Avatar of Leb
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    1. Leb 9 yrs ago


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Also for the spit, I've got something in line that will start up a pretty big case for you coppers/PIs.

Looks like Ada will be hanging around the pit then
@YoshiSkittlezthanks for the picture! And yes, Photoshop is amazing.
an updated look on Ada Fix

@YoshiSkittlezAh yes, I did, except it wouldn't load for me but Mach sent me the pic and I will gladly be using it once I alter the picture to fit the color
Thanks a bunch and most likely yes I will be needing help finding a picture to resemble what I want though I dont mind tweaking if an image is slightly off!
<Name:/> Ada Fix
<Nickname(s):/> goes by Evelyn Dion
<Gender:/> Female
<Age:/> she appears to be somewhere between 14 and 17 but is actually about to turn 23

<Occupation:/> undercover policewoman
<District:/> alpha zone 4

<Height:/> 5'7"
<Weight:/> 134 lbs


Ada is for the most part thin, but she can still pack a punch though. Lean muscles are hidden with her clothing choices as she intends to deceive everyone that beneath her clothes is anything but toned. Her pixie cut hair gave Ada the illusion of youth and dyed her tips teal to "match the color of her eyes while stating her uniqueness" to society. Raised in a proper home, her clothing choices accentuated her femininity with a bit of flare (and ruffles!).

<Personality:/> To those who don't know of her occupation, she is wild, energetic, and crass with no restraints on her words. Some may think of her as a deluded punk needing attention, others may take her for a rebel sticking it to the man. But for all the front she gives, it's only a part that she plays quite well. This is Evelyn Dion, a rich brat who likes to run away from home some nights to mess around with danger and play in the dark. However, Ada is very much the opposite. She is quite serious, especially when work is involved, and always composed. She isn't much of a "small talk" person and would rather be discussing important things, like cases she could be taking on, and theories about suspects. Her personal life is non-existent as she throws herself into her work and false life.

<Biography:/> Ada was born into a family of law, her father being chief of the police department and her mother a well respected lawyer. They lived comfortably in Alpha Zone 4 never having to worry about money, crime, and whether or not if food would be on the table for the day. As expected, Ada held interest in law and more-so with justice. Academics was a breeze for Ada as she held her place in the top 5% of the student body. However, social interactions eluded her as she was more inclined to studying the behaviours of those around her. She would note the body language and the emotions they displayed to better help her in her career. It had gotten to the point she could understand the type of person they were and predict their reactions in certain situations. It wasn't a perfect technique, but it sure as hell damn useful in her line of work. As Ada aged, she went and got herself into the prestigious police academy and ranked quite highly, unfortunately not at the top of her class as she had hoped for. Years of training and a graduation later, Ada was employed to the undercover police department due to her young appearance. She's still considered a rookie in the ranks but has already busted a couple of dealers and sex offenders in the first year mostly in the beta zones. She has heard of the rumors about "Elevated" and is willing to take it upon herself to investigate the deal with it in her free time if her department decides to not put her on the case.

<Other:/> She dons her police vest beneath layers of clothing giving the illusion of a younger undeveloped body.
Hey all~ managed to find the thread thanks to Mach! I'll get my CS up ASAP!!
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