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  • Old Guild Username: Kyoto
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    1. Kyoto 10 yrs ago


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Kyoto then began surveying the area and his eyes kept lingering to the gargoyles. "Hey Ryoko what is your take on those things?.. don't they look like they could come alive at any moment." He said as he proceeded to eat his meal. He could see the Ryoko was already done with hers. He asked this question mostly because the objects began to really make him nervous. The things looked so well crafted that he had this feeling that they were watching them and waited for the oppritune time to jump them and kill them. "Right now I have this strong urge to taking Icingdeath and dismantle them..." He voiced to her. He then looked back to her and smirked. " I would rather be thinking of the lovely lass I am sharing my company with then those things."

Ryoko laughed a little at his comment but then stopped. She knew that he could see her blushing a bit and she shook her head. "Well perhaps you should erase all images of the gargoyles then and think of someone like me. I know your just trying to flatter me though, I find some of the women with us to be much more prettier then myself. Especially the elf woman over there with the pink hair." She said.

Kyoto nodded a bit and then sighed. "Yeah but their not from my homeland, where you on the other hand are. But you are right, I am trying to flatter you. I have my mind set on a lass back at home." He said and Ryoko recalled his words earlier and she sighed.

Kyoko just shook his head at the both of them. 'How can they think of that of all things at a time like this.' He turned his head to look to the mage and he wondered how long they would stay here. Most likely until he woke up from his exhaustion anyways. Sleep was a necessary thing for all of them but he didn't like this room. It gave him the creeps.
Kyoto, Ryoko, and Kyoko found themselves staring down the stone structure that had aged with the help of the nature around it. This is what happens when a building is not taken care of as often by it's masters. Kyoto wondered something though and looked about before entering. He then gestured to his kinsmen. "Such architect and it had to have had purpose right?" He asked them. Ryoko looked to it and studied its design and that of the door. He did create some point and it only raised questions that she could not find the answers to.
"If it had been built for a reason then where are the makers of it?" She asked particularly no one." I mean they would have to live nearby right?,... and why chain up the entrance?"
"Unless the did so to keep something in or something out...." Kyoko finished. "I think it wise to keep full alert while we are down inside it." he then proceeded to follow the rest of the group inside. No use standing outside talking about it. However, the atmosphere inside made him think more on the subject. The gargoyles,... what purpose did they have?... in some cultures they stood as immortal guardians protecting the dead. However, there were no caskets down here. No skeletons, just rotted tapestries that have no more value and dust. He then noticed the conjured up camp that the mage had made. What sorcery is this?... how can one conjure something out of nothing?

Kyoko would feel Ryoko brush past him moving to the location of warm food and he rolled his eyes. How can you trust something created from magic?... Then again Heinrich had no reason to poison them or anything...right? Then he found Kyoto moving past him as well to join the young woman and his mouth dropped. Don't think with your stomach you foolish man.
Kyoto felt no reason to mistrust the mage, why would he kill them here of all places. Why summon sooo many warriors and then kill them if all he wanted was the chalice for himself. There was a mystery about the man but it wasn't this and he doubt the man was of any danger to them. Problem was, the man had to rest after conjuring such a thing. In his view, this would be a perfect time for a enemy to attack. Right when their mage is asleep. Then again, its not like they only have one mage. There were the elves that traveled with them, they likely have some sort of magic they could use. He wasn't all that hungry though despite the looks of the stew. However, that did not stop the young lady as she helped her self to it. "Well you eat like you haven't had anything for days..." He commented and she looked up to smile at him.

