Avatar of Lady Sven
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 101 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Lady Sven 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I am alive, and hopefully in line to be the next bionic woman! But seriously, sorry for being a shitty person and disappearing without warning. I should have more heads up in the future
8 yrs ago
I am tired of all the medical machines around me. So help me, if I could stand I would be trying to escape this place every day.
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8 yrs ago
RIP Gene Wilder :(
8 yrs ago
My first GMed Role Play has its OOC up and I am just floored with the participation!!! I cannot thank you guys enough!
8 yrs ago
My first GMed Rile Play has its OOC up and I am just floored with the participation!!! I cannot thank you guys enough!
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I like writing, reading, old video games, Role Playing Games, long walks on rugged mountain trails, and cacti.

I wanna make lots of friends and will reply to all questions and visitor messages*.


*Disclaimer: Replies may not contain answers or reasoning and can be just gibberish at times. You have been warned.

Most Recent Posts

And I present to you, the first player-made teacher for Savior... The Guardian Angel, Saint! Done from full-time heroing, she will be bringing the joy of self-defense and protecting the weak to all!

Just putting her here to make sure she is all good prior to putting her into the Character Page

The young woman listened to her companions. It was a good offer. Payment to escort some uppity noble to the border. Maybe he's scouting the dangers of the expanding Darkness. Sarah decided that business is business. If it meant fuller bellies and nicer bedding, she couldn't turn it down. She spoke softly to her group.

"I'll go tell him that we will take his offer. Mr. Gun'tar, while a death on the battlefield would be a glorious one, I wish to avoid needless death. We have a long trip ahead of us and I would like to know that I can count on you to make sure the rest of us see it through," she glanced to the other two. "I'll give you what money I have now if you guys want to split it up and get anything more to your liking for the journey. It's not a lot of money, mind you, but it's a sort of thank you gift," she said with a nod. She rummaged through her pack and pulled out a small sack. She emptied the coins onto the table. It was mixed of Conran and Ballion coins. Sarah did a quick count and split the pile three ways. "That's three-hundred each," she confirmed before replacing her now empty wallet into her pack. She pushed out from the table, adjusted her sword and stepped toward the man who hadn't even introduced himself.

Sarah stood next to the man, somewhat stiff. She gave the man's company a friendly nod, noting his non-human features.

"Sir, we will gladly take your contract to escort you to the East," she stated with a firm nod. "My name is Sarah Smith, of Levital on the border. My arm is yours," she said with a polite bow.

Christopher smiled warmly to Sarah. His eyes searched her quickly before flicking behind her to observe her group. "Fantastic. I'll get the supplies together, and a wagon. I'll go with your plan to leave on the day of the festival. Better early before the crowds flood the streets," he paused and offered his hand out to the girl, "My name is Christopher, Half-Brother to the Crown Prince of Conra, but please, keep it to Christopher or Chris," he said as Sarah had just taken his hand to shake, she froze and turned a tad paler. Chris was amused, he didn't often reveal his identify for this very reason. It always intimidates people. He released the girl's hand and turned to his other hire. "This here is..." Chris had no idea what his name was, but decided to say something slightly different, "Our lieutenant, yes," he said with a nod and a smile. "Anyway, go get squared away, and I'll meet your group at the back gate on the morning of the festival," he said dismissively. Sarah took the hint and returned to her table. Christopher went for the door to start getting ready. "Come on, let's get you your money," he informed his companion.

Sarah sat back down in her seat kinda slowly. She still looked a little pale, but not so shocked. She couldn't change her mind. She would have to travel with a Prince whether she liked it or not. It would be better for the group. A heavy sigh, much too heavy for a girl her size, escaped her. She decided she would sit there for awhile longer. She had a room nearby to sleep in until time came for them to leave.
So I think there will be 3 major parts. Chapters if you will.

The first part will be called
The Light on the Horizon

Part Two
The Scars That Run Deep

I don't have a name for the third part, nor am I sure it'll be the last part. But this is what I have in mind so far. Two conflicts planned ahead for sure, besides the biggest conflict.
Sorry for the wait!!

Sarah looked at her charter. She had a company, even if it were temporary. It was a strange feeling of pride she felt. She didn't set out to become a commander yet here she was. The young girl was also stunned. It seemed each person was willing to volunteer. She felt her chest tighten. She hoped everything would go as planned. She hoped to leave them behind once they got closer to her home. If she was successful, she could pay them.

Sarah let out a happy sign. "Thank you all. Now that the charter is out of the way. We should be able to travel without trouble. And if we ever are in a pinch for supplies, we can contract work," she stated rather softly. She sat back in her chair and smiled to each person. Their adventure was soon to begin.


Chris chuckled. He eyed the non-human carefully.

"Alright. Money isn't an issue here. I'll meet your demand." Christopher stood up, extending a firm hand. "If you are worried about supplies, I can get provisions no problem." He gestured over to the table he had been secretly listening in on. "And we have a company for hire right here."

Christopher steps over to Sarah's group and clears his throat. "Am I to understand that you are travelling east?" he said firmly looking directly at Sarah, "I couldn't help but overhear." His gaze stayed locked on Sarah with a vivid interest.

Sarah and Christopher

His eyes were filled with fire, it intimidated Sarah slightly. This strange, nobleman had overheard their plans and also wanted in it seemed. She just wished the new stranger would look away. She dropped her gaze to the charter before her. She gingerly packed it away, feeling like it would be judged.

"Yes, we will be heading east on the night of the festival," she informed the man. He grinned.

"I'd like to hire you. I am travelling with one other. I will provide provisions for this trip," Chris said formally, finally glacier around the table. He eyed the company with a slight air of annoyance. He wondered if any of them were involved with the murder of his mother. The orc was out of the question, the kill was way too clean for his ilk. The man with tattoos did not strike him as an executioner. Then the woman, she looked highborn but he did know her. A foriegner. His suspicions were set on her. He looked back to Sarah, his guide to his mother's killer, waiting for her response.

"I... I will talk to my companions, but your offer is very generous and I may be pressed to deny it," she glanced to her guests. Chris nodded in understanding and returned to his table. Sarah hunched over the table slightly. "It is almost too good to be true, but it might be the only choice was have for a comfortable trip," she said softly. She hoped for veteran advice. She was bad at feeling people out, and she was concerned for her companions. She didn't want to put them at more risk than they already will be.
@CadenGallic I really like it! Please add it to the roster
Well I was about to post, but the whole place I am in just lost power and they are moving me again.
I'm safe. The eye of the storm is over us now. I'll post soon
All of you guys.

I don't have use of my legs and am in a care center. I might be evacuating soon for a Hurricane entering the area. This might affect my availability for up to 2 days, phone battery prevailing. Just so you are all aware.
I suck at playing assholes. Now crazy. I can do crazy.
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