Avatar of Kyro
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 40 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Kyro 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current when I die I want to buried face down so the entire world can kiss my ass
9 yrs ago
If I didn't talk to myself, who would?
9 yrs ago
When life gives you lemons, read them.
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9 yrs ago
Can you die in a living room?
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9 yrs ago
Names are weird. You're bascally asking people what noise you should make to get their attention.


Hello human and or intergalactic being, My name is Kyro.

I like writing, video games, and anime to be short and sweet without over stressing things. I have taken a sudden interest in online roleplaying, which brought me here. This is just a short, small bio for now, I do plan to make this much more in-depth and prettier.

That's all for now. See you around.

Most Recent Posts

RED base, Jan 17th, 1967

"Thanks, Doc" Scout muttered as his good friend the medic finished wrapping a bandage over a wound scout had sustained. It had been 2 years of working as a mercenary, and it was good work. His mother didn't approve of Scout's job, but that was to be expected. Scout killed people for a living. He never left the RED base without a weapon of some sort, so much so that his hands didn't feel heavy or useful without his scattergun in his palms.

Scout hopped off the examination table and exited the Medic's office, into the meeting room of the RED base. Spy, Soldier, and Heavy were having a game of Texas Hold Em, without Scout.

"Next time you bozos play, remind me. I got a nice check from Saxton I'm itchin' to bet" Scout said in his typical Boston accent.

"Hey Scout, could ya help me with a new machine I found?" The engineer said as he signaled Scout to his work bench. The engineer was a master of mechanical things, able to construct whatever you could think of.

"What is it?" Scout asked as he approached the table, glaring at a small box.

"I believe it's some sort of teleporter, but we can't trust what it does yet. I need you to step in it and see where it takes you" He said.

"But, I could die from that..." Scout said.

"Well yeah, but we have a revival machine. Don't you remember?" He said. Scout had forgotten the RED base could revive anyone that died on it's grounds as long as they wore the RED uniform.

Without hesitation, Scout jumped on the machine as the engineer pulled a cord. Purple flashed as Scout lost sight.

To Be Continued...
This should be in the interest check section. Unless you plan to add a story description and character sheet, this won't be seen as a legitimate RP.
Somewhere, out in the middle of nowhere

That's where Axton would describe his location. He was lost, no doubt. He had no idea where he was, or where this was. It was empty, baron, like a desert. Only, everything was dressed in white. Heaven was nothing like this, and he hadn't explored much of earth to know what this habitat was like. All Axton knew was that he was blistering cold, and that his wings had frozen up. Slowly trotting through a land that was covered in the whitest of sugar, Axton continued to walk, his hair covered in little white specks of this odd white substance. Whatever it was, it made Axton colder. His body couldn't handle too much more of this, he'd need to warm up and find a way out.

"Damn it" He mumbled. His arms wrapped around his torso, providing minimal warmth. Then, the idea hit him. He knew how he'd escape this mess.
Without hesitation, Axton pulled his daggers from his holsters and held them in front of them.

"HELLPHYRE SUMMON:FLAME!" He shouted. The daggers engulfed in flames. He knew it was going to hurt, but as cold as it was, he was stupid enough to try it. He stabbed himself.

20 minutes of running in terror and sweet relief, Axton's wings had finally unfrozen, and he was ready to fly again. Taking flight, Axton dashed through the air aimlessly, wondering where his wings would take him next. All Axton knew was that he wasn't going back there. Out of nowhere, a sharp pain gashed down Axton's back. White blood ruptured from his spine as his wings gave out. He fell endlessly through the brisk, cold wind, and finally, hitting the ground hard. Luckily, the sugar broke his fall, but it didn't hide the immense pain of Axton's now punctured back. Emerging from the howling foggy wind, was a figure. Fire lit both of it's large horns, it's skin red as blood.

It was no doubt a demon. Staggering upwards, Axton drew his daggers. Another demon to slay, this was going to be fun.

To be continued....
I'm slightly interested. I'll play a male character and stay as active as possible, I can promise that.
Name: Scout (Real name unknown)
Universe: Team Fortress 2
Canon or OC: Canon


Age: 21-25

Personality: He's cocky, sharp as a tack, and annoying as hell, but boy does he have charm. He's very likable and ridiculous, but finds himself in trouble too often. He likes to pick fights and pick on others he doesn't like, but he grew up in a city where respect and good manners was thrown out the door, so it makes sense. Scout overall is very trustworthy and as loyal as a dog, but will have you on your toes if you get him mad.

Abilities: Is able to double jump multiple feet in the air, can run much faster than the average human, Precision accuracy and perfected dodging techniques, Increased reaction time.

Equipment: Double Barrel Scattergun: Can fire all 6 rounds without having to reload after each shot; Reloading is quick by pumping the handle

Baseball Bat with Ball that can stun foes upon hit

Standard Machine Pistol

Bonk! Atomic Punch: Upon drinking makes scout invincible for 10 seconds

Faction: Factionless. If they wear red, he's in.

