Avatar of Litepow
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Litepow
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 85 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Litepow 10 yrs ago


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My name is Matthew, and I am an alcoholic. I also like music and play in a crappy band.

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I'll reserve that companion spot, if you don't mind. Just let me write up my cs.

Ya dig
Nakamura was puzzled by Yami's suggestion. Heading to the city with limited provisions? That seemed a little risky for obvious reasons...

"I think your heart's in the right place Yami, I mean, I'm sure the bulk of the action's in the city," Nakamura called to the troublemaker making himself comfortable on the roof. "And I know you're just itching for another fight. But the girl's right, we need to prioritize. We should make a few local stops to gather what we need before we run some sort of suicide mission into the city." Nakamura could tell Yami wouldn't take kindly to that answer, but the girl was right, the group had to gather supplies then make it's break.

Nakamura shot a glance at the girl before returning his eyes on the Zombie ridden streets. "Nice thinking. Y'know, with a loose cannon like Yami calling the shots, we're gonna need all the quick thinkers we can get," Nakamura told the girl."And sorry, I suppose, for that 'Lady of the night' comment. I think we were all in a hurried frame of mind on that roof, and I guess we all let a few things slip. I guess even with these circumstances, all we can try to do is put Fujimi behind us and try to work together. Name's Nakamura, by the way," Nakamura gave a quick wave to the mirror, hoping that the folks on board could actually see.

Suddenly, Nakamura's mind turned to more personal issues. With all of the death and chaos surrounding everyone in the world, he wondered if his parents had made it out okay. His mother, whom he lived with, lived not very far from Fujimi, but his father was much farther away, living in an apartment deep into the city. It had appeared that the zombies had made their way much further than realized and that the infection was spreading rapidly, and the hopes of Nakamura, or anyone else on the bus for that matter, finding their parents seemed almost non-existent. His hands and knees continuing to tremble, Nakamura turned another corner and headed down the street towards a shopping center.
They're getting really close...really, really, close... Nakamura couldn't stop his leg from shaking this time. In fact, his whole body was shaking from head to toe. The driver's seat window was a front row ticket for the zombies devouring Mat, an old friend of Nakamura's who held his arms up in the air in a feeble attempt to fight his way up. A lurking zombie took Mat's wrist and promptly tore it from his elbow, euthanizing any chance he had of crawling out of there. Nakamura turned his head from the horrid sight and took a deep breath. "I think that's gonna haunt me for some time, he muttered to himself as his leg began shaking almost uncontrollably.


It was Howlite who screeched in Nakamura's ear, suddenly jerking him from his traumatized trance and motivating him to shift the gear into drive.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking asking you to buckle up and get ready, 'cuz it's about to get a little turbulent," Nakamura knew that now was not the best time to be making jokes, but it was the only thing he could do to calm his nervousness. Taking one last breath, Nakamura slammed his foot on the gas. "Punch it, Chewy!"

The bus took off,slamming through the gates of the school's parking lot entrance. Nakamura made a screeching turn down the intersection, which was scattered with zombies. From the rear-view mirror, he saw that Fujimi was slowly getting tinier and tinier, the horde of zombies turning into tiny ants. "Okay, now that we're out of that jam, what do you suppose we do Yami?" Nakamura called out to his friend.
Shit for brains said
I think a brutal an messy yet unfair death would be betterYou know, the type that gives young children nightmares

For your character? Sure.

Nah, just pulling your leg.

I say honorable death. Someone has to take one for the team.
: / See ya Tigre. Sorry it couldn't work out.
Nakamura covered his head to protect himself from the falling glass as he entered through the bus' doorway. "Thanks for opening the door, Yami," Nakamura quipped as he took the helm at the driver's seat. "Really, you're a real gentleman. Now to go for a spin..." Nakamura stepped on the gas to rev the engine, and then fiddled with the knob that appeared to be the gear shift. He shoved the stick upwards, hoping that it put the bus in drive. A quick test, however, told him that it put it in reverse. Well shit... he thought as several zombies were now attempting to make their way on board. One zombie lurched forward, falling onto the steps of the bus and his lower body had a shard of glass spear right through him. Time to get a move on...

