Avatar of Kindos
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    1. Kindos 9 yrs ago


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I may not be able to post until tomorrow, Ive got a lot to do today and work in the morning tomorrow.
i figured I would let you guys know. :)
Ketsui looked over to his side just as Yamato sat down next to him, he had noticed his presence moments before he took his seat. He would nod to Yamato with a smile for the compliment on his abilitie. Flesh Devil... He let out a chuckle. Ketsui knew if he was going to help Yamato and the rest of the Chasers he was going to have to let them know the extent of his abilities."Now to answer you're question, it would indeed be the art of Awakening. Go figured all it took to make it surface was an accidental trip to the Crimson Sky and nearly having my arm torn off by a stray Youkai. Now I can do basically anything I want with them. Density changes, shape changes, size changes, the works. The harder I concentrate the more I can do with them, however it gets rather exhausting." Ketsui would hold his hand out in front of him between him and Yamato, demonstrating what his he talking about. He forced a few bones put of his hand, changing the shape and size of it before pulling the bones back into his body. There was a brief silence between the two, before Ketsui pulled his hand to his cheek. "What about you? What's the deal wi--" he cut himself off, turning his attention to Chikage as she began to speak to all the chasers.

Is she being serious this? A group specifically formed to kill each and every one of us here? The thought seemed a little far fetched to him, but on second thought he looked around to those who'd been injured in the rescue of the boy. Things seemed as though she was being dead serious about what she said, but Ketsui still hard a hard time believing it. Nevertheless, he didn't dwell on the matter as he should when hearing about the situation, there was a party about to take place and he didn't want to spoil the mood thinking about the dire situation they were put in. Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he looked back to Yamato. "Like I was going to say, what about you? What's the extent of these... Devas I think you called them earlier?" he asked curiously looking over to the hamster on the table then back to Yamato who sat next to him.
@Medjedovic Lol. Of course you did.
This happens to me quite often, I can be absolutely terrible at picking up on stuff like that sometimes xD

Also, on second thought I won't be adding the events of Amiti to my poat just yet
Yes, and there is already one who wishes to speak to you due to hamsters.

Speaking of which I misses that his awakening in my post, therefore I must add something to my post...
@Medjedovic I promise you, it was not unnoticed, but to be used in a next post as a dialogue opener. It was not intended to hurt your feelings
Got my Ic post up and I'm looking forward to see how things go especially after the events of the battle that had yet to finish
Zuhk listened and nodded as the woman spoke to show her that he was listening to what she said even if he wasn't saying anything in reply to her. Almost immediately after she finished another woman carrying a baby ran up in panic talking about how the village was being attack by demons and a sorcerer. Koli mist be here already, with the attack. Seems like I'm behind schedule. He sighed to himself folding his arms at his chest. What was he going to do now that he wasn't where he was supposed to be. He then had an idea. "I will go with her to the tent then bring any others I can round up there as well. I will watch over them and make sure they are alright throughtout this." The tone in his voice sounded sincere at its most.

He cracked a sinister smile as the woman who was picking the berries turned her back to him and took off to the town. Zuhk then went with the woman to the tent, bringing others they passed on the way there with them as well. Once at the tent he got everyone inside telling them to wait there till the conflict was over and he would see who else he could get there as well. With that being said he took off from the tent telling all survivors he saw to head to that tent. He seemed to round up a good bit of people. On his way back to the tent he'd seen of the demons carrying a live woman over its shoulder. Zuhk rushed up to the demon without it having noticed him, putting his hand over its mouth he tilted the demon's head back. "I'm sorry my brother, but this must be done. You served well, now enjoy slumber." He whisper in its ear causing the demon to drop the woman having recognized Zuhk's voice as one of Xalafoor's renowned luitenants. With a swift motion Zuhk slit the throat of the demon, whisper a prayer of sorts sending the soul of the demon back to Xalafoor to be reincarnated at another time.

He picked up the frightened woman, brining her back to the tent with him. Once back at the tent he looked to dozens of civilians he'd managed to get there. "Everybody, you need not worry you will not suffer anymore at the hands of these demons." He would say to the trying to ease their fear and calm them down. However, Zuhk had ulterior motives wfor bringing them to the tent. He cracked that sinister smile again, drawing his dagger in his hand. He spread his arms out wide mumbling chants quietly as the people looked at him curiously. As he finished the chants he looked back to the civilians. "May your souls be taken to lord Xalafoor." Without a moment of hesitation Zuhk brutally slaughtered each and every man, woman, and child inside the tent. "Xalafoor accept my offerings to you as we carry out your plans, may your eve growing empire rule for a millennia to come." He would say as he kneeled on one knee, holding the hilt of his dagger while the blade was plunged into to ground.

