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    1. Kyelin 10 yrs ago


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So, a bit about me then: First and foremost, I love to try and create imaginative and creative scenarios, that (I hope) push the very limits of reason and conventional thought. When I RP (mostly in NRPs) I aim to play powerful and big, things that are on the very edge of OP (I usually give my faction a ridiculous disadvantage though, to keep it fair). In other RPs, I tend towards Science Fiction and Modern Fantasy, playing side characters with some interesting quirks to them. I am also keen on trying some Arena RPing, when I get better at writing. Other things about me are that I work as a Mental Health Nurse (who would've guessed), and enjoy gaming and drawing as well. I also play trumpet on the side. I have a rough schedule, so I disappear for a couple of days sometimes. But never assume I am dropping out, I will tell you if I am thinking of it (unless it's really serious).

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Just so I can reserve this role, traits of my race will be:

-Governments are independent and corporate owned, with various guilds making up sectors of said governments.

-they are shrewd negotiators, and have a tendency to make deals that insure they get the larger cut if possible.

-there are three major factions: Organized Crime/Piracy, Nomadic Salvage Crews and Corporate interests

-Their military is a combination of conscripted militias, automated drones and robotics, and special forces for target assassination, sabotage and espionage (expertly trained and using advanced hardware).

- Fleets are large with lots of small ships, with specialised weapons for dreadnought killing and minimal damage to ships, preferring to kill the crew on board and allowing salvage to be more profitable.

-Cooperative and friendly for the most part, overall military presence is small and ineffective for large scale conflict,
An idea for trade can be negotiations between Nations. Things to trade could be fleet strength, relics, tech and exotic materials/ resources that can give a small bonus to certain areas (like industry or science) on the three day click.

Just a suggestion, if you want a fleshed out version I can PM later
Just PM me when you reboot (if you do)
Ok, dibs money hungry traders, who'll put a price on anything (if not already taken)

Also, quick questions: is there an economy system, where you can make money from various things (and trading) and use said cash to speed up things?
I have yet to see a NRP using an actual mechanics system. I'm down

EDIT: So, I had a base sheet up for approval, but realized I had accidentally copied someone Identically. New ideas are eing constructed as I speak :3
Hive World Luk

There was little more headway to be made here. In the end, the Scouts were originally intended to make contact with the Devourer, and be destroyed in it's wrath. The fact that it was communicating back was perplexing: It was unusually cooperative. Most likely was the fact that they were quite inedible lent to this conclusion, but still... The scouts were never expected to be diplomats.

When all was said and done, the lead Matron turned to observe the launch of their space craft, and watched. It then decided that it would be best to just get this entire operation rolling, and signaled for the Amazons to begin landings. The Matrons bowed, and faced the ground, showing respect for their ancient-enemy-turned ally. Even if it was for the briefest of moments. No Ethereal could possibly remember, but this Devourer had consumed many of their worlds as well. Even this planet may have been an Yss'Tkuld colony, or even their home world.
Noticing their sudden flight from cover after the explosion, Opus smirked as he whirled up, and brought his weapon to bear. Three shots rang out, two hitting a rebels shields and downing them before the third smashed him in the head, blowing it off. The rebel sank to his knees, then fell to the ground as he died, before Opus took down a second rebel. Rounds were returned back to his position, forcing him back down and into cover again. He shuddered as rounds glanced off his cover, and waited for another lull in their fire, before dashing to a crate that placed him behind the Rebels. Now that he was flanking them, he fired his full clip, forcing the squad to face both ways and to be confused as to where they could go that was safe.
Hive World: L'uk

As they observed the images, the scouts noticed that they had grown an interest in the Union, which meant that somehow, they had made contact with them at some point. It was quite likely that the Devourer had more world's than this one, and was a sign of how inefficiently the Ol'Tiu had handled their extermination. The Iscandarians were their greatest threat, after all, and needed to at least be preoccupied so as that they didn't meddle with anymore of their plans. It was unfortunate, then, that the Gathering couldn't give them the location of their home world, as the Ethereals hadn't encountered it yet.

The Matron projected more images, this time of New Condia, with a slash through the little house visualization. Hopefully, they understood that this was the only world that the Gathering had encountered. They then projected a stream of digital information traveling from a Spore Form to a Matron, indicated that the Ethereals were also interested in any information the Hive discovered. They stood motionless, waiting for a response, as a small group of foraging Spore Forms ran between their legs into the structure.
WilsonTurner said
Original response to Darkwolf's hivemind:

Hive World

As they approached the door, One Matron moved forward. Before it could attempt to open the door, it projected a 3D Image of several interesting visuals. First, a Star Map, though nothing was highlighted or marked on it, it was more of a aid to help them in communication. They had found difficulty in speaking to the mind via their usual methods, and so used this back up contingency to carefully show what the Constructs intended.

Next, was a projected image of several species the Gathering had encountered, including markings to show they were organic and thus consumable. This part was the most dangerous in their plan, as they needed to be careful in not giving away the entirety of their fuel source, hence the vagueness of the map. Finally, a brief moving image of Amazons flying through space, meant to show what the intended delivery platform was. With luck, all this would be enough to show that the scouts both knew what was here, and what they promised to give the Devourer.

The Explorer: Witch Hunt

As the Core prepared to fire again, three rounds smashed into it's front, causing it to howl and shudder. As this had happened, one of the bone blades sliced along it's front, shearing off a section of panel and causing the weird smoke substance to vent, and the Witch to shake uncontrollably. It was losing cohesion, and could not maintain it's reactor, and began to float higher, screaming and howling with rage. It's front split open and glowed bright, before it exploded, sending debris and streams of black fluid shooting off around the room, spraying walls and some of the Hunters. The blast itself had little effect, and no one was gravely injured, just a few bruises and scratches from being knocked back from the blast.


"The Collapse was a cataclysmic event that wiped out many civilizations at the time, including the Ol'Tiu and, most likely, the Yss'Tkuld's original forms as well. This was triggered by the attackers, almost certainly unintentionally. The Ol'Tiu, meanwhile, were defenders of the galaxy, and my creators, who had controlled much of galactic space. I do regret to inform you that, being unable to connect to any Sage, that I cannot locate any exact database locations. However, they should be somewhat frequent around the galaxy, as they were intended to be found by future people's. That being said, it is likely that many have been looted or destroyed by Yss'Tkuld raiding parties."

"Sages tunneled through to this galaxy at key locations around various systems, though I have reason to believe that this slowed or altogether stopped when the Ol'Tiu were defeated. Wardens would have knowledge as to the whereabouts of these entry destinations."
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