Avatar of KzkSkippy
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 60 (0.02 / day)
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    1. KzkSkippy 9 yrs ago


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I'm a man for one, let's clear that up. You may encounter me playing outside my gender, just as you may see me playing outside of my race, religion or political leanings. That's why it's called roleplaying. I find it a lot easier to avoid the classic trap of playing a Mary Sue when I'm playing a character that is obviously not me. On that note, If I see you playing a Mary Sue, I will call you on it. The mocking will be legendary, I assure you. None of this dual katana waiving, Desert Eagle praising, special snowflake faggotry on my watch thank you. I'm not here to start fights on the internet. I will, though. I just find them funny, but keep in mind while I'm ridiculing you: that's just how I relate to people. I don't hate you. For Christ's sake, I made my best friend by kicking him in the balls. And giving him a pretty impressive scar with a spoon. Come to think of it, he still hasn't gotten me back for that one. As far as my posting goes, well, I happen to be in that awkward position of having adult things to do a lot of my time. I may be a slow ass poster, or at least be pretty limited in the times of day I can post. I may also be pulled out for weeks at a time, which I will give warning for, and probably bow out of any ongoing RP's. The reason for this is my current enlistment in the military. Now, before you get all, "Thank you for your service, bro." (Or "Fuck you, Baby-killing asshole!" for that matter. I won't judge) on me, I should say that I have not, nor will I ever see combat, and you should save it for someone who's service has actually mattered. Mine is just a day job.

Most Recent Posts

Tam smirked, "You making a pass at me, little man? A little free with the death-threats for a doc, ain'tcha? I mean, unless you're counting on eyebrows here to keep you in business, I don't see how taking the boots to him is any concern of yours. Let's have a show of hands here, who just tackled the team-fragging loon with a gun?" She looked around with a feigned expression of shock, "Really? Just me? If you ever do, then maybe you can provide some helpful critique on my methods. Until then, take my word that I was practically the definition of measured response. Any cop I've ever met, and half the mercs I've worked with would have just shot him." "If you can't trust a man to keep his temper in check, then you don't give him a gun and let him watch your back. He just crippled a man, on a planet that probably doesn't have anything in the way of medical facilities. Hell, if he'd tagged the femoral artery, he could of killed him. And you're threatening me. Me!? Because I talked some shit?" Tam shook her head, slung her pack and headed for the door. "I'm gonna see what's keeping Sarge, you can watch Fire if you want his dick so much."
Ha, very well, I assumed you misunderstood. Carrying on then.
User, would you mind explaining that last post? Who are you talking to? Why? If you read my post, you'd see that the 'advice' was directed at a certain pointy-eared menace.
"Thank you." Tam said simply, before binding Fire's hands and hauling him to his feet. "Don't make any more trouble. That's not a threat, that's advice. I imagine several people in this room wouldn't mind filling you full of holes, you give em any kind of excuse." She looked pointedly at where Paul was glaring daggers.
"Oh for Krishna-" Tam sighed, but eased up... slightly. "You're getting a little amputation happy there, Sawbones. And you!" She turned her attention back to the arguing prisoner under her. "If you can shoot people to demonstrate logical inconsistencies, then I can knee you in the kidneys to do the same! This is how society works, see: Someone says something wrong, and you fucking ignore it. You don't shoot them. You don't throw a fit. It doesn't matter how wrong you think they are, or how much logic is on your side. It just isn't your fucken job to fix everyone else's views on reality." Tam adjusted her lock so she could hold his arm under her knee, freeing a hand to brush her hair out of her eyes. "For fucks sake, did your dads shoot you every time you did something wrong? It's like you say logic, but we've had some kind of failure to communicate!" She cracked her neck and looked around, "Can someone hand me the cable-ties outa my pack, this make look like a lot of fun, but trigger here makes a terrible sofa."
I wasn't actively beating him, Christ. Haven't you ever been arrested? You get a twisted arm and a knee in the back, but as long as you're white, it's all in good fun. Seriously though, Nerminator narrated me kneeing him and I played along.
Tam cut back a momentary feeling of satisfaction as she dug in her knee. Having power over someone like this had it's own kind of thrill, but she tried to reign in impulses like that, even when the victim was doing his level best to make this seem like public service. "Let me get this straight. You just shot a man, non-lethally but cripplingly I might add, to win a damn argument? You're a moron. A straight up moron! Logic is supposed to be a survival trait, what the hell kind of survival trait antagonizes people into killing them? For someone who claims evolutionary superiority, you seem to be working real hard at removing yourself from the gene pool!"
So, this little incident has presented a challenge for moving the thread along IC. We can't just ignore him, or we'll spend the entire time wondering who he's going to shoot next, especially as unrepentant as Fire seems to be about this whole process. Keeping him ziptied and in someone's backpack leaves him no good ways to interact with the rest of the party. Since he's a PC, we can't just sell him down the river or shoot him. However, this'll need agreement from the GM and the consent of Nerminator, but I think this is something our resident wizard could help us with. @Nerminator: How do you feel about the concept of a Geas? Basically, Mr. Gandalf makes you promise not to harm the party, and the spell makes you unable too. Kind of a violation, but you did shoot someone, and it could provide an interesting dynamic with the rest of the party in addition to more proof for some of our magical skeptics. Failing that, one of our mechanically inclined players might whip up an exploding collar. Fallout 3 eat your heart out.
Tam's lips curled in disgust at the casual sadism in Fire's voice. She grunted and dug her knee into his back. "Oh good, be a pyromaniac in addition to a team-fragging douche. When the hell did that get 'logical'."
For certain definitions it was happy Certain characters got happy endings... mostly.
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