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I don't mind your guys being resistant to swords, just make them able to distort them (I suppose that's a way to harm them in some sort of way). In addition, I think that your guys could be able to form some sort of thing to help them build stuff (like a weak hand for instance).
Yeah, I agree. Although a race which is pretty much a slime would be cool, they need to have some sort of solid shape.
Toaw said
I figured it was the territories that they had dominant control over rather than spread, but in that case it wouldn't be as much of a big deal


About the app: I know the evolution part is on the works, but I think the part they can't be harmed and moving stuff with the mind makes them too OP. I understand if they are resistant to swords and stuff, but being inmune to any damage effectively makes them too powerful in battle.
Dinh AaronMk said
I bumped it up by at least four new paragraphs because they wouldn't be that topically related otherwise. You're gonna be that much of a stickler?

You're right. I'm going to change that rule now, so accepted.
Alien: You're accepted

Dinh: Your description is still a little bit too short (to be excact, 3 sentences short). I gotta admit, that picture is badass though.


About my app: I'm going to make them more carnivorous. They may eat vegetables, but not eating meat will cause them health problems.
I'm sorry Dinh, but the description is too short. It needs to have a paragraph with the physical description with 6 sentences (although an image allows you to skip this part) and another paragraph more related to their behaviour and other stuff with 5 sentences minimum.
This is absolutely not obligatory to read. It is just here for helping and other non-important stuff.

Races list:

This is the list of races currently around.


Every 10 IC pages, I’m going to update this section. This section is meant to include all the important things that happened over the course of the years as well as interesting stories, wars, etc. And serves to help new players or just if this RP lasts so long, you feel like having a nostalgia ride.

Fantasy Names Generator

I don’t blame you if you don’t want to throw spend a lot of time thinking about nation names. That’s why; therefore, you may use this useful tool. It has generators for about every story-telling element you may need.

A few additional things:

About khanates a la Mongol Empire: If the players that are possibily affected approve of this, or if said players are AWOL, yes, you may create a khanate a la Genghis Khan. These khanates will only affect those players which approve of these decisions though and in addition, due to their rapid expansion and other factors, these khanates will be very unstable and collapse very fast. Much like the IRL mongol khanates.

(this part is not necessary to read)

There are many myths surrounding the creation of this world. Nobody knows for sure what happened many millennia ago. But as the last survivor of a race who can live forever and as the very first animal with intelligence that came to this world, I can tell you what happened.

A series of worldwide changes have occurred millions of years ago, which have wildly altered the ecosystem. Species across the planet struggled to survive. They soon realized that the obstacles of life could only be overcome with bigger brains, and so civilizations began. They began by creating basic tools. Later, on the course of millions of years, these basic tools began to get more and more complex. It is hard to say when their intelligence boom began, but it was caused after they finished their biggest test yet, the era of the glaciers. Some began their intelligence by discovering that throwing seeds to the ground and taking care of said seeds would bring them food without needing to hunt, others by banding together after a cataclysm. And there are so many other ways that these people developed themselves.

After this, the history didn’t develop in an equal pace or on an equal way. At the same time civilizations were rising and falling in certain areas, in lands far away people were still wandering like their animal ancestors.

Nobody knows what will happen in the future. Nobody knows what new mighty empires will develop. Nobody knows what revolutionary advancements will be made. Nobody knows what the final fate will be. All we can hope is that, if there are gods out there controlling our fate, destiny leads us to a prosperous future. This is the World of the Races.


Welcome to the World of Races. The unofficial third installment of the Races: Evolution (I) (II) series that spawned on the Minecraft Forums. Let's see if we can get some actually intresting stuff here!

The concept of this roleplay is simple. You control the political entities of one race and lead its development across the ages.


