Avatar of Laios
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 132 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Laios 10 yrs ago


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Current I'm not quite dead yet.
7 yrs ago
I'm not getting notified when someone mentions me. I probably have it turned off in some setting somewhere. I'll try to find it when it's not 4am. Until then, sorry for any slow responses.


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As soon as the gun was pointed his direction, the old man prepared himself. The destruction of Diabolus had made him slightly stronger, but not enough to withstand the blast that would come from that weapon. Instead, he chose to cast his spell of teleportation. With very little time to work with after the firearm ignited, he only moved a few feet to the side. In fact, he didn't even take his cane with him, though he still held it with his opposite hand after the shift.

"Now now, mine hand does not wish to be forced so quickly, but thine actions leave me with little choice." The man spoke with a silver tongue, lacing his words with the subconscious triggers of his near-psychic ability. "However, as I am not thine first target, and I assume I am far from the last. We have similar goals, and we should at least determine the compatibility of them, I think." He focused his thoughts at Ahven, but any human mind within The Cathedral would be targeted.
With a slight smirk, the old man shakily pressed his cane against the ground, using it to support his weight before standing up. His body seemed to groan and pop with each movement. Weakly brushing the dust off his cloak, he straightened himself and turned to face Kitsune. His voice cracked with age, and he spoke with a non-threatening tone.

"Now I have moved, as thou has requested. Art thou pleased?" He tilted his head upward, as if speaking to the cathedral itself. "Such insolence. They dare enter my abode and invoke the name of God. As common rabble, they lack even the decency to shut the gates. Must I entertain such slothful peasants? It would seem..."

The old man waved his hand as a powerful gust of wind spiraled around the cathedral. Every entrance and exit slammed shut in a single crash. Even the stained glass windows now had iron bars blocking them from the outside. He had planned this long before their arrival, and hardly needed to expel his energy to spring the trap. The man turned his gaze on Kitsune.

"My quarrel is not with thou, but with those who killed my brother. If thou dost value thine life, beware of the others locked within The Iron Cathedral, they will certainly try to kill us both, as they did their last 'companion'."
Sounds fair to me. I should be able to cross check the change later today and get the top post updated with the new information.
Sorry for the wait, server issues came up while I was waiting for Eklispe to check in. The order will be Eklispe, Schradinger, then Drallinix.
The halls of the Cathedral stood silently among the shadows as the light of dusk seeped in through stained glass windows. A thin layer of dust covered the interior of the structure, masking the once Holy place with an aura of emptiness and abandonment. A cracked layer of marble rested beneath the dust, its fissures showing through to the black iron hidden throughout the grand pillars and flooring. No living thing had entered the Cathedral for centuries, yet it was not completely empty this time.

Sitting on the front-most pew, clutching a jewel encrusted cane in his wrinkled hands, a man could be seen. He wore a black cotton cloak, trimmed in gold thread and lined in crimson silk. His clothes were of finely tailored fabrics and golden jewelry, a status of royalty long forgotten. The man's bright white hair and bushy beard would have made him look rather hospitable, had it not been for his eyes. Bleak and unforgiving, the man's eyes showed no emotion, just cloudy white orbs, as if blinded by his old age. Yet the man saw more than most ever could. He knew there were others coming, and he knew why. He simply needed to wait for their arrival.

He was very good at waiting.
Roas took a moment to size up his opponent, making a mental list of everything the warrior knew about him. From his physical form, to the way he spoke, even the brief pause of the flames when he seemed to lose track of his thoughts. The Mercenary took note of as much as he could, planning his strategy as the fire spirit spoke. He paused for a moment when the spirit was finished, still ready to react should his plan go awry. Roas spoke once again, calm and commanding.

"For the record, I said nothing about being better, that was all you. If I might ask, what are you in the mood for? I was minding my own business, last I checked. You are the one who picked the fight. Perhaps you should calm down a bit, friend, you're burning all of these lovely smelling reeds. It's a shame, really."

The Warrior stood, his face stern and focused on every movement his opponent made.
Got the next battle up. Check in on the OOC and we will get started.
Round 2

Boss:x1.14 Power





Ground Rules:
1. Posts will follow a turn based pattern. Starting with Myself, then in the order of when the votes were placed; Drallinix, Laliman, then Schradinger.
2. Each person will be given Two Days to post.
3. Upon the third day, the person will be skipped and the battle will continue.
4. In the event of requiring an outcome from a missing person's post, the outcome is to be decided by the active player to whom the action is targeted.

5. After Three consecutive missed posts, or a cumulative of Ten during the battle, the character will be considered forfeit, and ejected from the match.
6. If an ejected player was the last/only remaining character on a team, then victory will be given to the opposing side.
7. In the case of extreme circumstances, missed posts and ejection can be challenged and vetoed by unanimous vote from participating players.
8. If a player is ejected from Three cumulative matches, they will not be allowed to participate in any further matches.
9. Address any concerns about the battle or the rules in the OOC, or PM me if you want it kept private.
10. Rules are subject to change if requested by majority vote.
Of course, glad I can be of help. I'll wait to hear back from you.
That is entirely up to you. If you can handle doing two at once with the same plot, I would be happy to do it. As a possible alternative, I don't fully know what your plans are with how the plot will play out, but if the other person is also hoping to play as the boy, perhaps we could join into a three way RP and I could try my hand at the otherwise NPC of the boy's sister. It's just an idea, though, as I do not know who the other person is wanting to play.
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