Avatar of Jyoliod
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 263 (0.08 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Jyoliod 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Tea has never inspired me, but coffee, I might have killed for. I don't know, everything is a blur before my mug touches my lips.
1 like
9 yrs ago
Conformity bites without a sting.
9 yrs ago
Responses might be a bit slow!
9 yrs ago
Hamn you dyslexia!
9 yrs ago
Which organ is it that makes cats so flexible? And can it be removed? I'm starting to have nightmares.


I prefer to write in the first person when not writing about/from a character, I am sorry if this may make me seem a bit obnoxious at times. So this is my bio, which means you are interested in finding out who or what Jyoliod is, even if it's just a fleeting moment of pure curiosity, or something to pass the time in-between posts. Either way, I shall indulge you, while also throwing my ego out there for the world of RPGuild to observe.

Jyoliod is, or rather, I am, a character on the stage of RPGuild playing the puppet master of (soon to be)various characters, eccentric, gloomy, thoughtful, harsh, annoying, these are all attributes I may throw into posts depending on the author's state of mind, yet I hope to hold a solid presence of familiarity that I can share with all of you. My goal is ultimately to enjoy my time while not disturbing the comfort of others here in the guild, in the guild I'm not only looking for various RP's to enjoy and craft, but also friends and discussions to partake in. Though, in this manner I can be quite submissive and enclosed, I'm not much of an extrovert so bare with me if you will.

I am always happy to have a discussion and I really enjoy learning new things, so if you're bored enough to have read this far, throw a topic at me in a PM and see where it goes. But enough of that, I'll throw out some more substantive stuff in regards to my RP out-look.

The Genre I like:
Heavy Magic Emphasis
Science/Technology Emphasis
Slice of Life

The Genre I'd like to try:
Diplomatic Emphasis

The Genre I tend to avoid:

RP Style:

I like:
An emphasis on detail, I have a structure complex and find it easier to post when a RP is well defined. However, I'd gladly jump into a free-for-all sandbox type RP just to let loose from time to time, but never as something I plan to or hope to do long-term. I like character development and creating personal quarrels to over-come as a character. I especially enjoy the idea of long-term RP's where the character not only develops mentally but also physically.

Gore is also something I enjoy incorporating into my posts, though I only use it in the proper context. It's an easy thing to detail but also has a lot of room to work with, you have so many areas you can choose to detail and such a post, pulled off correctly can easily contribute, quite powerfully, to the current atmosphere of the RP.

Other Stuff:
I am dyslexic, meaning when I read and write, words and letters can often be switched around or substituted for completely different words or letters. This is an issue I try to stay on top of , but if you go through a post and find the structure of words or letters to be mixed up, I'd be grateful if you informed me of this. I make it a habit to re-read my posts three or four times to combat this.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah, @RPforthatPR I understand your sentiment, though I remember reading a thread where Mahz stated that Solo-RP's should go into the threads for when he makes use of RP post stats for future website features.

Additionally, I usually do solo-rp's to check out if a concept will work properly, or, as in this case, to play an RP with a really annoying character and to be able to focus the plot on this character rather than multiples.
I could if you're interested in reading my little story with such a perspective, though I feel I should clarify that this is a Solo-RP geared for a single person to post and play in. I'm sorry if there is a misunderstanding and you are under the assumption that I am accepting new players.

However, if it's just for personal interest I could gladly give you a low-down.
Welcome to the guild, I think you'll find RPG is a pretty friendly place. I sent you a PM tackling your questions with some extra info.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time here on the RPGuild. See you around!
Prologue -END-

Innerscape ; Deity of the Mind

ARC ; From Shade to Shade -START-
Juric's classes expanded through the day like normal, he kept to the back row of desks to avoid finding chewed up paper in his hair and when it was time for lunch he ate in a bathroom cubical to avoid losing his lunch to some stupid 'prank'. Before he knew it he was shifting back down the second floor hall towards his class room, he was late coming back to class, this too was usual in his black and white existence. Suddenly Juric was jolted by the sound of breaking glass and brick, what followed was a series of harrowing screams resonating from Juric's classroom. "Wh-what..." Juric whispered to himself as he charged to his classroom door. Sliding it's wooden frame into the wall a grisly scene was met by Juric's eyes, a large hole sat gaping open on the 2nd floor classroom's wall. Wood and brick dust covered the floor as broken desks and chairs melded with flesh, a small pool of blood and entrails gathered at it's feet as it chewed and munched on one of Juric's classmates.

