Avatar of Kaga
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Kagamine
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3051 (0.80 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Kaga 10 yrs ago


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Animelover_princess said
well, i didn't really think it was too terribly importantit wouldn't really have made a difference to me whether you're a guy or a girlbut if other people think it is, then sorry i didn't ask

^^" Nah don't worry about it. No need to apologize. Just seemed strange that you never bothered to ask, even out of curiosity.
Also, looking back on that video... apparently I was wrong. We made it through season 8 without the Valeyard making an appearance. ...Also I remember reading somewhere that Steven Moffat said he never really understood the concept of the Valeyard.

That's probably for the best. @_@
Animelover_princess said
Merry Christmas! :)get some sleepi was reading up some and i didn't expect you to sound or look like that either Kaga, honestly i wasn't even sure what gender you were.

You could've asked. o.o I mean we've been RPing together for 11 months now...
xcalx1dw said
Just got the valve complete pack for traditional eve present ...IT IS TIME!!!

And I just got my autographed copy of "We Should Hang Out Sometime" by Josh Sundquist. IT'S LIKE CHRISTMAS CAME EARLY. :D
Magic Magnum said
It's only a few months old... I'd be concerned if you forgot about it. :/But can you honestly name and recognize specific parts of a TARDIS AND memorize which TARDIS it's from?

Is it really only a few months old?

And um... yeah. I mean it helps that the dimensional stabilizer was briefly mentioned and explained once, so then when I saw it again on another model of TARDIS I was able to recognize it as such but um... yeah.

The one on a Mark IV is a lot smaller than the one on a type 40 but you can't remove the one on a Mark IV without the interior dimensions collapsing. The Doctor, with care, was once able to temporarily remove the dimensional stabilizer from his own TARDIS and use it for other things. I don't remember what special thing he had to do to take it out without the dimensions collapsing, though... but I know he did something.

Magic Magnum said
I forget how (It was some thread on the Guild though, and it was hat related) but a few months ago Kaga shared a picture of what she looked like so I already knew what she looked like. But the voice I didn't know until now.But at the time? Yea, she also did look differently than I expected. :P

XD What did you all think I looked like?
Magic Magnum said

XD Holy shit I remember this.

There were so many Doctor Who videos that I planned to make after this, including the "part 2" I referenced at the end.

College prevented any of those from being things that happened.
Neobullseye said
..Kaga? Are you using stuff again?

I'm actually off my medication at the moment. Thank you very much. XD

(Besides I didn't write that. A user named Turt did like 2 years ago.)
I agree that the Guild has been improving in the past 24 hours, but that's likely due to decreased traffic thanks to Christmas Eve. I expect it'll get worse in the long run if Mahz doesn't fix the server or that "cache issue" I've kept hearing about which is probably adding to the problem.

I'll keep an eye on things for a bit longer, but I'll also start preparing to move.
Huh. Seems we're unanimous on the subject, with the exception of Gwazi, who hasn't responded yet. Assuming he'll also be in favor of it, I'll move on to the next question:

Should we just try to transfer everything over exactly as is and pick up exactly where we left off... or should it be a slight re-boot? Sort of like what I did with this version of the RP after the original "Welcome to the Guild" went down thanks to Guildfall? (This would also give me a chance to come up with a new, creative title and use the continued destruction of RPG as a plot point... hmm...)

Edit: It would also help fix some of the weird stagnation we currently have, I think, and get some fresh blood in the thing, if any new members are willing to read the weird and now complex backstory behind this thing (hehe).

EDIT 2: Kaga I don't know if you've read the Speical in this week's news but you're mentioned in it.

Yeah, I saw. I'm fairly certain it was in reference to my past work as a WOTM manager. Myself and the rest of the WOTM crew had been trying to get a new contest running for so long, but couldn't because we needed a contest forum and, preferably, a managerial account with limited mod abilities like we had on the old site. We asked Mahz for these things several times. He said he would get them for us. That didn't happen. *sigh* And then the other two managers packed up and moved to Iwaku for good without ever properly telling me...

But thank you for reminding me to add that to the list of times I was mentioned on the Guild news. Because I am extremely self-absorbed and I do keep lists of that sort of thing.
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