1) No godmodding (example of godmodding: If you are losing a war, to win it you reveal that you actually had a gigantic army waiting until the opportune moment to strike)
2) No metagaming (knowing what someone else is doing unless you have spies)
3) No insta-ing
4) No powergaming (taking control of another nation)
5) Posts must be at minimum 6 sentences of history. No posts made just for developing technologies are allowed.
6) No silly races
7) Keep this realistic. No magic or other fantasy elements allowed. If this RP gets far enough we will eventually have sci-fi stuff though.
8) Do not use your nations to greatly benefit one nation. And unless you really have to, you may not put your race/s into a huge alliance.
9) You may have up to two races.
10) OOC commentary in IC must go between double parenthesis
11) Since this is a race RP, you are free to make changes to your development so long as your race is good at it and so long as it’s nothing absurd. (see the strengths section in the app) (An example of this would be that, if your race are very skilled builders, you may develop renaissance architecture in the early medieval era. However, keep the FTL spaceships out of the Napoleonic Era).
12) All diplomatic contacts (be meetings, battles, etc.) should be resolved via PMs to avoid clogging the thread with diplomatic-only posts (unless you are announcing the opening of said interaction). Wars are an exception to this rule (save for the battle parts).
13) If you want to retire for whatever reason, or if you are having trouble with the internet and it will be hard for you to post/may stop working at any moment, please let me know. But be prepared for a reminder if you are going AWOL (that is, randomly disappearing from the RP) after a week. If you ignore this reminder for another week your nation will be NPCed and it will suffer very hard for some time or until you return.
I know this sounded aggressive, but it’s seriously a big problem in RPs.
14) No IRL religions.
15) The stats should go in hiders.
16) My word, although important, is not uncritizable. Feel free to criticize anything I do at any time.
17) This isn’t as ruleish as most of the other rules here, but it’s still something to pay attention to. Depending on how big you are for the time period (as well as other factors), you might start suffering from effects of instability. These will rage from minor incursions and corrupt bureaucracy, to new religions popping up and major plagues. You are especially prone to these if you start out with an unified race.

On the pace of this RP: It mostly depends on what the players are doing and what is happening. If there are few players around and nothing interesting is going around, feel free to leap through season by season. However, if there are many players and a lot of stuff is going on, the speed will slow down. I want to keep timeskips as a last resort option though, and they will only be done with the approval of the majority of the active players.

If you are doing a story arc which requires you to go in a slow speed in comparison to the other players, tell me and we will try to reach an arrangement.


Credit goes to Dinh AaronMk.


Race application:

I strongly recommend removing the parts in parenthesis since they are just mere explainers.

Name: (self-explaining)
Description: (one paragraph should be for physical description with 6 sentences minimum unless you use an image, and another paragraph for it's behavior and other non-physical stuff (I know this sounded lame, I couldn't word it another way) with 5 sentences minimum)
Evolution: (optional. However, this part will allow you to shorten the description part)
Strengths: (this should be what your race is good at and the aspects it's more advanced)
Weaknesses: (what your race is not good at and the aspects it's more retrograde)
Location: (here goes the location of the race in the map).

Nation app:
You don’t really have to do the nation app if it’s under your race. And even if you do, it can be a name and the amount of population or gigantic with several paragraphs for each and one of the minor details. If you are playing as a nation from someone else’s race, this app will be necessary (and in addition you will need permission from the owner of the race), so if you are doing that, here is the app.

History: (2 paragraphs minimum with 5 sentences each)
Government: (2 sentences minimum)
Description: (describe the society here. 7 sentences minimum)
Population: (whether you want it census-shaped or a simple number put it here. Military must not exceed 10% unless you're a nomadical tribe or something)

Again, if this nation is from one of your races, you do not need this app.

Alright gentlemen. The OP is ready. After I revise it, I shall post it.
AlienBastard said
Humanoids that are like new world monkeys in agility that like caves and making tree houses that have a bleak out look on reality anyone?Or no humanoids at all?

Humanoids as long as they aren't humans with minor changes or based on IRL animals are perfectly alright.
AlienBastard said
And why are we using western society time period definitions like classical antiquity and AD? Isn't this a alien planet where Jesus didn't exist? Or is there alien jesus?

Because there needs to need some refference point to keep a sense of technological pairity between nations.
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