It's rock brown skin looked like cracked earth and hung on his body unnaturally, as if it were new. Juric looked around the classroom, shocked. He wondered, he hoped that there was something, anything to indicate this was all some elaborate trick. Several students and the classroom teacher all gathered to one side of the room opposite the door where Juric stood. The creatures attention was on them, "I... I have to run..." Juric whispered still shocked at the scene before him. Suddenly another harrowing scream pierced Juric's ears as the creature grabbed a female student, it started to squeeze her as it did her scream quickly became laboured and hoarse. She looked as if she was going to pop when the creatures grip visibly loosened, dropping the girl limp to the ground. It was unclear if she was still alive but she wasn't bleeding. "Run... I should r-" Juric's whispers came to a sudden dead stop as the creatures gaze drifted then locked on Juric. It's yellow glowing beady eyes silent and intimidating, peered at Juric intently. It was enough to make Juric completely freeze with fear.

'RUN! RUN! RUN MORON! RUN! I'LL DIE! RUN!' Juric's internal monologue shouted and pleaded. He knew he had to run, but he couldn't the only movement found in his body was in Juric's legs which started to shake with fear. "RUN JURIC!" His teacher shouted from his position on the other side of the classroom. But it was too late, the large creature had wrapped his large long fingers around Juric's abdomen, hoisting the 6'1" young man a foot or two from the ground with ease. The creature continued to stare and peer at Juric, it's actions seemed to hint at curiosity. Juric found himself and started swinging his arms at the creature, his punches and kicks didn't phase the creature in the least. Squeezing tightly, the creature shook Juric harshly, the sudden thrashing sent Juric dizzy as his limbs ached from being swung around so abruptly and unnaturally.

Still concious Juric went limp, a thousand thoughts echoed through his mind but somewhere in there, a stoic monologue echoed his solemn last message. 'This feeling, it's as if there is concrete in my veins. Why is it my body becomes so heavy at the worst times of my life? I guess it wont matter soon. That's right! When I'm dead nothing will matter any more... everything will be black and that'll be that.' Juric hung limply as the creature opened it's mouth wide and lifted Juric horizontally over his mouth. Slowly, Juric's glasses slid of his face, falling into the creature's gullet with a squishy splash. Opening his eyes the blurry image of a pool of crimson filled Juric's vision as he peering into the creature from above.

. . .

In an instant Juric swelled with emotion; desperation, anger, sorrow, hatred and fear swirled within Juric. As if reacting to this new surge of emotion swelling up within him, Juric threw a punch at the creature. An unfamiliar sensation surged through Juric as his fist connected with the creature. Juric's fist bounced off the creature's large lower jaw with a loud thud as a round crease caved into the creatures jaw, the creature howled a terrible shriek before throwing Juric into a concrete wall. Managing to somewhat catch himself after the impact Juric hit the pool of blood that gathered on the floor with a light splatter as he landed on his hands and knees. That unfamiliar sensation still surged through him, it was dark, it felt sickly sweet, it felt... powerful. Juric's left arm started to feel wet as the sensation intensified, with the increased intensity so did unfamiliar faint echoes of mysterious voices in Juric's inner monologue grow.

