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  • Old Guild Username: Lokki
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    1. Lily Kierstrider 10 yrs ago


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If you want to, sure. I'd just have to do it tomorrow or a different day because I'm writing a lot of posts right now @.@
"You can't tell but I'm smiling back."

Kiena laughed at that comment. She wasn't sure why, but she found it amusing that he had to verbally announce his facial expressions like that.

"Come to think of it...the hood doesn't really hinder my sight. I still managed to see you take a peak at me so I'd say I'm good to go. Many people think the hood hinders my vision but it doesn't. Not like any would think anyway. The black mass you see that covers my face is actually generated by this hood. It's a magic hood so I'm sure you can tell where I came from. I stole this hood couple years ago to be honest. I grew up on the streets so learning to steal was my only option. Didn't really have parents. Never met them anyway. Anyway, the hood is enchanted with dark magic. That is what gives me this dark appearance."

Kiena nodded as he spoke, indicating that she was being attentive to what Astiroth was saying. She only asked one question, and now he was laying out his whole life story for her. The fact that he was so open about everything else only deepened her curiosity for what he hid behind the mask. Apart from that, she was also intrigued by their similar pasts. She had also grown up on the streets. Then again, so had most of the other Ironwolves, so it wasn't a huge revelation.

"This wolf is gonna make a nice coat." He seemed to be talking more to himself now, but she murmured her agreement nonetheless. "Thanks. Not a lot of people think that because I prefer words that I can't fight. So thanks for the compliment. Your not bad yourself. Your quick on your feet."

"Well, you know," Kiena puffed up her chest with pride, but let her voice carry with a casual tone like the compliment was no big deal. Astiroth had shared his life story, so she might as well offer him something in return. "I also grew up on the streets, as did many of the Wolves. I've been with them for a little over five years now, so I've learned a lot about fighting." She nimbly leaped over a large root in her path and then ducked under a low-hanging tree branch. "After training with such a talented group, what can you expect? I'm sure you'll be an ace fighter in no time too, Astiroth." She smirked at him good-humoredly. "You've already got some natural ability - you proved that today - and the Ironwolves can bring that out in you if you let them."
Tiny post! Hoo-rah!! XD
I'm walking out of a bar with a guy. A hot guy.

The gravity of the situation finally hit Nicole full force, and she almost tripped over herself. She shook her head. She couldn't be thinking like this, not after she made a resolution not to form any relationships here. What she was doing with Giddeon was strictly business. Find his sister, say goodbye, find Emily, and go home. It was a simple four step plan with no room for shenanigans... she hoped. It all really depended on how long it took to catch up with Kallie.

Nicole risked glancing at Giddeon from the corner of her eye as they left Mingle. Would she ever even see him again after this? After all, he was famous, so he probably had a busy schedule. He would likely forget about her after they parted. Even though she told herself she was used to that sort of treatment, she felt a pang of resentment. She didn't want to be so easily forgotten, it just always happened. Then again, it was usually because she was overshadowed by her popular, wonderful, amazing sister, blah, blah, blah... whom Giddeon hadn't met; so Nicole had that going for her, at least.

Her steps faltered when they got out to the street. There were so many other places nearby, where would they even begin to look for Giddeon's sister? She shifted her weight awkwardly, adjusting her purse on her shoulder, and cleared her throat.

"So," Nicole started and looked up at him, trying to act casual. "Where do you want to start?"
Kiena felt the sickening impact of her blade running through the orc's throat. She always hated killing her opponents, whether they were human or not. When she pulled back her sword, the orc's blood gushed out, spattering her face and clothes. She came away from the fight flecked in dark crimson. She shuddered, wiping some of it from her cheek, and walked slowly back to Arthur and the rest of his squad.

"You all will die before Chief Bloodfang falls!"

Kiena couldn't help but feel slightly unnerved by the orc's dying words. It could have just been an empty threat, but she didn't want to brush it off as that just yet. Who was Chief Bloodfang, anyway? Arthur never told them about a chief when they set out on this mission. She cast him a sideways glance. It was dangerous to withhold information from one's squad; surely he knew this. If so, that meant that even Arthur didn't know who this chief was.

They were working a job without all the details.

Just perfect.

Kiena watched the squad leader pull Riki off to the side and speak to her in a hushed voice. She wondered what the girl did, but quickly pushed the thought aside. It wasn't her business. She looked at her other teammates who all seemed weary after the fight. She hoped there were no other orcs nearby to hear the sounds from their battle. They were in no shape to put up a strong second fight.

Especially him.