Nakamura started to sweat and his hands started to shake as he fumbled the gear shift in hopes of finding the drive. Finally, he found it, and he wooped as the bus sprang forward. The zombie stuck in the doorway was promptly ripped in half as the bus rounded a circle to head towards the school. Nakamura was now presented a new problem: The horde of zombies he had to drive through in order to reach the school. Gulping, Nakamura flipped on the windshield wipers. "Time to part the Red Sea, Yami." Nakamura floored it, and rows of zombies flipped onto the windshield and rolled off the side, with blood and body parts splattering onto the windshield with every second passing. The windshield wiper surprisingly did a good job of containing the mess that was on the windows, and Nakamura could see that he was close to the building.

Nakamura halted the bus with a screech about two feet away from the window. He honked the horn three times to get the party's attention and leaned over to wave to them.

"All aboard kids, it's time to go home!" Nakamura yelled as he noticed a dozen zombies shuffling towards the bus. And hurry the hell up, would you!?
"There he goes playing Rambo..." Nakamura nervously looked onwards as Yami fought through the horde towards the buses. Sure, it was easy for big bad Yami to power through the undead, but Nakamura had the muscle-mass of an ant and the courage of a mouse. He gazed out into the courtyard, calculating the best path possible through the horde. Nakamura couldn't dilly-dally for too long, though, as he needed to catch up to the sprinting Yami.

Nakamura grabbed the rope and shot one last look at the group. He gave everyone a weak wave and an even weaker smile. "Welp, he began with a slight crack in his voice. "Guess it's time to go grab that bus. I'd suggest you sit tight, a big group would mean a bigger target, and I don't think I wanna see anyone here get killed just yet. We'll be back in a jiffy, so goodbye... Nakamura slid down the rope, the rough material burning his skin.

As soon as he landed, a zombie shuffled his way and lunged. Nakamura stood his ground and extended the pocket knife's blade, jabbing it through the corpse's eye and reaching it's brain, presumably killing it. Groaning, Nakamura unsheathed the small blade from the zombie's eyes and grimaced at the now crimson blade. Nakamura then sidestepped another lunging zombie, then pushed him into a another one knocking them both down. Thank god these guys are bumbling idiots. Imagine if these creeps were runners... Nakamura continued to sprint forward while forcibly shoving zombies aside. The stench was horrid, so terrible in fact that it caused Nakamura's eyes to tear up. Finally, he managed to catch a break in the crowd and was soon on Yami's trail.
Nakamura chuckled at Yami's plan. He really was going crazy, wasn't he? Stealing a bus in the middle of a zombie infested courtyard? "This whole plan reeks more of suicide than a sound course of action," Nakamura told Yami with a slight frown on his face. Who was to say they would even make it to the bus? And then how would they get it running, was Yami going to try to hot wire it or something? Seemed more logical than any other reason, considering Yami had the reputation of being a master troublemaker.

Nakamura shrugged. I guess it's better than just waiting on the roof. "...But I guess it's worth a shot in the dark. My mom lets me drive around her old VW wagon, which I guess is the closest thing you can find to a bus. I guess I call shotgun as long as you got the means of starting that thing's ignition."

Nakamura turned to the girl who just intruded into the party. Her dress was torn and her underwear was exposed, prompting Nakamura to roll his eyes. "I guess people's dignities were tossed in the wind as soon as the dead began roaming the earth," he told the girl as he unbuttoned his school blazer, revealing a white dress shirt underneath. He tossed the ill-dressed girl the black blazer. "I'd suggest you put that on. No need to convince the zombies we've got a 'lady of the night' in our group."
Rumiko, you're officially out of the pocket.
some shit head said
.......a lawnmower.....really? you do realize when I said garage I meant like the garage where students park their cars, you know those cement staircases you would find on a campus. I was intentionally going to find a students pick up truck or something

Yes. Because one thousand kids can park their cars in a nice petite garage, complete with chauffeurs and a multilevel complex with restrooms on each floor. XD

No, schools have courtyards where the kids park their cars.
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