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    1. Kanman12 10 yrs ago


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"Heh alright, Lets see how good you really are. 88 try and fire her up." The ship shutters an whines as it trys its damnedest to start. "Come on you colossal hunk of shit! Start up already!" Xan kicks the ship and it roars to life "Aw yes! We can get off this horrible rock! Alright, you kept your word, now I'll keep mine. 88 get everything ready for take off, I want out of here as soon as possible. I just hope they don't give the contract to someone else cause we're late." Xan walks back into the cockpit and sits down in the pilots chair.

The Wild Savrip takes off from the space port and blasts off into space.
"Well... I wish i knew. The thing started having problems once we neared Tattoine and once we landed it just well... wouldn't get going again. I'm an expert on droid repair, not ships. So I'll make you a deal, if you can repair the ship, I'll take you wherever you need to go. Sound good? If not then it looks like we're both going to be stuck here."
Xan just smirks "We'll see how good we are after the ship gets running. But for now, I don't think we've had a proper introduction. "I'm Xanatos Albrem, but you can just call me Xan." The IG-88 walks over to the pair "And this heres 88. He's not much for conversation but in a fight it's good to have him around. And this..." Xan puts his hand on the ship "This is the Wild Savrip. Normally shes good to me but we've been having trouble since we entered the outer rim."
"They call me Xan." He replied to the girl all while firing at the Mercenaries "I dont know what you did to piss people off, but they are really trying to get you." the Ig-88 jumped down from the ship over closer to the mercenaries, the droid moving faster than it looks. "With 88 here we won't have to worry about much. He can take on... well.. most anything."
Xan could see than the woman would make good on that threat. "Very well. 88 go up through the airlock and get a jump on them. Me and her will face them head on." Xan turns to the woman "You ready for this?" The IG-88 walks over to the weapons cabinet and takes out two full sized rifles while Xan walks over behind him and takes his carbine out. "This shouldn't be much of a problem, Me and 88 have gotten out of tougher situations than this." Xan steps over to the boarding ramp "You best not be lying about fixing the ship." Xan lowers the ramp and goes out firing at the mercenaries while the IG-88 fires down from the top of the ship.
Xan leans back and whispers something to the droid and it responds back in its foreign language. "It seems like I could just turn you over to them and get quite a bit of money too. You know... Its been a while since 88 here collected a bounty, I'm sure that he would like to get back into the game." Xan closes the ramp to stop the mercenaries from getting in, giving him time to work this deal out. "You've been on this ship for less than a minute and you've already brought armed men to me. I'd like to see how you're going to negotiate this one." Xan looked the woman up and down, traveling through space can get boring, and IG-88 is about as good of a friend as well... an IG-88 Assassin drid can be.
Xan gets up from the pilots seat and walks out of the cockpit, immediately greeted by a woman with a blaster drawn. He could obviously see that she wasn't there to become friends. "Listen, I don't know why you're on my ship... But I can almost guarantee you its not going to work. If you're looking for me then having your blaster out isnt the best way to greet me, especially not on my ship." The IG-88 hearing Xan talking to someone walks out of the cockpit and stands behind Xan, saying something in a foreign language. "No, I believe she was just leaving. Isn't that right miss?" Xan responds to the droid.
"88 why don't you reset the power couplings... If you already tried it then how bout you... No.. no you.... Well if you know so much about ships then how about I just disassemble you and put you in the ship? You think that'll fix it?" Xan argues through his headset as the climbs out of the maintenance hatch on his ship. "Stupid heap of junk!" He kicks the top of the ship as hard as he can and the engines start to sputter and eventually turn on. "Hey there we go! Now come on 88 we're behind schedule as it is no more room for mistakes now." Xan climbs off the top of the ship and runs into the cockpit where an old run down looking droid is sitting in the copilots chair. "Looks like out time on this damned planet is over." Xan starts to power up the engines for takeoff, but theres a terrible noise and the power to the ship cuts off. Xan rests his head against the instrument cluster. "Im going to go check on the power core..."
Name: Xanatos 'Xan' Albrem
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 25

Faction: Smugglers
Weapons: DL-18 blaster Pistol, 9118 Heavy carbine
Backstory/Personality: Born on the lawless world of Ord Mantell, Xan has always been associated with smugglers, bounty hunters, and all the spectrum's of scum in the galaxy. Xan started work in a scrap yard at a young age and spent almost all of his spare time building his own creations from the vast amount of scrap at his disposal. Xan had eventually become a mechanical genius and began rebuilding every droid he could get his hands on. He created his own work force of droids that could manage and run the scrap yard. At this point Xan thought it was time he expanded his business off of Ord Mantell and see the rest of the Galaxy. He purchased a junk YT-1930 off of an old freighter pilot which he began to restore to its former glory. But in his search for parts for the freighter, Xan found the remains of an old droid that he had never seen before. He then turned his attention to this droid and repairing it. Through more research he discovered that the droid was an assassin model, part of Project Phlutdroid. He reprogramed the droid to act as more of a body guard and copilot instead of a hunter. Now that he had a ship and a copilot, Xan was ready to take on the Galaxy.

A black coupe flies down the highway heading towards Edo, weaving in and out of cars at high speed. Inside the car the driver bangs his head and yells the lyrics to the extremely loud music inside the vehicle. His phone rings and he turns the music down "Agent Kaminaga speaking, what do you need?"
"Jesus Kaminaga where the hell are you?"
"I'm just going for a peaceful drive through the country."
"Peaceful drive... Damn it Kaminaga, didnt you see the smoke? We're under attack!"
"I just assumed their favorite sports team lost..."
"Link up with the Shinsengumi. I want you to find out who did this and make sure they pay!"
"Sure thing boss, I'll get right on it." Akahito says then hangs up the phone. He turns the music back up and swerves to the off ramp leading to the city.
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