Avatar of Kitalia
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    1. Kitalia 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Like the koala in the rain, no f** given.


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"We aren't getting punished?" Victoria questioned as she made her way, being towed by Felix, toward the Kings throne room. There were servants and knights everywhere, just watching the two as they walked. All of the eyes were starting to make Victoria nervous, the grip she had on Felix's hand tightened a bit and she inched closer to him. "What does the King want with us?" She mused as they walked through to large wooden double doors. Stepping inside Victoria's jaw dropped, she had never seen the inside of throne room before. But, she had dreamed about it often, wondering if the floors were really plated in gold. Looking down, she noted that they weren't, and just the normal marble floor that was found throughout the castle was here as well.
Looking around the room, there were the men and women of the court. Some of them she had seen, having often been the one to deliver food to their rooms. Stopping short she looked to Felix then up, toward the King. Biting on her lip she quickly bowed. "You're highness." She said, not once did her hand leave Felix's.
Victoria's cheeks flushed red, when he thanked her. They turned an even darker red when he touched her hand, looking down at their hands she started to giggle nervously. "No...no...I mean you're welcome Felix." She said biting on her lip. "This was nice, this was perfect." Victoria thought to herself. After a few moments she pulled her hand back and stood up. "You know, we should probably get going. I mean we're in enough trouble right now as it is." She said looking down at the ground and picking at her dress a bit.
Victoria smiled as she looked around the space, her grin spreading even wider when he said she could come back when she liked. Biting on her lip she let her eyes slip shut and took in a deep breath. This was what she needed, a chance to escape her family, the palace and just everything that lay just on the other side of the trees. Opening her eyes again she looked over at Felix just as his head had turned. A confused look on her face she leaned forward a bit and saw that he was blushing. "Felix...are you okay?" She asked giggling a bit.
Victoria smiled as she looked around the space, her grin spreading even wider when he said she could come back when she liked. Biting on her lip she let her eyes slip shut and took in a deep breath. This was what she needed, a chance to escape her family, the palace and just everything that lay just on the other side of the trees. Opening her eyes again she looked over at Felix just as his head had turned. A confused look on her face she leaned forward a bit and saw that he was blushing. "Felix...are you okay?" She asked giggling a bit.
Victoria smiled softly as they broke through the trees into the clearing. It really was a pretty peaceful spot, The water was so clear that you could almost see all the way down to the bottom. Looking up and around her she did a quick spin around taking in the sights, the sounds, and the scent. It smelled like the fresh wild flowers her mother would often put inside their home. Looking back over at Felix she smiled before moving to sit next to him.
"This place is beautiful Felix," She said blushing a bit. "You don't think I could possibly come here. You know when I need a break." She suggested shrugging her shoulders. The whole area seemed like something out of a fairy-tale. The girl wondered what it would look like at night, with the moon reflecting off the water and the stars dotting the sky.
Victoria couldn't help the light red color that flushed her cheeks. He may be the one person in the kingdom, possibly besides the princess, who believed everyone should be treated fairly. Biting on her lip gently she joined Felix at the window and watched as the last of the knights dispersed from the courtyard. Turning to face him her brow furrowed, "Wait a second, you're not a knight just yet? Then why have I seen you marching around with them before?" Victoria wasn't entirely sure why she cared if he was a knight or not, although part of her wondered who had just saved her, and who she would be running off with to a secret location.
"The most beautiful place in the kingdom?" She mused wrapping her arms around her shoulders. Walking around the room she couldn't help but chuckle, the size of the old kitchen paled in comparison to the one that she worked in now. Or at-least had worked in at one point. Moving toward the window she watched as the guards below buzzed back an forth, like the bees do in the spring, or like a chicken with its head cut off.
Biting on her lip she turned to look at Felix. "Thank you again Felix, for helping me. But, I fear that I'm just going to get you in more trouble." Victoria stated before wincing at a loud yelling and screaming from the courtyard. She felt like all of this was getting a bit out of hand, yes, she was happy that someone like him who would help her. But, again part of her felt just like a burden to the poor boy. "You shouldn't have to do this for me, I'm just a peasant. You're a knight, you must have more to do then help me."
Sniffing slightly the girl looked around the armory and shook her head. Her day was going so well up until this, "Great...just great.." She muttered wiping at a few tears. That's when she heard a voice. Turning around to see the knight from before, "I uhh..I guess I just got clumsy again." Victoria uttered before she heard the yelling of the guards behind him. When he offered her his hand Victoria was hesitant. Yes, he had helped her earlier, and seemed genuine. But, he was still a guard and he already seemed like he was in trouble.
"Think Victoria. Polishing armor and swords, or leaving the palace with a knight. She thought before swallowing the lump in her throat. "Alright." She said taking his hand, pulling herself up off the ground. Holding onto his hand tight she followed where ever he was going to lead her. "M-my name is Victoria by the way."
"Hey don't get mad at me!" Victoria shouted as she quickly ducked out of the shop. "It's not my fault you're life is a piece of shit!" She shouted again before watching the door slam in her face. Grumbling the elven girl pulled the hood of her cloak up around her ears and started walking.
Victoria Ashwood had been used to the rage people would get from hearing their fortunes told, what made her feel a bit worse about it was that they were forced to keep the beautiful bouquet of flowers until they died. The normal span people had until their fortunes came true. Looking around the village square that she stood in people were giving her looks, and they were all of mixed emotion.
Some people smiled at her, others glared, it wasn't her fault that she had these visions. After a moment of thought Victoria bowed to all the villagers then turned. "I bid thee all farewell!" She cried out before lifting up the edge of her cloak running toward the edge of the town.
Hopefully if she ran fast enough she could make it to some place warm before the chill really set into her bones.

After what seemed like hours of running Victoria slowed down along a dirt path, well partly dirt. Where ever the girl had ended up had a fresh coating of snow along the ground. Bending over she laced her boots up tighter then pulled the cloak closer around her person. "There has got to be at-least a cave around here somewhere." She mused to herself as she pressed on. More time passed and a wind started to kick up and it was dark. Victoria was about to give up hope, when a faint orange glow took her attention off in the distance.
Mustering up the last once of energy she had the girl took off running toward the light. As it grew brighter and brighter, so did her hopes. Skidding to a stop infront of a large Inn Victoria made her way to the door, before her fist even made contact with the wood it opened. "Welcome to the Unorthodoxy." A burly man said.
Victoria stood in the center of the kitchen biting on her lip as she was berated by the elder knight and the cook at once. "You worthless vile little girl. Giving fruit that is to be served to the King to some knight? And not even Royal one, but a knight in training!" The cook shouted. The girls red eyes darted up from the floor and looked at the cook. "I'm sorry, he had helped me and I was just being nice. Besides, the apples come from my garden, and there are plent-" Victoria was quickly silenced by a strike across the cheek. "You insolent little girl. Get out of my kitchen! There is no place for you here." The cook shouted. Victoria attempted to curtsy before leaving but was stopped by the knight.
"Well since you are no longer needed here. You shall come with me." He said grabbing her by the arm and pulling her out of the kitchen.

There was nothing she could really say or do at this point. They both held a higher position then she did, even if cook was only one step higher, it was still up there. As the elder knight pulled her down the hall she passed by the boy who had helped her earlier. A pleading look flashed in her eyes as she was lead from the hall and down another hallway to where the knights stored all of their weapons and armor. "Get cleaning." He snapped pushing her inside.
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