Avatar of Koda
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 168 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Koda 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Just got a new computer! I'll reply to everyone soon and major apologies to all.
8 yrs ago
Dark doom honey, I'll follow you.
8 yrs ago
Lets explore and get lost in the serendipitous flux.


A biography section. I always find these hard to write. Finding the right mixture of fun and informative is something I have yet to master.

Lets see, I've been wielding the pen (keyboard in contemporary terms I suppose) since I was in middle school and continued since. So however old I was back then to my current 21 year old self. Novellas - the grand compromise between short stories and novels - has been my main modus operandi for writing. However, after braving those waters for some time, I decided to give collaborative writing a try. Hence the reason why I joined this site.

I live in GMT -06.00. The specifics? Well, I shall leave that unveiled to garner some mystique for my internet persona. I'm still in school, so this remains a hobby for me. I do foresee that I should be pretty active. If things do fall into a flux, I adhere to this thing called communication. I will communicate to my partners whether it be jovial banter, brainstorming, or notifying for prolonged absences.

For now, I think I'll wrap this up. If anyone bothered reading this, here's a cookie. *Hands over a cookie*

As we all are writers, I have no shame in sharing my writing to potential partners who wish to see what they're getting themselves into. Said samples will be short quips from novellas however. I have yet to build a repertoire as a roleplayer. Don't hold it against me.

Anyway, lets see what stories lurk amongst this community.

Valete, amici mei.

Most Recent Posts

Well, it's official then. Taellana's have a little fit over Ally. She's about to embark on a journey to find her town and give her a good smack on the head. Debating if that smack will be her hand or a twig ... hmm...

By the way, congrats on the employment you!
There's a starter. I hope it's a fun read!
Aggressive expansion. That's what the matriarch decreed, and that's what the Children of Siris would do. Having taken over the position when the last patriarch met an untimely death, the organization had moved rapidly to spread its influence. From a policy of diplomacy to a policy of expansion by any means necessary. It was a change. That was for sure. However, for Lunamaria it was a very welcomed change. The played with a lock of her hair as she sat on the rooftop of a safe house. It was time Dunwall knew the wrath of Siris.

Straightening out her overcoat which showcased the black and red colors of Siris, Lunamaria stood up. The past few months had been busy in the smuggling branch of Siris's actions. New partners and routes had been secured, but there was an obstacle to the smuggling routes. A number of partners needed to unload at the docks. Though the law enforcement regulated the docks, everyone knew the Silver Squids controlled the main docks. While the Second Sons tried to contest the ownership, it was indisputably controlled by the Squids. Lunamaria smirked. What the hell kind of name was the Silver Squids? She was going to have fun taking one of their precious docks from them. Her reputation among her group was disconcerting to many. Though sporting a pretty face and a ravishing body, violence was an art form she continuously refined.

Hearing footsteps come up the stairs, Lunamria rested a hand on one of her tomahawks. A man walked through the door as he showed the marking on his wrist. "The other acolytes are ready to go, Apostle," he said. "You give the word, and we'll commence the operation."

Lunamaria nodded as she walked past the man and down the stairs. The acolyte followed. "The matriarch has asked this of us personally. My sect. There's no room for error," she said. Walking into the main room, the others lounging about stood up. All the eyes were trained on her. "You all have your assignments. Your roles. None are expendable. Aggression not recklessness. But enjoy it. I expect to see all of you after we've taken the docks or in the next life. Enough standing around. Lets go."
The smell of salt plagued the air as Lunamaria tried to ignore it. She never really understood the fascination of it all. How could the sailors spend months out on that liquid trap? Miss the wind, and that'd be the end of it all. Even the dock workers. The place looked filthy. Just with one cursory glance, the woman knew the place hadn't had a good cleaning in quite some time. Her cleanliness obsession began to kick in. She wanted to get a mop and start fixing this place up. She knew it was beneath her though. She wasn't about to become some dock worker herself.

The group had split up as per the operation. Another Apostle was here as well. Yussef. She didn't like him. Too cocky. However, she wasn't about to deny the hierarchy. The organization was clear on how it dealt with insubordination. Walking with her group, she carried out the decoy/assaulting force. Namely, raise as much hell as possible while the others did their job.

As she continued towards the docks, she saw a number of dock workers look her way while some scurried off. Feeling the trust weight of her tomahawks and clockwork pistol, Lunamaria looked about. There wasn't a law official present at all. Not at this hour anyway. If one did stumble upon this stand off, they'd be dealt with accordingly. The kingdom was already in turmoil. They were needed elsewhere Lunamaria was sure.

Nearing the main structure of the docks, Lunamaria spotted a dock worker as she walked up to him. Turning the man about and pushing him hard against a crate, she drew one of her tomahawks and pressed the edge to the man's neck. "The Squids. Where are they?"

The man looked at the edge then back to her. "Squids? The ocean I reckon."

Lunamaria pressed the edge further and blood dripped down from his neck. "Without the sarcasm this time."

The dock worker pointed at the biggest building in the dock. "They always move around. I reckon there there. I sure as sure. No sarcasm this time," he said. "Don't kill me! Please! I be as quiet as a mouse. Quieter if you'd like?"

Lunamaria gestured to a pair of acolytes. "Go."

As the two went off, she refocused on the dock worker. "Now what to do with you," she said with a hint of amusement. "Do you like pain? I love it. I like it fast; I like it slow. It depends on my partner. Catch my drift, you reckon?"

The man swallowed yet again. "Please, I have a family. A little girl I do. A little girl!"

Lunamaria tsked. "I had a sister. She's gone now. Everyone always goes away. If not now, someday."
Haha I'm not too surprised. Some did look like pirates indeed. I'm going to go with the second picture then. I like that one the best!
Of course. This'll be a huge change for Margaret though. Just saying. The initial summoning thing will not go well.

I'm half way through my post. I'm hoping to have it up by tomorrow.
In Spotlight 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@luclovers lucky you! This morning was shoveling on my end haha! Not looking forward to the below 0 weather this weekend.
Okay, I've been picture searching. I want your opinion on what you'd prefer. I like all of them. Course, tell me what you think about the original. I'll take your opinion into account with the switch.

Yup, that's what I was thinking.
Yup! My gang wants a part of the harbor to smuggle goods in. Unfortunately for them, said port is in your gang's territory.
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