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    1. LeoricAquila 10 yrs ago


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So long RPG. It's been a fun two years
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Working on big collabs and shizz
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Will post soon. I switch to nightshift so my schedule is all fucked up
I switched to overnights at my job. I will try to post soonish
Im only curious why they joined only to leave
Soooo weve only just started and weve had one fatality
As Mason made his way back to the slums with his repaired skin, he thought to himself about what the next step would be. His interaction with the young girl, Cas, was unsettling as he was still unsure if she was worthy of his trust, but she hadn’t given him a reason to believe her to be a traitor to his cause. It was also interesting to note how unsettling Terrence’s apartment was. It stunk like dried blood and had a noxious odor to the operating room… Terrence must have had to deal with some rather difficult times since moving to the West End. A skilled doctor was somewhat of a useful commodity to the monsters, and Terrence was more than just skilled… Mason considered him some sort of a prodigy… a Savant even.

He slowly made his way back to the tunnels and yawned as he rubbed his one still good eye, stretching a bit as thoughts of Alicia crossed his mind, curious as to how her mission went “She should be back by the time I get back to the base… I hope we didn’t lose anyone this time, it’d be nice to have people come back these days...” Mason spoke as he absentmindedly strolled through the tunnels and made his way back to the slums. The walk was long and took time, but he eventually made it to the tunnel exit and found that the sun was already beginning to set. The beautiful orange sky was, however, ruined by the dingy clouds and dark grey of the slums as he strolled the streets to get to an alleyway that was obscured by garbage bins and chain link fences. The base was well hidden amongst the depression and dirt of the slums, making the alleyways a perfect place to conduct business for the rebellion, and a great place to set a base that wouldn’t be easily found by random patrols.

Mason ducked through a hole in a fence and pushed aside a few boxes that blocked his path, moving them back in place to seal up the entrance. On the other side of the wall of boxes was a short hall that led to a wooden door that led into a long set of stairs, the way down into the base of the rebellion, into the heart of Chaos. Mason flicked a light switch on the wall at the top of the stairs, lighting a single, dim bulb at the bottom of the stairs, before he descended into the central chamber of the underground warehouse that was repurposed into the base of operations for Chaos. He grinned to himself as he nodded to a couple of agents on their way out the door, who nodded back to him. Mason knew this was going to be an interesting night just based on his meeting with Terrence and Casara.
Jainus sighed as he felt the familiar purr of the engines, bracing himself as he realized that the engines were firing up much faster than normal. A sudden shake of the craft as it zoomed out of the hanger caused him to thud against the wall of the hallway next to the crew quarters, where the squad would be sleeping when they could get the chance to do so. As the rumbling settled and the ship glided out to a safe distance, and Jainus regained his footing, he made his way to what might have been a mess hall to get some food and reenergize before the mission.

“God damn… I’m hungry...” Jainus grumbled as he grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and took it with him before venturing the rest of the ship to see what was available to him as far as gaining intel on the mission and if he could run into that girl he had saved earlier before the take off. He figured he’s just eat during his wanderings and take it easy until he was told to fight. The cold within the ship was subsiding as they got further from the base, but it was a bittersweet feeling, knowing that they would see worse that just a chill in the air. Jainus shrugged and ate his partially chilled oatmeal and kept wandering, wondering who he would run into first.
posting tonight
“Indeed… We may need to be more careful going forward. I can meld stone and bend it to my will, however I would need time to focus and recover if I am to bore our way through this mountain to the other side. Any path I create will undoubtedly be much more safe than the pre existing ones, We may be able to travel much safer if I were to be pointed in a direction of where to go from here and we would be able to make the journey much quicker instead of following winding paths.” Draxis spoke as he pulled a vial of magical light from his pack, shaking it to produce a brighter light to illuminate about fifteen feet around him. He needed the light to see unlike the dwarves who were accustomed to living in darkness and in low light situations. As a human, Draxis could not afford that sort of ability, his vision was hazy in the dark and he had trouble making out many of the figures next to him, choosing instead to follow the sound of his companions footsteps and the sound of their voice.

He listened to the cry of the demon die and be shattered upon the rocks below the pit by the rock that Gavlan dropped into it. A slight smirk spread across Draxis’ face as he shook his head waiting to be ushered onwards into the mines, wondering if Theodore would listen to his suggestion, the earlier comment Draxis had made was met with a stern talking to and an even sterner warning, He did not want to rouse anger in the leader of the party, but he also wanted to prove that he was a capable leader, worthy of reaching a higher rank, and prove that he was more than just a story and a cautionary tale. As moments passed, he felt a rumble in his gut as he craved food, opting to eat some of his dried meat in order to satisfy his hunger for the time being. Draxis knew he had to at least make it to the undead fortresses, and not die on the way of starvation, he had to make sure he kept his strength up on the way… and not just his, but the whole party. He urged other members, occasionally, to eat something as they traveled. The idea of taking care of his people was an important one to him, proving to them that he had their best interests at heart.
expect a post from me by... tomorrow?

my son has been very sick recently, not leaving me much time due to making sure that he's okay and taking his meds...

He has gotten over it and is doing better, eating solid foods again, my little man is feeling right as rain, so i should be able to make a post tomorrow afternoon while he naps
Been busy with my son. Hes been sick
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