Kiena shifted her attention to Rafa. If they were attacked now, he probably wouldn't make it. She hoped someone else had brought along some medical supplies, because she had left hers at camp. It was a stupid move on her part, and now she was regretting it. Arthur was now walking back to the group, so she collected her thoughts and tried to pay attention to him.

"Alright, lets head back to camp and report what we found. Everyone move out."

Kiena silently complied, beginning the trek back to camp after their leader. She couldn't help but peek at Astiroth out of the corner of her eye. He still hadn't taken off that hood, even during the heat of battle. What was he hiding under there? She slowed her pace slightly until she was walking next to him.

"So, Astiroth, right?" Kiena flashed him a friendly smile, but kept her voice low in case there were any other orcs nearby. "Nice moves out there. That wolf didn't stand a chance. It must have been hard to see it though, with that veil over your face. Doesn't it obscure your vision?"
Alrighty, got my first post up. Although it feels short compared to my usual writing :/ Oh well
Drea ambled between the trees in the forest. She kicked a rock in front of her, sending it flying a few yards in front of her before she caught up to it to repeat the sequence again. Her life in the forest had been anything but interesting so far. She remembered how things used to be, back when she lived in the village. She felt a pang of longing and pushed it away. Now wasn't the time to get nostalgic for what she couldn't return to.

Drea approached an overgrown ravine and gingerly made her way down the side, willing her tail to appear for extra balance. She had caught an unusual scent earlier and, as she had nothing better to do, decided to investigate the source. So far, her search had only come up with numerous cuts and bruises from forcing her way through excessively wild areas. She inhaled deeply. The source of the odd smell wasn't too much farther ahead. She double checked her position to make sure she was still down wind. She wasn't sure if her target could smell her or not, but she wasn't about to take a chance.

Drea was clambered out the other side of the ravine when she heard voices. Up ahead there was a small clearing. She skirted around the edge of the treeline, keeping low to the ground, until she had found a position where she had a good view, and yet she couldn't be seen, herself. She crouched and peered into the clearing.

Interesting. There were two men, neither of whom appeared to be native villagers. If anything, they had the rugged looks of travelers. She glanced down at her own filthy frame and matted, black hair. I probably look just like them. She examined the two apart from their bedraggled images. One of them was a bit on the short side with a lanky figure. The other was his exact opposite. He was huge and carried himself like a hunter. Seeing the two together only served to highlight their stark contrasts.

Drea settled into her hiding spot, occasionally testing the direction of the wind, and fixed her golden eyes on the two men. They looked normal enough, but their scents betrayed them. There was something different about these two, she was certain of it.

Maybe life in the forest wouldn't be so boring after all.
"Now that you've agreed to cooperate, I'm trusting you. Please don't take it for granted. Most people in my profession don't live to be this old... If you'll kindly follow me back to the station. It won't take long."

Florence felt her heart speed up. For once, it wasn't because she was frightened or anxious. She actually felt excited about this. She would finally be allowed to live among the humans again and escape from that horrible forest! She followed closely after Ben as the group moved down the stairs out into the lobby. She searched Adeline's face to see if the other girl was as happy as she was.

As they exited the hotel, Florence noticed something was slightly off. Why could she still sense Valis so close by? She thought he didn't want to be ID'd. She scanned the area around them as they walked, looking for him. It didn't seem like Ben or that other Protector noticed anything so far.

What's he planning?
Zach raised a brow at the girl's surprise to see him, a bit entertained by her attempt to be casual. She was obviously out of her element, so the charade was just embarrassing. He didn't blame her though. With all the recent vampire activity and the police's lame excuses for what really happened, it was only natural that this girl should be curious.

"Yep - that's why I'm here - to catch a glimpse of the Sheriff wrestling a jewel thief to the floor. I've come to scope out the action. I'm not normally too bothered about whatever's going on in the town but business in Cal's Computers has been a little slow as of late - especially since Cal, himself, never turns up. I'm starting to get a little fed up of the place."

So she ditched work to come here? That peaked Zach's interest. He nodded as though he understood exactly what she was talking about, even though his own personal morals prevented him from skipping out on a job, ever, no matter how boring it got. But she didn't need to hear about that, so he kept his mouth shut and let her continue talking.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I almost forgot - I'm April May Norton. I work over at Cal's Computers. Live just up the road with my folks, Harry and Sue Norton. Trying to get a place of my own but you know, Cal isn't exactly the most generous payer."

