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    1. Kushluk Shimazu 10 yrs ago


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Greetings Comrades and Welcome to the Den of the Shimazu War Beast! Though most my pals call me Kush for short, rhymes with douche, but I do my damnedest to not be one. Please feel free to ask me anything, but know you'll get my brutal honest opinion. Well I have been a writer of about eight years on the RP side of a site known as Neoseeker. I have made friends with fellow writers from around the world, seriously I got pen pals from Ireland, to Belgium, Brazil, Japan, Korea, even China. My writing experiences in collaborative text based Role-Playing forums has given me a wide range of imagination … too bad that alone does not pays the bills sadly >_< As far as writing goes I find myself drawn to settings placed in fantasy and modern times with a bit of a tweak such as powers. I am a great brainstormer and I have a system set up were I can help other writers with character interactions, like typewithme but on Google documents essentially. My characters are usually of the soldier or leader mindset, but they always have something about them that makes them interesting, well I try anyways as a white horse is boring ... we do not need too many Jon Snows. I would not mind playing a funny and comic relief character again as it has been a while, and I think I can do the humor right. Now a bit about myself in the non-writing sense: I am a former veteran of the United States Air Force, and a history major in college. My historical interests are predominantly of the military history nature. My interest goes from Classical Greece, to the mighty Roman Republic and Empire, the centuries between the fall of Rome and to the Renaissance, and then jumps to colonial expansion to the so-called New World. Also 20th century military conflicts are a fond topic of mine as well. Honestly I would enjoy any good-hearted discussion about history and cultures, especially outside my own. Seriously, I have heard enough American history throughout my life, there’s a whole world out there! As for reading Any history book that catches my interest. J.J.R. Tolkien's work The Lord of the Rings Silmarillion The Hobbit (first book I ever willingly read) Piers Anthony has his books On a Pale Horse Bearing an Hourglass Weilding a Red Sword And recently I have read some of Raymond Feist's work Magican : Apprentice Magican : Master R. A. Salvatore is decent and I enjoy the adventures of Drizzt and company. Currently Reading the Song of Ice and Fire series, as Game of Thrones is my favorite show on TV right now. In the past recent years I went through all the books relating to Halo/Gars of War/Warcraft/ and other games as well. I am a big gamer on my end, XBOX 360, PS3, and a decent gaming rig. If you want to join me on any of these platforms just send me a Private message and we shall see about getting you into the carnage.

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I'll see if I can modify mine. Hopefully we can in time, I look like Charlie the damned Unicorn!

The human gave a solemn look of pity as she showed her wounds, but he nodded silently and told Snow to guard the entrance as he began his work. Though it was hard, Summer bit her lip as Ostel's gruff hands began touching her bare skin, delicately examining her wounds. As he placed his hands upon the injuries Summer winced in pain from the pressure of his firm hands.

Then she felt a soothing warmth radiate from his hands, the stinging pain went away until there was not left but a dull ache from every injury Ostel confronted. Her scar across her face was the more notable wound, and Ostel slowly placed his hand upon her cheek. It was a soft and gentle touch compared to the last person who struck it. In the more delicate areas he looked up with a questioning gaze, and when Summer nodded he did the same treatment again.

One the wound around the thigh to the knee though she instinctively tensed and closed her legs. She let out a uneasy breath, to which Ostel stopped and waited patiently until she let him continue. When he went around behind her to treat her back however, she could not help but turn with him timidly. He gave a concerned look, "Summer?"

She shifted from foot to foot as she looked at him, she understood that he was only trying to heal her wounds, but she didn't feel comfortable with him at her back. After a moment of consideration, she pointed at Snow, then to the space between her and Ostel as if asking if he could stand between them as Ostel healed her back.

He nodded and whistked Snow to do as she requested, with snow happily rubbing his fur aginst her legs to comfort her. She took a deep breath and summoned what courgae she could muster and willed herself to turn her back to the human. As before, his hands went over each wound as carefully as he could, trying to cause as little discomfort as he could. Summer tried to force herself to keep her thoughts on Snow as his fur rubbed against her skin.

