Avatar of KenzieKiwi27
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  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 19 (0.01 / day)
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    1. KenzieKiwi27 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current i am but a smol meep
8 yrs ago


I'm Mackenzie.
I'm 19.
I'm a video game nerd.
I'm really random and rambunctious.

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@Cuccoruler Thank youu!
My brain was foggy when I wrote it and I was like, HEY IDEA xD@Ace of flames01
Done! Sorry, I forgot. I haven't RPed in a while ^^'
I edited my post, sorry it's still short, my brain isn't working well right now.
I've kinda decided that the plot is a bit difficult for me, hehe ^^'

name: Owynn Bleu
godly parents: Bastet/Dionysus
sphere of control: Theater, Lust and the harvest
personality: Owynn is a very cultured god, he loves stories, and theatre, and often plants ideas inside of the greatest minds, which is where some of Shakespeare's greatest plays came from. He is a vivid storyteller, and weaves many tales that he woos earthly women with. A bit of a party boy, he enjoys his wine and gatherings. Being the son of Bastet, he loves nature and the outdoors, and once in a while, enjoys going to the human world, just to wander the many great forests and wonders. He loves his drama, theatrical and real. He can pull rumors from the top of his head, just to watch someone argue.
sacred animal: Tibetan Sand Fox
- Persuasion
- Blessing crops
- controls the lustfilled affairs of the human world
weapon(s): daggers
History: Born of Bastet and Dionysus(Before Bastet died), he was orphaned of Bastet shortly after his "birth". Being raised and schooled by his godly father, Dionysus, he learned the ways of the stage, blessing of the harvest, and the ways of persuasion. He was also taught by his father the ways of Bastet, helping the moon and sun do their ritual "dance in the sky." He had an unruly few "teenage years," where he sought after the way of the human world, and eventually ran off the be with a human woman. After impregnating her unknowingly with his son, he became the father of a demigod, whom he does not know of. After returning to the Godly world, he has since spent his days helping his father control the harvest, and controlling lustfilled affairs withing the human world.
May I join?
Very interested!
Hello! My name is Kenzie, and I've been here before, I just forgot all my login info...
I love RP, it used to be my life, but alas, I grew out of it. I'm trying to get back into it, so if you could direct me to a few new start ups, that'd be awesome!
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