Avatar of Kaore
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 228 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Kaore 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Getting the feeling people don't check PMs.
9 yrs ago
Gonna see Furious 7 next week!
9 yrs ago
Slipping slowly into madness!!


I... am a man and prefer to play male characters... but I suppose I could be tempted to rp as a female in a FxF. My name is... a secret! I believe an incident when I was younger boiled my brain. I visited my grandma by myself for the first time during a summer in high school... during a 118 degree heatwave. One day I decided to do what I always do... go on a hike in the back country... but I was wearing a black shirt. It was horrible and it felt like I had boiled my brain. I cooled off by hopping in the HOT TUB! Thats how freaking hot it was! Now I'm mildly crazy and a little bit scatterbrained... but I was a little scatterbrained before that.

My avatar is my kitten... isn't she cute! I like cute things and am not ashamed!

A pet peeve of mine that I've recently developed is that people don't seem to check their PMs. I can be patient but when I know someone has been on after I reply and they don't reply back I get irritated.

Most Recent Posts

Nero would have made a comment stating that if S.S. killed or tried to kill Ichigo then he would, unfortunately, have to pay the place a visit and possibly raze it to the ground. He was also fairly certain he could lure some powerful Meno class hollows to help, several dozen Gillian for sure, a few Adjuchas perhaps. Why would he use Hollows when he killed them so easily? Because Menos class hollows never came to the world of the living to feed on Human souls.

But he never got the chance before her Reiatsu plummeted.

"Hana?" He asked worriedly "Hana!"

When he got no response he vanished in a burst of Sonido and reappeared infront of Urahara's. He kicked down the door surprising the shopkeeper and Tessai who looked at him in surprise.

"SOmethings Wrong with Hana!" He shouted.
Mugetsu Ichigo
Hollow mask Ichigo vs Segunda Etapa Nero= 53/47 to Ichigo's win
Bankai Ichigo vs Resureccion Nero 50/50 tie
Shikai Ichigo (after learning its name) vs Resureccion Nero 45/55 to Nero A very difficult fight.
Same as previous Ichigo vs no Gigai Nero 60/40 to Ichigo
Ichigo upon first arrival to Soul Society vs No Gigai Nero 37/73 to Nero (Nero would steam roll Ikakku when the guys first introduced.)
Ichigo now vs No Gigai Nero 15/85 to Nero
Ichigo now vs Gigai Nero 72/38 Ichigo (The Gigai is a powerful restrictor but Neros experience makes up for it.)
Ichigo is stronger overall but Nero has more experience and his strength is nothing to laugh at.
Without a thought Nero scooped Hana up in a princess carry and began heading towards Urahara's. As much as he would like to go hunt down the one who did this he knew that getting Hana medical attention was more important. When he heard Hana mention Ichigo having the highest reiatsu in town normally he gave a half smirk of amusement.

"He has a lot and it seems to still be growing at a high rate... its an impressive amount." He told her "I however have more. I just have near perfect control thanks to years of hiding it."

That would probably throw Hana for a loop. He knew he was quite stronger then her if he released his Resureccion and could easily defeat Ichigo without it... for now. Once the kid learned about and found his shikai Nero had no doubt that it would be a difficult fight without releasing his Resureccion as well.

(Gonna put a Ichigo Nero strength chart in the OOC area.)
Nero wasn't sure how to react to her dismisal of his help. Why wouldn't he want to help her? She hadn't done anything to make him angry at her. Did she think otherwise? Or was it something else that bothered her? He turned to look at Rukia and Ichigo for a moment before smiling.

"You need any help carrot top just flair your reiatsu and I'll show up." He told the substitute before dashing off after Hana as Ichigo shouted at his back..

He soon caught up o the woman and gave her a questioning look as he examined her. She wasn't looking all that great but much better then she did when he first showed up.

"Why would you think I wouldn't want to help you?" He asked seriously "You haven't done anything to make me not want to help you. Your my friend and I help my friend. I even told that Ichigo boy to flair his reiatsu if he ever needed help."
Bryant thought about whether or not Kaya had ever been to this place with him. As far as his memory was concerned he had never been in this particular burger place with his friend... but he couldn't say whether or not she had been here on her own or with her mother.

"I don't think you've been here with me before." Bryant told his friend "But I have and this place has great burgers."

He really liked this place and hoped Kaya would as well. It served all kinds of different burgers as well as different condiments to put on the burgers. There dozens of potential combinations possible! Of course he just wanted cheese, ketchup, and lettuce on his burger... but that didn't mean the amount available wasn't interesting.

"You'll like this place. You can have almost anything on the burger and you can have vegetarian, beef, buffalo, and turkey burgers." He told Kaya happily.
"Before the Empire became what it is now it was a good place. Then there was an uprising by greedy nobles that was put down. The Emperor was killed and his son rose to take the throne. He wanted absolute control of his people and hated all non-humans so he started passing harsher and harsher laws." Bryant told her as he wrote somethings down "A group rose up in an attempt to remove him from power and place a general who cared for all the Empires people in his place. They built this place but all were wiped out in an ambush."

He had learned that from the book and his own research.

"As for the plan." He said calmly "Your goin gto enroll in the Imperial Academy and I'll be your servant."
Nobody wants to do Soul Eater
"They wouldn't see me as a villain." He replied with a small smile "Just not a very good hero... like an Anti-hero."

An Anti-hero is a hero who lacks some of the qualities of a hero... in his case some aspects of a classic heroes morality. He wouldn't care about getting the worst criminals he caught back in one piece which some people wouldn't like. It wasn't a very common thing among heroes but he wasn't your average hero-in-training since his mother and father were villains themselves.

"I'd never cause collateral damage since I have enough control of my powers to avoid it." He told her as they walked "And its nice to hear you have a Chemisty Partner you can get along with."

As much as he would like to have Kaya to himself he wanted her to have more firends other then him to spend time with. She was far to reserved in his opinion and needed more friends.
(Is there any real difference between a Hero and a Vigilante?)

If the stupid class wasn't mandatory he wouldn't be in it. In fact he only bothered doing enough in the class to scrape by with a C- and not care. He understood that Kaya was trying to come up with a way to describe him without offending him... but he didn't think she could offend him. He didn't think anything she could say to him would offend him even if the same thing offended someone else.

"Batman... would never kill anyone if he can help it. I don't care. Come at me with lethal force and I will try and kill you back." He told her calmly "I won't like it... but it also wouldn't bother me all that much. I don't care what anyone else says about me... if they don't see me as a hero thats their problem... just so long as they don't see me as a villain."

'Though I doubt my mother would care either way.' He added mentally.

He truly only cared about whether or not he helped people.
Nero smirked.

"I'm not a Shinigami." He said calmly before he slashed at a Hollow attacking him from behind "I have powers similar to a Shinigami's but I'm not one."

He turned to face the Hollow he just struck and ducked under its wild swing before stabbing is sword up into its extended arm. The Hollow roared as it tried to grab him with its other hand oly for him to disappear in a Sonido and appear above it. He slashed downwards as he fell, cutting the Hollows head in half as he did.

"Rukia didn't even know about me... and Hana only knows because I had to save her from being eaten a day or so ago." He told the Substitue "You can try asking Rukia about me but th ebest you'll get is what Hana tells her... if Hana tells her anything that is."

He then blocked a Hollows fist with one hand and easily threw it back before slicing its face in half horizontally. He then turned to watch Ichigo fight for a bit, eager to see what the kid was capable of.
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