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  • Old Guild Username: Lord Dragoon
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"Right," Catiel agreed... And that's when the wasps seemed to go nuts and shove them into the chamber. Looking at the walls, she narrowed her eyes. Is that blood? But before she could investigate, she noticed the wasp queen, and immediately felt disgusted. It looked downright hideous, and with all those pods, eggs she noted, overhead... Well, the thing's going to be ridiculously defensive of its brood. Actually, it doesn't just look defensive, it looks pissed off. Idly, she wondered it if had to do with the wasps they killed, as she brought out her bow and drew and arrow. Whatever the case, the fact the exit was just blocked off meant they had no choice but to fight... She really hoped they didn't have to dig their way out and have to live off of wasps. While she might be willing to eat most bugs, wasps were just something she could never stomach for whatever reason.
(Fate/Zero OST Dogfight)
Noticing some of the smaller wasps were now flying at Sun to defend their queen, she fired an arrow through one's head before drawing more arrows. "I'll cover you!" She yelled to him, knowing that with how big the queen is, he's probably their best bet at actually killing the thing. The wasp queen was surprisingly agile, leaping out of the way of Sun's initial charge, before beating its wings. The wasps started to act differently, they were now a more focused force as they split up. Rolling out of the way of the first wave's attack, the elf released five arrows to impale the second wave. As she drew more arrows, she noticed that the queen was now climbing up the wall, beating its wings. At first she wondered why it didn't simply fly, when it hit her. The thing's so damn bloated all it can use its wings for is to boost its leaps, and to send commands to its swarm, most likely through the use of gusts of air and pheromones. It seemed to brace itself, before she fired at the wasps swarming Sun when she figured out what it was doing. As second later, it pushed itself off of the ceiling towards Sun, stinger-first.
As they went down the tunnel, the elf's confidence boost slowly wore off. As it wore off, her brain processed what they were doing. So, by the time they reached where the queen would be, she was already pretty nervous. So when Sun started asking about if she's ready, well she really wanted to say no. "W-Well," she muttered. "M-Maybe we should come back some other time. Y-Yeah, we don't have everything we need. Right?" She asked. "I mean, my bow could probably stand to be checked out. And I'm sure you've got some armor to check out. R-Right?" Why yes, she was making excuses now. But hey, Sun's pretty much doing the same thing. "So why don't we head back, and maybe come finish up another day?"
Catiel took a deep breath as the remaining wasps fled, a small smile starting to form. They're doing much better then she thought they would, in fact the worst they suffered was a few scratches from rolling out of the way of some attacks. However, she didn't want to try her luck, no matter how confident she felt right now. So, she was going to shoot down his suggestion to keep going, but then he started praising her. She felt a warm feeling of satisfaction at that. Being praised like that, it felt good to her. In fact, she unconsciously adopted a bit of posture that seemed to say 'praise me more'. "Well," the elven girl started, her inflated ego making her actually think about going through with it. "Very well, let's go." And with that, she started to follow the fleeing wasps.
"A crystal thing?" Shinji asked, staring at the sphere the key stabbed itself in. "... Okay, that is possibly the most obvious markers for a cockpit on a mech I've ever seen."
"Akira, are you alright?" Hana asked, surprised by the white machine's counter, but not enough for her to be unable to fight. Sure he managed to shift his mech's body enough that it was only a stab to the side of the waist, but considering the ONI System... Yeah, that will hurt.
"I'm alright," he assured her. "Just let him have it." Ten seconds later, he probably wished he didn't say that as she literally kicked him clear out of the white machine's grasp leaving her with her back to the white machine, before firing thin needles coated in electricity over her machine's shoulder aimed at her opponent. Then, she backflipped over it, firing bursts of electrical power from cannons that folded over her mech's hands. Using her thrusters to change her path in the air, she landed to the white machine's left instead of behind it like one would have predicted.