Background: Growing up with 7 brothers in Boston, he was constantly picked on and mistreated, bullied and beat up. Deciding he couldn't face them with his fists, Scout ran. He ran everywhere to do everything, and before he knew it, he was able to outrun his brothers, and learned how to use things other than his fists to put his brothers in their place. After becoming a mercenary for a company by the name of Reliable Excavation Demolition (RED), he found himself able to utilize his skills and became the fiercest killer there every was. After presumably meeting a terrible end, Scout found himself in a hub, one that connected itself to millions of other universes.

This is where his adventure begins.
It started with the fall of a government.

After the fall of the great and free nation America, The rest of the world fell into chaos as a terrorist group by the name of "The Dark Order". These terrorists grew into something bigger, a revolution of sorts. Government after government, all falling to the Dark Order, unable to rise again. In the end, every country was a wasteland, millions of people were dead, and all that was left was heaps and heaps of metal.

Whatever was left of America got to work to create something big. Something dangerous. Something that could rival the Dark Order's forces. What they created was more than that. They created monsters. They created heavily armored war machines.They, were called Juggernauts.

It's time to rise up. It's time to give 'em hell. It's time to fight back. It's time to build a Juggernaut of your own, and give these terrorists what's coming to them. So the question is...

Are you in?

Well, here it goes, YOLO

Name: Scout (Real name unknown)
Universe: Team Fortress 2
Canon or OC: Canon


Age: 21-25

Personality: He's cocky, sharp as a tack, and annoying as hell, but boy does he have charm. He's very likable and ridiculous, but finds himself in trouble too often. He likes to pick fights and pick on others he doesn't like, but he grew up in a city where respect and good manners was thrown out the door, so it makes sense. Scout overall is very trustworthy and as loyal as a dog, but will have you on your toes if you get him mad.

Abilities: Is able to double jump multiple feet in the air, can run much faster than the average human, Precision accuracy and perfected dodging techniques, Increased reaction time.

Equipment: Double Barrel Scattergun: Can fire all 6 rounds without having to reload after each shot; Reloading is quick by pumping the handle

Baseball Bat with Ball that can stun foes upon hit

Standard Machine Pistol

Bonk! Atomic Punch: Upon drinking makes scout invincible for 10 seconds

Faction: Factionless. If they wear red, he's in.

Background: Growing up with 7 brothers in Boston, he was constantly picked on and mistreated, bullied and beat up. Deciding he couldn't face them with his fists, Scout ran. He ran everywhere to do everything, and before he knew it, he was able to outrun his brothers, and learned how to use things other than his fists to put his brothers in their place. After becoming a mercenary for a company by the name of Reliable Excavation Demolition (RED), he found himself able to utilize his skills and became the fiercest killer there every was. After presumably meeting a terrible end, Scout found himself in a hub, one that connected itself to millions of other universes.

This is where his adventure begins.

Well, that was fun. I wanted to play as one of my favorite fictional characters of all time since he's hard to put in any normal roleplay. I hope you consider this character, and I would look forward to joining you.
This sounds fun. I'll be making a character soon, so you can count me in.
You got me. This sounds really fun.
Name: Axton
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Occupation: Angel
Title: "The Renegade Angel"


Personality: Stubborn, yet understanding, Axton is easy to befriend, but hard to keep up with. He's fast paced and sharp as a tac, something you'd expect from a renegade. He's no push over, and can back up anything he claims, which also explains why he's cocky as hell. Overall, Axton will care for you and be loyal, as long as you don't get on his bad side, because if you do, he'll make you regret the day you were born.

Bio: Seemed to be a normal angel, Axton started out fine. He was a guardian angel, looking after a young boy that seemed to find himself in trouble all the time. Constantly having to save this boy, Axton grew tiresome. He decided to break the one law of Angels, and cross the border of life and afterlife. His angel body entered the Human world and as he entered, he slayed the thugs that were going to kill his boy. He broke another rule, Never interfere with the human world.

With already had broken 2 rules and was now considered a fugitive, Axton escaped the clutches of the Heaven's guard and was able to save countless other people in this form. He was considered a vigilante by the humans. To the angels, he was seen as a renegade, a ruthless rule breaker with no regards for the heavens. After returning to heaven, he worked as a mercenary, slaying demons for higher ranking angels. To this day, Axton continues to break rules, and the backs of demons. He's a troublemaker, but a kind, caring troublemaker at that.

Abilities, Powers, Weapons: Axton Specializes in speed. His main atribute is speed, as for he can pull off dangerous moves that would normally kill most angels easily, and efficiently. However, most of his moves damage his angelic body and can bring him to the verge of death if not used correctly.

His weapons are two Dharc Phyer Daggers, forged in hellfire and demon blood, mixed with a little bit of dark angel feathers for touch and added speed. He was able to gather the materials for these daggers after fighting and killing Satan's son, Lucifer.

Overall: Axton is a speed based assassin-like character that can end your life if you're off guard. He's fast, he's dangerous, he's the renegade angel.

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