Before she knew it Ostel was walking in front of her with a nod, "Well, that should do it I guess. Better I hope?"

She blinked a bit and gently touched her face where the cut used to be, now replaced with a pale white scar, before dropping her hand and nodding her head. Ostel had showed her more kindness in the small amount of time that he had been in the cell with her than she had expierenced in her entire life and that alone brought tears to her eyes. This was something she wasn't used to, something that she feared that should would have to repay in a way she never wanted to do ever again.

Before Ostel could say anything Summer collapsed into Ostel’s arms, which surprised him at first as he grabbed her shaken form instinctively as it heaved with soft sobs. He did not say anything, for sometimes nothing need be said. Instead he merely gently let her body fall with him as he rested his back against the wall of the cell.

As if reading his mind his wolf companion came back with his fur cloak held tentavily in his fangs. Ostel nodded to Snow and wrapped the cloak around himself and Summer. While Snow paced around Summer's legs and rested there, his vigilant eyes watching the entrance. After a few more moments of silent tears, Summer tentively pushed at Ostel's chest, signalling that she wanted to be released. She wasn't very big on contact with humans and the fact that she had allowed Ostel to do what he did took more courage than she thought she even had. I want to go now... I don't want to be in here anymore, she thought as she stared at Snow.

Ostel did not stop her as she stood up, he merely nodded and righted himself up, clasping his cloak back on. He then took a breath before scratching the back of his head in thought, "We need to go to the main hall, my father had summoned me to appear before the council before noon." he then looked to her and met her violet eyes with a worried glance, "He ordered your presence there as well. Fredrick will be present, will you be able to quietly conduct yourself?" He asked worriedly.

Summer gave him a disbelieving look as she straightened out her shoulders and lifted her chin up slightly, as if saying she could do what needed to be done. She was labeled as the silent one as it was, so he had no reason to worry that she would speak out of turn. She had a bad feeling about seeing Fredrick again, though she hoped that the claw marks she had left on his face were still there or had at least scared, to her the bastard deserved a good marring,

With a nod Ostel then nodded toward the door, "No matter what happens, stay close to me and Snow. if you feel like you cannot be quiet, lean on Snow, he will be right beside you, won't you?" The white wolf barked sharply and made his way to the other side of Summer. With that, human, elf, and wolf gladly left the cell behind them, making their way towards the main hall of the Grimwards.

As Ostel watched her devour the small meal, the human could not help but feel a sickness in his gut. A sickness that developed into a tight knot that threatened to blow over into either a rage or sadness from the wretched display. But Ostel now knew that he had made the right decision in confronting his father about this, for Fredrick's actions against this elf had crossed a line.

Unable to merely sit and watch Ostel stood back up to his feet, which prompted the elf to stiffen and gaze at him with her violet eyes. It was almost like she had become a scared animal he hunted, watching his every move, ever doubting his motive. Not that he blamed her really, any sane being would after what she had endured.

Not knowing how to begin, he knelt down on one knee to match her at eye level. She backed away of course, retreating into the safety of her dark corner. Ostel took a deep breath, "Do you have a name?" he asked hoping to begin on a comfortable subject.

The girl looked up at Ostel, watching to ensure he did not come any closer to her before shaking her head no. She didn't understand what he was doing or what he was getting at by asking her if she had a name. She was nothing but a slave, a slave was never privy to a name, only cruel beatings and an outlet for sexual aggression from the Sons of the household. When she noticed he wasn't going to make a move to get closer, she slowly went back to the direction of the food and reached for the flask, trying to remain as far away from him as she could, which resulted in her inability to get what she wanted.

He nodded, expecting her fear. He picked up the flask, making her figure stop, she retracted her arm, but she didn't fall back to the shadows. She merely looked up to him, and he handed out the flask in his bare hand, "I understand that you are afraid, but you have to overcome that if you want to survive." he said making a shaking motion with his hand so she could hear the sloshing of the water. When she did not move at first, he then asked, "Will you die in fear, or dare to live again?"