'Ice magic? Not as useful as fire in this situation, but it might work,' was Catiel's thought process when he told her this. But she didn't get a chance to agree or disagree as Sun immediately began his attack, eliciting an annoyed twitch in her left eye. She'll give him a talking to later, right now there's a swarm of angry wasps out to kill them. Funny, she did not think her day would involve something like this. Already drawing an arrow, she released the projectile so that it may skewer a wasp, before drawing a trio of them. All three arrows were strung, and then fired at three wasps that were fairly close to each other. Not stopping, she reached for another arrow to keep firing.
"Gah! Son of a bitch!" Amane shouted out, using her other thrusters to break her fall.
"Max," Shinji said, his eye twitching. "Am I imagining things or us that your bastard of a brother's voice?"
Before his friend had to answer, Akira charged in, slashing with his beam swords. But the attack didn't end there. He immediately chained into another slash, and then another. And while the white machine's pilot was distracted trying to avoid bladed death, Hana seemingly came out of nowhere and stabbed a knife extending from the palm if her mech's hand.
Shinji nodded. "Cockpit... Cockpit... Oi, Max. You don't think your key might be able to shed some light on where it is, do ya?" He asked. As he wiped away sand, he found... A finger. "Well, there's its hand. But where's the damn torso."
Akira gave Mark a thumbs up over his shoulder, his machine doing the same. "Akira. Akira Takamachi," he replied.
Up in the sky, Amane was growling. "Sorry, but we've already been hired to retrieve something hidden around here," she told him. Although, the sorry was strongly sarcastic. "So if either of us should be leaving, it's you." With that, she boosted towards the white mech at mach speed. She punched at its face, while at the same time using her mech's other arm to try to grasp at its shoulder for a throw straight towards the ground.
"Shit," Akira muttered, ducking low as he charged forward. 'Transfer vision to auxillery cameras,' he mentally commanded his machine. As his vision cleared, he grinned. "Sorry, but I don't want to get shot. No hard feelings!" He shouted, slashing upwards to cleave the rookie's mech's arm off. Using the momentum of the swing, he spun in mid-air to punt the mech in the head. As he landed, he whipped out a beam saber to cleave apart the rest of his weapons. "Look, you seem like a nice guy. So, please... Just pull back, alright?" And with that, he boosted off to go help the others.
"Tch," Amane grit her teeth, crossing her arms to protect her cockpit from most of the bullets as she dashed back a bit. "Oi, Hana, can you shoot him out of the sky?"
"Little busy here," the other girl replied, casually evading one of the mass-produced machines' attacks, before leapfrogging over it to make the white machine wind up shooting down one of his allies.
"Fine," the hot-head grumbled. "I'll take him on then." The segmented wings on her machine's back unfolded, as thrust erupted from it. Taking off, she brought out her pistols and shot at the white machine, dashing around so that he doesn't get an easy target.
"What happened here?" Catiel asked, eyes narrowed. Glancing around, she had a bad feeling about this. Wasps do not just die for no reason, something or someone was here. And the fact there was no bodies that weren't a wasp's, that means they survived and were likely around here somewhere. But where? Not only that... If they could so easily kill so many wasps, why didn't they get rid of more if them so that they weren't this grossly outnumbered? Even if she were to start firing of arrows as fast as she could, the wasps could probably still get them through sheet numbers.
"I... Don't know," Catiel honestly admitted. "Must have been more then three years, since I already knew how to use a bow even though I couldn't remember when or how I learned it," she started to mumble to herself. Distracted by her own thought, she started to mutter about her missing memories. "I mean... 13 years is a pretty big gap in my memory." It was times like this that what she went through since waking up near a town years ago made her wonder, was something so painful that she just forgot to protect herself? And who taught her how to use the bow? No matter how many times she questions her amnesia, she just can't get anywhere. And unknowingly, she let out a phrase that summed up what she remembers of her life. "Such misfortune," she sighed ruefully.
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