Has two surviving battle brothers with similar armament to Kurak but chain swords in stead of power sword.
- Jonas: Young marine 10 years into his service. Calm and capable, technologically savvy.
- Rivacheg: Veteran of twice as many battles as Kurak. Laconic and sarcastic, hard bitten.
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