She stared at him for a moment before surprising him, "How... How can I live.... when I don't know who I am?" she asked, her voice hoarse from all the screaming she had done before and from dehydration. To her, a person without a name was not alive, they were just there to be seen and used. A nameless face that had not soul, no real purpose and no power over what was to happen to them. She also noticed at the time of her thoughts that Ostel seemed confused, so she took advantage of that moment and moved with surprising speed to snatch the Flask from his hand before upending it into her mouth.

He jumped a bit at her speed, but could only chuckled as the elf drank like it would be her last. With a school boy smirk he then asked, "If you do not know your name, perhaps I can give you one." the elf stopped drinking and gave him a queer look, but he shook his head, "I know you more than likely have a name, but if you do not remember it then this will serve just for the time being." She said nothing, but merely kept staring at him as she drank the water from the flask.

With no answer he shrugged and asked. "How about Summer?"

She scrunched up her face for a minute as she thought about what he asked before letting her features relax as she nodded her head in agreement. She had already spoken to this man once, she had no desire to do so again at the moment. In fact, she really didn't want to talk to anyone at all... ever... if she could help it.

He nodded back and stood himself up, "You do not have to say anything then, that suits me fine. But you need to be aware of a few things Summer." She sat down and covered her bust with her knees and hands, her eyes looking somewhat at him and a bit here and there.

Ostel went ahead and explained, crossing his arms as he began, "By this time tomorrow you were to be executed for ... 'resisting' my brother Fredrick. I spared you from such a fate, for there is little love between me and him. There is little time to explain in full detail, but for now, if you want to live to see the outside world again, you need act like as my slave for the time being." He said as if simply addressing a child.

He then relaxed his arms and gave a sympathetic look to the elf, "If you can do that until we get out of the Grimward estate.... well all I am saying is that people tend to get lost in the northern forests all the time. Dangerous place, full of bandits, mostly elven rogues." He said hoping she would catch his meaning.
Kybur! It will be good to have you again mate ^_^

And yeah, when Kokushi told me about her intention to revive this favorite of ours I could find little reason NOT to join in the fun again.

It will be good working alongside you again comrade :D
Really looking forward to the start of this story ^_^
Heyo thar comrades, I be a Texan Dwarven Pirate

Alright since the introductions are out of the way, just call call me Kush for sanity's sake. And no, I had this name before I learned it was a damned drug, made it up when I was six years old. I am former military and am getting back into the Rp gig, as I used to be part of the RP forums on Neoseeker

Seeing as Neoseeker's RP forum has died down in recent years, I have come to this humble thread by the recommendation of a fellow former Neoseeker known as @Kokushi. Here is hoping many good things come from me working with yall, just mind the explosions and sounds of gunfire, not my fault, they were just lying there begging to be used

I have kept to myself by gaming, writing, and banging my head as I try to survive in the American Dream. No offense, if this is a dream, it sucks rotten apples. Trying to balance writing, gaming, girlfriend (who is awesome and does all this with me), college, work, and scraping whatever amount of free time I can steal

Aside from all that, just ask if you have any further questions. If not, then have a good day, and try not to kill anyone with your mind
I will stand as the Light Sage
Name: Ostel Von Grimward

Race: Human

Age: Twenty-four

Gender: Male

Height: Five foot and ten inches

Weight: Two hundred and ten pounds

Continent: Lucerna

Appearance: Sky blue eyes and short brown hair stands in stark contrast to the human’s imposing, firm build. His months in the cold upper reaches of Lucerna have given him a fair-skinned complexion. Ostel wears a set of brown colored boots made from the fur of his prey, dark green pants that are fastened to his waist by a black belt, which has numerous pouches of herbs and other misc. items. He dons a vest of chain mail over his blue tunic and white long sleeved shirt. Usually this is covered by richly dark fur cloak, and an amulet of a silver wolf hangs around his neck.

Personality: He is wary of most individuals, but is confident of his own abilities as a fighter to speak to others in a firm but polite manner. Though not quick to anger he does remember those that belittle him as a bastard and think less of him just based on that. He tries to maintain his own moral code of ethics despite his upbringing, by treating others as he wishes to be treated.