Leaving the tent he would look around before rushing off from the area and back into the midst of the battle.
Ketsui gavethe woman a light nod as she finished her first statement before going to answer the next. However his attention was drawn to the door of the cafe upon feeling the presences of the other who'd had left at the sound of the scream. "They're back." He said to himself self under his breath moments before the door opened. With his attention focused so heavily on those at the door he was unaware if the woman had continued talking to have answered his prior question.

An expression of surprise overcame him when he saw the injuries the group had sustained in the rescue. What did they run in to that could have done this much damage? The thoughts spun around his mind endlessly as he watched them enter. Though, they group had come back in poor conditions, one of them did catch his eye. The man with the scarf seem to be virtual unharmed. I wonder... Ketsui, shook his head trying stop the though from developing for there were more important things to worry about at the moment.

Although there were some who needed the help Ketsui moved off towards the counter. How was he to approach them offering help after making such a poor first impression. He seated himself on a stool in front of the counter, his hands clasped together with his fingers interlocked; his elbows upon the counter keeping his hands in front of his mouth, quietly looking forward. Had someone needed his help and were to ask he surely would, but until then he would sit there.
Ketsui, took a seat and listened to what the woman said, still spinning the baoding balls in his hand. He would take the beverage with a nod and a thank you before pulling the straw to his lips, taking a sip. When the chocolate milkshake hit his taste buds, he closed his eyes immediately for he had never tasted a milkshake so good before. Although enthralled with the wonderful flavors of the beverage, he brought his attention back to the woman speaking. He realized a lot of what she was saying sounded familiar to him, however there were pieces of it that were also completely foreign to him. It made him stop to really think about what it was he was doing. Was he really able to call himself a Chaser when only living up to a little more than half of what was expected, he wondered to himself. He stopped spinning the balls around in his hand and put them away in his pocket.

As soon as the woman was done talking Ketsui stood himself up from his seat and bowed his head slightly. "I must apologize for the way I carried myself earlier. I'm just not used to being caught in situations with anything other than the Stray Youkai. So, if you'd please forgive me I'd be so very grateful." Soon after he would raise his head again. "As for joining your group... I believe if I was able to here the call then there must been a reason behind it. So yes, I will be joining to offer what help I can." He would say before bring the straw to his lips once more, drinking more of the milkshake. Having now finished the beverage, Ketsui folded his arms at his chest with his right legs bouncing on spot, and asked curiously. "What are we to do now?"
Ketsui looked to the boy who approached him with a smile. His gaze was there on the boy for sometime as he listened to what he said. As much as Ketsui didn't want to agree with him, the boy was right. Between the three of those he reacted to, they each had monstrous auras. Just going up against one at a time would prove to be difficult let alone the three of them at once. Ketsui shifted his eyes away from the boy, looking off to the side away from him. By the time Ketsui looked back up form the ground, he heard a scream from outside and the boy was gone.

Wanting to go investigate the source of the scream Ketsui was approached by a cat like Youkai woman. He looked at her for a moment and his serious tone was overcome by a small smile and a chuckle. "You're right, what was I thinking. That is very dog'ish of me, since you asked so nicely I'll certainly oblige by the rules. My apologies, I would not like to frighten any of your customers. Although by the looks of all their auras, it seems as though this may not be something that would scare them." Never the less Ketsui clenched his right fist causing the bone whip to disintegrate into dust, putting his hands up he would pull the bone blade from sticking out of his left forearm back into his skin. Setting his hands back down to his sides, Ketsui would send his left hand into his pocket and pull out the three baoding balls, beginning to spin them around in his hand. "I appreciate the way you decided to approach me on the matter, I'll be sure not to play with my bones in the cafe again." He said with a smile, tilting his head to the side.

With the baoding balls in his hand, Ketsui seemed to be more relaxed as if his whole demeanor had changed entirely. He looked back to the woman who had thrown the knife when he first walked in to the cafe. Wanting to have said something smart, he refrained from doing so. Instead he took a deep breath and spoke up. "You asked what my business here is, well let me answer that for you now." His eyes would shift to the man with the hamsters on his arm, then back to the scarlet woman. "I heard an interesting sound when I was on my way to my favorite crossing point. The sound was intriguing so I felt as though I needed to find the source of it... Then Bam! I'm here, to be met with a knife by my head. Now I ask must ask a question of my own. What are more than one Youkai doing here in this dimension? I mean you don't hide your auras well... I don't mean that in any disrespect but you don't..." Ketsui would simply stand there after that, spinning the baoding balls around each other in his left hand awaiting a reply.
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