That sentence seemed to clam her up, but Zach wasn't sure why. He complained about clients in his line of business - the one he worked in when he wasn't busy fighting vampires - all the time. It wasn't that unusual. Maybe her boss had spies to report his employees' bad behavior outside of work, so he could punish them. It was a ridiculous idea, but he found it amusing nonetheless.

"April May, huh?" Zach echoed. "That's a nice name. I'm Zach Anderson." He offered out a hand. "Oh and by the way, if you're looking for some action, you're not gonna get any around here. It was a false alarm with those criminals. The sheriff just walked in on a couple of normal tourists. Scared the living daylights out of 'em; you should have seen it. Anyway, that's all that happened here. No robbers or anything for him to take down, sorry." He hoped that would be enough to satisfy the girl and, if she spread that story around, squash the rumor about the robbery or whatever it was this time.

"Oh right," Zach added abruptly. "You're probably wondering how I know that. You see, I work with the sheriff. I guess you could say I'm with the police." It wasn't a total lie, but he couldn't exactly tell her the truth either. 'By the way, that sheriff up there chases vampires for a living. I get to help him kill them! Nice to meet you, April.' Well, it's not like she would have believed him anyway, but why even bother?

At that moment, Ben walked out of the stairwell with Chris and the two vampires trailing after him. Great, now he had to make up an excuse as to why the "tourists" were being led out of the hotel by a sheriff. He pretended to make light of it by offering Ben a friendly wave when the group walked past.

"I'll catch up with you guys in a bit," Zach told him. He turned back to April. "Um, right. So, the tourists did not rob anyone. The sheriff's just taking them to the station for further questioning. You know, like, asking them if they saw anyone suspicious and whatnot." Perfect timing, Ben Zach thought irritably. Now I have to change my story ten seconds after I first told it! He studied April's face carefully to see if she doubted his new explanation.
"You comin'?"

"Go get your Id...or whatever..."

Florence looked from Adeline to Valis with wide eyes. They both seemed to know already that she wanted to get an ID. Was she really that obvious? She sighed in resignation and got up from the bed. It's not like this wasn't what she wanted to do from the beginning, it was just too sudden. Her overly-contemplative mind was making this difficult for her. As she walked slowly to the door a thousand different thoughts flew through her brain, some rational and others... not so much.

What if I don't qualify somehow? What if they know how much I'm struggling with controlling my cravings for blood? If they don't, they'll find out eventually. I'm bound to get caught. There's no way this will work out. Wait, what if this is all a trap? Maybe there's no such thing as an ID to begin with, and that's just how they get you to let your guard down so they can kill you faster. Oh, God, they're going to murder me. I'm going to die. I'm going to die, and I never even got to try to live with the humans again!

Get ahold of yourself, Florence stopped herself. She was letting her paranoia run too wild. She was finally about to get permission to move into the town she'd been longing to live in for years, and she was panicking? Florence closed her eyes, frustrated with how stupid she was being. She opened her eyes again and looked up at the leading Protector.

"I'd like to be ID'd as well."
Zach rolled his eyes. Two more vampires that get permission to live freely among their food source. It was like putting wolves in the sheep pen. Sure, you could watch the wolves all you want - say they're trustworthy, even - but that doesn't stop them from attacking the moment you turn your back. Ben was just adding two more wolves to his ignorant little flock of sheep. He couldn't take anymore of this.

"Well it looks like I'm not needed here," Zach said in a casual tone, putting a hand on Ben's shoulder. "You don't need this many Protectors here for simple ID'ing. Chris could probably gain something from seeing how the process works though. Anyway, I'll leave these guys to you. Ciao!" With that, he walked off and left them standing in the hallway.

Zach rarely lost his temper, but vampires were one of the few things that really made his blood boil. He knew he couldn't stick around and watch those two gain license to roam around the town. Plus, Ben was always letting Valis off the hook. They acted like old friends! Zach snorted as he tromped down the stairs. Well fine. Ben had his way of doing things, and Zach had his. They would just have to agree to disagree.

Upon entering the lobby, Zach was amused to see a girl standing by herself. By her appearance she wasn't a Protector, and he highly doubted another vampire would show up with so many hunters around. That could only mean one thing: this girl was a civilian. This interested him. Normally, most civilians wouldn't stick around when they heard the "police" were rounding up "criminals". Well, they might linger around outside to see what happens, but they always kept their distance.

So why was she here?

"Hi," Zach said, offering a friendly smile as he approached her. "What are you doing here? Didn't you hear that the sheriff's upstairs?"
This is actually getting off the ground? Yay :D I'll add a post in a little while
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