While the creature still held it's jaw in pain Juric shifted his gaze to his left shirt sleeve, it was entirely trenched in blood. Alarmed he pulled back his left sleeve, his old scars had opened once more but they weren't bleeding, instead they were taking in the blood that pooled the ground. This was too much! Juric wanted to faint but the growing shouts in his head wouldn't let him. More blood seemed to defy gravity as it flowed up into Juric's arm, as it did the voices got louder. 'Kill! Destroy! Revenge! Consume! Kill! Hate! Mutilate! Torture! Kill! Revenge!' The new voices shouted in Juric's head. Their shouts grew into shrilled screams whenever Juric locked his vision on the creature.

The creature stopped howling then turned it's gaze onto the kneeling young man. Growling it charged at him with it's mouth wide open, having no time to think with the screaming voices in his head Juric acted on instinct, picking himself up and taking a crude wide stance. As the creature drew near Juric braced himself and brought his left arm back, then stepping forward into the creatures oncoming presence, with a thundering bang he sent his left fist and arm into the creature, piercing it's chest as he dodged the creatures gaping jaw, the impact of the punch sent his hand out the other side. For a moment the creature went limp collapsing on Juric who struggled to hold it's weight with his arm stuck in it's chest, then as quickly as it had went limp the creature stiffened and began to spasm violently as it was physically absorbed into Juric's open scars on his left arm, grotesque hunks of flesh and bone contorted and twisted, getting drawn into the open marks that covered Juric's arm the process pausing momentarily as large chunks appeared to clog the open marks before tearing to shreds with a squishy sloppy noise. The voices in Juric's head grew with a deafening intensity as he absorbed the creature, suddenly he started to feel fatigued and weak, slowly his vision faded to black as he passed out.
Welcome to the guild Brya- uhm, LittleBitanna, I hope you find Role Player Guild to your liking, we've got a tonne of RP's going on here! I imagine a California beach area setting would be a beautiful setting, I hope you have some luck in getting your RP together.

If you ever need any help or have some general questions, feel free to shoot me a PM, or you could ask them here.
No problem, take as much time as you need!
As the commotion unfolded and several contestants rushed off in pursuit of the villains, Jinshi ran to James' side as security was sitting him up. Jinshi watched security carry the charismatic announcer off before shifting his gaze to the chaotic crowd fleeing the ring. Children were crying and adults were panicked and scared, the scene made Jinshi angry. Quickly Jinshi scaled an arena wall, revealing a large open area of hardened rock and earth with patches of grass here and there. In the distance a cloud trail indicated something was in fast pursuit of the criminals, while other figures dotted the horizon making their way to the criminals as well.

He didn't think he'd be of much use but maybe he could do something Jinshi thought to himself as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a number 9 capsule that looked old and damaged. "I was hoping to get you fixed up with that money before I used you again..." Jinshi muttered to himself. Pushing the trigger Jinshi threw the capsule forward as it exploded into a puff of white smoke that cleared and revealed a motorcycle.

The vehicle was pretty damaged and didn't look all that safe, but without hesitation Jinshi hopped on and kicked the motorcycle into gear, blazing off with a trail of dust being left in his wake.
Quel's march came to an end when he once again reached the bridge, by now some of the consoles had been cleaned up and repaired by the slaves who worked the ship. They were like parasites who served the barge and managed her to prove their worth to their tormentors, it sickened Quel to think that some of these parasites were tasked with looking after Killer's Heaven. He pushed those thoughts aside as he marched through the bridge with his newly painted armour, his rounds sore to the state of a fraction of the large battle barge, damage was minimal and only the aesthetic of the ship had really changed. It forced a sour frown on Quel's face as he had hoped for a reason to open Killers Heaven and fiddle with her more intimate parts.

The desire had begun to pass as time ticked by, Quel's meltagun was cold and he'd wondered what type of machines he'd turn its gaze to in the coming future.
Welcome, Welcome! You should be able to find what you're looking for here at the illustrious Role Player Guild, if you don't we also have a money back guarantee. Additionally, as the cherry on top, RPG IS FREE!

On a more serious note, if you have any questions or need some help with anything, feel free to PM me.
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