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    1. Lenaya 10 yrs ago


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Akira didn't want to show up to the meeting, and after a night of restless sleep she couldn't hide how exhausted she felt. The whole night she'd felt guilt for how she'd abandoned her friends in the train, and even though her and Shiro were friends now (well, she regarded them as close friends, even though he was sorta bi-polar) it didn't help the fact that she still felt anxious around Yoromatsu. Maybe she'd try to sort things out with him after the meeting? It wasn't going to be easy to do given her skittish nature, but she valued Yoro's company more than he could ever realize.

The meeting went well for the most part, though she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Logistics?" she merely asked, not exactly sure how that'd be punishment, but she wasn't going to whine about it. It wasn't like she had anywhere to go during the summer anyways. She'd noticed that Shirogane hadn't shown up yet, and knowing him he'd still be sleeping in his room. 'What a lazy guy...' she thought absentmindedly with a small smile, and her hazel eyes caught sight of Yoro excusing himself. Shirogane shuffled in as he was absent, and she could hear something going on downstairs, and the voices of...women? 'Odd.' Yoromatsu returned, looking strained and she couldn't help but feel worried. What was going on to have him so stressed? She wanted to reach out to him, to try and re-establish that she was there and that she was his friend but she couldn't bring herself to do something so forward.

What happened to the attitude and courage she wielded the night before? It's presence was failing her when she felt she needed it most, and almost numbly she listened along to what Yoromatsu had to say about Takahiro. "I believe you are correct, Yoro. Not many people can be active during the dark hour, so what better place to keep him than Tartarus? The police can't touch it along with whomever else might be looking for him, besides us, and his kidnapper seemed very adamant about getting us riled up. It would be wise if we prepared to explore the higher floors of the castle......or maybe, that strange man in the room can help us?" She was thinking out loud at this point, her hand curled in front of her mouth as she chewed at her lip. Her own awkwardness at even speaking to Yoro was beginning to show, so instead she chose to look fold her hands back in her lap and stare absentmindedly at the floor.
i am the dead ignore me if needed idk when i can post anytime soon. yay for shit internet where im at >w>
i'll give it my best xD i got pretty sick for a while but im better now i think
Theorist said
Pfffffffffffffft. xD It's awful when you get to that age.


I kid, I kid. But man, I enjoyed writing that post xD Aera's only a little bitter towards Yoro....only a little >u>
"I..I think it's over.." Aera sighed as she pushed herself up. Both her and Youhei had managed to kill the two shadows, without destroying the house (a plus), but it seemed fate wasn't done toying with her plans for the day. "Nope, seems I spoke too soon." Aera then turned her attention to Youhei. "Pretty yourself up, stranger. We ought to look our best for these pretty little Templars." The sarcastic undertone in her voice was impossible to miss, and before she had another moment to spare, three Templars were at the door of the shack, effectively blocking them in.

Cerberus still remained outside of his host, choosing to rub up against his master's side like a cat. He was her persona, a facet of her emotions, and the antagonistic glare he focused on the "head honcho" was nothing short of scathing. Aera's gaze settled on Yoromatsu's face. The Yoromatsu from her memories years ago was nothing close to the man she stood before now, but even so, she had changed drastically as well. No longer was she the straight-edged, by-the-rules warrior she'd met him as. No, she was different, from the way she let her hair loose to the way she held herself, she had changed. Time wasn't kind to anyone, and both of them had grown as each year had passed.

Even so, it was impossible for her to ignore or deny that the man in front of her was the same one she shared history with, and she scoffed at his choice of words. "I wish I could say the same, and I figured this was nothin other than "Paladin Business". Dust Town isn't exactly a resort scene, and we don't take kindly to strangers." She then heard his request for "questions", and Cerberus voiced her annoyance with a rumbling growl. "Right, well, you see, me and my friend here--" She motioned to Youhei and slipped him a wink, hoping he'd catch on,"-- were just about to cozy up in the tavern and fetch ourselves a beer. You're free to join us in there, I'll be more than glad to answer whatever questions you may have."
"Wait, what?!" Akira exclaimed after Shirogane finished relaying the abstract of the conversation he'd just held. Apparently someone had kidnapped Takahiro, and it was some sort of...creep? Yeah, creepy guy who had way too many suspense-type movie quotes at his arsenal. "Oh god, what do we do? We can't even get to the other two because they're still on the train, and there's no telling whether or not they're dead!" she exclaimed, obviously back into her frazzled state.

Seriously, she couldn't ever take a job with this amount of stress, and to her relief she heard Youhei's voice ring out behind her. "You...you're both alive! Thank god, you're both alive, I was so worried--" Upon looking at Youhei's tattered body that was resting against the station wall, her eyes widened and she let out a gasp before summoning her persona. She directed the beast to heal both Yoromatsu and Youhei, restoring them to almost tip-top shape, but it left her winded, sweating, and gasping for air. She let herself sink into a sitting position with her knees folded underneath her as she struggled to catch her breath, and she couldn't believe the amount of injuries both of them had. Just what exactly had they gotten themselves into a fight with? Nonetheless, she was immensely impressed with both of her teammates, but as she heard Youhei's comment on missing people, she struggled to relay what Shirogane's strange call had told them.

"Kidnapped....they.....phone.." Akira realized she wasn't making any sense and that she'd be better off focusing on breathing. After a few moments of gasping and cooling herself down, she finally caught her breath. "Someone called Shirogane saying they kidnapped our "friend". I...Shiro, can you explain..?" she requested as she looked back to him, noting his silly drawing in the dirt. This entire night was crazy, but at least everyone was alive...and almost everyone was safe. She couldn't even begin to fathom what Yoro would say to all of them once they got back to the dorm though, and judging by the stormy look on his face it wouldn't be pleasant.
i got one up finally yayaya
"Friends? Nah, probably idiots who've got sore hides about me killing their friends." Aera replied offhandedly before wiping a bit of sweat off her brow. "We've been gettin' reports of children going missing, and those kind of people have no business snooping around these parts...and well, as for you, you looked decent. Not like those Invoker scum." Aera then gave a short, dry laugh after hearing Youhei's request, and then looked through the broken doorway into the shack. "Distraction? Sure, I got ya covered."

Before the woman could even raise herself from her crouched position, a black blob was right in her face. "Shit!" she yelped, falling back as Cerberus once again bounded out from her chest. She wasn't even sure how her persona managed to make himself appear without her command, but she wasn't going to be ungrateful. Cerberus did it's best to swipe at the blob on the floor, which was now attempting to crawl up her leg. "Youhei, careful!" she cried out as she turned to look at him, but to her dismay he was dealing with his own blobby beast.

Aera hated shadows. She was frightened of them and fearful of what they could do to her, and she'd already witnessed her companions dying from these creatures. There was no way in hell she'd let that happen to her, and with a growl the woman yanked her leg free from the shadow's grip and scooted away until her back was against the far wall of the shack.
im too dumb to even operate a boat and i ended up falling off the face of the earth
i've been stupid busy with persnoal bullshit due to dumb family members ahuehuehue

should be back by wednesday
sorry qq
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