History: Having been born a bastard to the Grimward house of Ravenscrest, Ostel has been treated with tolerance and contempt by his own family. He only counts Snow, his hunting wolf, as his one true friend in the Ravencrest Household. Thankfully he has learned from his father Magnus, the beloved lord of Ravencrest, about some of the customs and courtesies to temper the smoldering fire in this young man’s heart.

Since he could hold a stick, Ostel trained to be a skilled swordsman and clever hunter under the best trackers and soldiers on Lucerna. While his true blood siblings were educated in the politics of humanity, Ostel spent his days learning spells, honing his swordsmanship, and becoming one of the finest human hunters in his homeland. He trained with his mentors one of the few remaining forests on the northern coast of Lucerna under the watchful gaze of many a veteran warrior.

Weapons: Fittingly, Ostel wields a bastard sword, which he keeps in a sheath on his black belt. He also carries with him a longbow and never leaves home without his quiver full. Along with this arsenal he has a heavy throwing axe and a simple hunting dagger he keeps in his right boot.

Pet: His one true and loyal hunting partner, a ferocious red-eyed white wolf. He calls the wolf Snow due to his white fur.

Powers: Ostel has three skills that he has mastered on his own thus far:

Mending: The Grimward bastard can heal an injured person by merely resting his palms upon them, and then through his own force of will, a soft glow of simmering light will resonate from his hands. A warm feeling will course through the injured person as open wounds will close, bones will mend, and even tainted toxins seem to evaporate from the body. Only the most serious injuries are beyond his ability to mend, however the more severe the injury, the more it fatigues Ostel. If it becomes too much for him he would black out for a brief period of time.

Blinding Light: Ostel can also bring both his hands together to cause a blinding light that can disorient anyone looking at him. While effective he can blind himself too if he isn't careful about the intensity.

Augment: Another useful skill is to enchant his weapon with the power of the light to deal tremendous damage to dark-born beings, and sometimes with weaker willed undead creatures, this act can scare them off.

Strengths: A gifted swordsman and skillful hunter, Ostel is very open and friendly around others but rather blunt in speech. He has good enough sense to know when it is time to relax, and when to let his training kick in to do what needs to be done. If Ostel counts you as a friend than he is a loyal and stout comrade who will do his utmost to ensure that you live to see another day.

Ostel’s most exceptional strength however comes from the fact that he does not seem to be as xenophobic as most humans are. He has an open mind about most possibilities and sees the other races not as a threat, but instead as equals. This has not earned him many friends among his kin sadly, but he is content with his way of thinking.

Weaknesses: Ostel is not extremely patient. When he become aggravated at someone’s bloated ego, moronic reasoning, or selfish tendencies, he may snap a bit if he does not catch himself. When this happens he lets all the posturing and formalities drop and he does not care about the ramifications of his actions.

Depending on situation and the person, Ostel will act in a number of different ways. He can go from merely walking away, bashing the person over the head, becoming silent and glowering at the person, to becoming an asshole that will not shut up until he gets his point across.

As a bastard he has been chided for seemingly not caring at times, and at rare moments he even will sometimes agree that he does not care. Though he can operate around others, even lead if he has to, if the stress builds up he toys with the idea of simply going it alone with just him and Snow.

Also he is very bitter about being a bastard, despite all the good he tries to do. You make fun of him about it, then you are treading on thin ice with him from then on out. When he does make a call, he sticks with it to the end like a stubborn bull.

He tries to do the right thing when he can, but can come off as brash and naïve. This may lead to misunderstandings between those who do not know his way of doing things. Despite the aura of confidence, deep down he is clouded by doubt as to his place in the world. Sometimes he does let his pride get the best of him, but he means well.

Other: He has recently been given a condemned elven slave girl as a 'gift' from his father. This elf, known only as Summer, follows him with her gaze ever downward. Though she is supposed to not wear clothes by law, Ostel often lets her wear his fur cloak and a white sun dress he bought from a random passerby.

Again, this does not win him many friends. But no one has yet to challenge the bastard of Ravencrest, not yet anyways ...
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