"Actually I haven't,..well I wouldn't say days." She responded. "I just have not eaten all day and as much energy as I have spent it wouldn't be smart to not eat something. You probably should too seeing as your pretty big."
Kyoto rose a brow and moved over to sit next to her. "So your saying this because I am a samurai aren't you?... that when the time comes to fight the energy I have stored wont be enough to fight with huh?" He said.
Ryoko gulped down what she had in her mouth and then waved her hands. "Well that's not exactly all of it,... I mean if your parents told you, for mine certainly told me, that it is not healthy to go without eating even when you don't feel like it." She said and this caused him to nod his head.
"Wise words for such a young lady,..." He said and that convinced him to at least eat something and he stood up took up the bowl and spoon and fixed him a meal and returned.
Hotaru traveled through the trees and brush of a nearby forest. She was not in her human form, which explains why she avoided the road. She did not want to start a panic among the people of this country. Her kin may worship and respect dragons but these people felt the very opposite. They feared them to the point they would attempt to kill a dragon first with the thought of avoiding it from killing them first. This form however, gave her the ability to track as her sensitive nose brought to her smells that a human nose would miss. This also made her have to use her spells to take control of the wind to invite new smells for her to study. Once she picked up the scent she desired he was on the move again.
Seeing as there are no character limits Im going to post another one here.

Name: Hotaru Tsukiko "Moon Child" Yori "Servent to the People"
Age: 506
Race: Water Demon
Sex: female
Class: Sorcerer
Description: In human form she is pale and stands at 4' 5" and weighs in about 108 lbs. She wears a dark dress and caries with her a large scythe. On her feet are black shoes. Her hair is short whick only goes a inch in a half below her ears. In her true form is that of a massive water serpent which looks much like a cobra.

Biography: Guardian of Kyoto's village and the one who blessed his sword once he completed his first trial of joining the village's clan of samurai. Her shrine and home is located underneath a waterfall which pours into a large and deap pool of water. The water of the pool exits into a underground lake full of magical carp that are also protected her. If one were to catch one successfully with a net he will be granted one wish by Hotaru.
Not all of the time however, is Hotaru located within this hidden lake under the earth. Sometimes she polymorphs into her human form and takes to the villages to see her subjects and blesses their weapons and homes with her great magic. The villagers would often make pilgrimage to her shrine by the waterfall and pray to it, during the dry seasons praying for rain to water their fields.

One day however she was visited by a strange man and was handed a letter. She read it carefully and tossed it aside, She was a guardian after all and revered as a god. She cared not for the gold because she is given something far more valuable then it. The receiving people's prayers, more specifically the ones of the village. Each prayer is just so precious to her and she cherishes each one. However, he attitude of the mission changed when the man who was so devoted to her suddenly stopped coming to visit her. She inquired of the man's whereabouts from the villagers and they had told her that he had received a letter and went off to a foreign land to bring her honor. The words nearly made her blush and she nodded to them thanking them for their help. She had the urge to go to him and possibly help him on this journey but she did not want to leave the village. After several moments of prayer and meditation she gained the courage to inform the villagers that she would be gone for awhile. She wanted to make sure Kyoto was safe and would remain safe. That part she did not tell them though. She simply said she wanted to take a short break and do some pilgrimage. Once that was done she began her travel and she figured she would not reach the tavern in time so she decided that Krystallem wouldn't be her destination. She would simply just search for Kyoto in general.

Spells: (includes spells equivilant to a 9th level sorcerer)
Summon Omukade- Summons a giant, human eating centipede
Summon Shishi - Summons paired lion-dogs that guard their summoner.
Power of Zennyo- Creates Rain like the great rain-making dragon.
Light of Amaterasu - Creates a 30 feet of light.
Baku's Cure - devours nightmares like the auspicious beast named Baku.
Fujin's Great Wind- creates a large gust of wind whose power can be outputed to the casters desire. (Ranging from creating huricane like winds or creating tornados)
Not in D&d lore,.... Half dragons are created much the same way as half demons, when a dragon mates with a different species of their own such as a human. See EWillden uses a lot of dungeons and dragons influences in his rp.
I know its odd to think a human would want to marry a dragon, but eh that's how half dragons are created.
Kyoto shook his head rolling his eyes. "Using your skills just for money is such a waste, I fight for only one thing and that's to bring honor to Hotaru Tsukiko Yori, the water dragon who blessed me with this sword, she dubbed me as her champion and I would bravely prove to her with honor and gratitude that I am worthy of her Devine grace. Money doesn't even come second or third, in fact gold has little importance compared to my Moon Child (Tsukiko = Moon Child)" he said. He then looked up at the sky and wondered if she could see him now. After this mission he would have gained more then enough honor and perhaps he could marry her. It wasn't all that crazy seeing as she did have a human form to change into. His clan, his village survived because of her watchful eye and her protect full prayers. He then tilted his head to look back at Deedlith. "Tsukiko is all that matters to me, I wouldn't be here if not for her..." He said as they walked.

Kyoko felt moved at Kyoto's words, not only did he follow this water dragon but he seemed rather... In love with it. That his fighting is just his way of gaining her heart. He moved over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I bet she is proud of you Kyoto." Ryoko was surprised at Kyoto's words. None of her weapons or herself were blessed by some great dragon. She kind of envied him in a way.
Sure, I don't mind at all.
Kyoto looked to the owners of the voices addressing him. The red head asked about the golem beside Heinrich and the other about the Raven and held out a letter. He recognized the letter and removed his own from his breast plate. Only pulling it out far enough for her to see the seal. "Any later and you would have missed us." He said to Deedlith. "The names Kyoto by the way." He then pointed with his finger to the robed man in front who was followed by the Golem that was the center of Aeria's attention. "You can talk to him if you want to know the full detail of our mission, also here..." He handed her what was his cut of the first payment. "Don't worry the gold means nothing to me, I came here to test Icingdeath's power and my own."

He then looked to Aeria to answer her question. "That is a clay golem, it belongs to Heinrich. It history is unknown to me." He said he then offered a hand for them to shake. "Welcome aboard,... Aeria if you want your cut of the first half of the payment go ahead and let Heinrich know. The stuff will weigh you down though." He said to her.

Ryoko smiled a bit and then looked to the new arrivals. "Well looks like we are two people stronger,... how do you think this will all play out?" She said looking back to Heinrich. "You know, what kind of opposition will we be facing?" She asked as she accompanied him.

Kyoko rose a brow to the new comer. One was a elf but dressed rather oddly compared to the other three and she traveled with a human. Perhaps this one wasn't going to be as stubborn and thick headed as Erandur..One could only hope though. He was a simple monk though and so far he felt they were all going to be well taken care of. They had Ishmael to heal wounds and a elven ranger named Elendil... he wondered what kind of field of study she followed.
Ryoko liked the pace so far that they were taking, not too fast and not too slow. She had been running for most of the day just to get here and more some. To slow it down would be rather good for her legs right now. She wondered how far their destination would be and how long it would take them to get there. Hell she did not even know where it was. Then the golem appeared and her eyes widened. "That is so cool!" She yelled in response and ran to join the side of Heinrich. "You own your very own golem? Certain people in my home country can do something like that,... they mold the clay to make it look like a soldier though, but still good." She said. When he asked about what they thought of Krystallem though she looked to it's walls that he was referring to and she saw the gems imbedded in it once more and smiled. "I think its very unique, I never seen that idea come into anyone's thought when constructing something in my country." She responded.

Kyoto listened to the girl talk and nodded to her words. "I think the lady pretty much said what our answer would have been, seeing as me and Kyoko here have come from the same country as her." He said and Ryoko looked over at him and then pretended to not know who he was talking about. "What lady?... me?" She said and laughed waving her hand about the front of her face in a gesture. "I wouldn't see myself as a lady from what I have done." She said and Kyoto smirked.
"Oh really?..interesting. What clan do you belong to?" He asked her and she was a bit hesitant and he rose a hand up to stop her from saying anything. "Sorry most people in your line of work keep that stuff secret."

Kyoko shook his head at the two. One is a samurai mercenary and the other is a ninja, both have dealt their share of blood he would suppose. However, they seem to be rather friendly despite that so perhaps their kills were not ones of evil intent but with good purpose. The lady was right though he had not seen anything like the city of Krystallem. Then again this whole country of Kurn is very different to him.
I asked EWillden if I could use some lore from his stuff and his world has two moons both up at the same time one smaller then the other. Ask him for more details if you would like.
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