Avatar of Lord Greshh
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    1. Lord Greshh 8 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current I will finish what we started.


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Omega Squad Leader

"You're right. Some sort of new model? Perhaps a variant of Sith Hunter?"

HJ Twilight

"If that was a Sith Hunter, it would have taken more to break it's shell. Sith Hunters are built with some rare material that is resistant to lightsabers. But... I imagine that also makes them increasingly expensive to manufacture. Maybe that droid back that is a derivative model. Weaker armor, but shielded and equip with top of the line weapons." I face Hank. "Did you get a chance to analyze it at all?"
HJ Twilight

I smirk. "Good thinking, Hank."

Omega Squad Leader

As I and the remaining two soldiers in my squad enter the lift, I give the HK droid a look. "What a very unique model that his. I've heard that another HK droid was present during Darth Imperious' first visit to the Foundry, and gave her strike team quite a bit of trouble."
HJ Twilight

With another slash, I open the droid's front compartment, exposing it's internal wiring and gears. After a few seconds of searching, I find it's shield generator. I grab the unit and easily tear it out of the chassis, causing the shield to sizzle away and die. "Onward we go!"

Omega Squad Leader

I kneel before the soldier shot in the shin. I don't have much medical training, and our med officer is currently dead further down the hall, so I apply a sloppy kolto patch to the wound and pull the soldier to his feet. When I realize he can't stand, I prop him up against the wall. "Stay here and protect the turbo lift. If more security teams of droids come after us, contact me via comms."
Cragdor does not have any problem with Humans. He has met many delicious decent Humans before and after joining the Rebellion. Cragdor will befriend this tiny soft mammal.
Omega Squad Leader

Holds up the portable shield, fathering my men behind it as we all fire at the droid together.

HJ Twilight

I holster by blaster and just use my lightsaber to deflect the shots as I run towards the droid at Force augmented speed. I jump over it's line of fire and bring my blade down, hoping to pierce the droid's brain and end it for good. "HI-YAAAH!!"
HJ Twilight

I quickly spin my lightsaber to block the barrage as I back towards cover. A couple of the Omega squad soldiers are caught by surprise and torn apart by the rapid fire attack. "Ah! Blast it!" I look across the way at the squad leader, who is ducked behind a portable shield. "Got anything to help?"

Omega Squad Leader

"Possibly!" I reach into my belt and pull out three tiny balls. They are Ion Bombs. Droid Poppers, the grunts used to call them. I carefully roll them out from behind my barrier towards the shielded droid.
HJ Twilight

"Agreed. Splitting up is usually always a bad idea."

Omega Squad Leader

"Very well. Stick close, the both of you." With a hand signal, I direct my squad to head down the hall. As we go, an alarm starts to sound throughout the facility, and more troopers come spilling around the corner to open fire upon us. With them are the standard Republic battle droid units. Nothing specially designed as of yet.

HJ Twilight

I duck into a doorway and fire my pistol, using my sapphire lightsaber to deflect shots back at the troopers and their droids. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the Imperial soldiers taking up very effective positions behind crates or portable energy shields. Part of me is impressed with their skill, while the other part of me feels a bit unnerved. Not even the boys I knew back in SIS were so well trained.
SHK-1395 Heavy-combat Droid:

Omega Squad Leader

“We need to find the main control room. From there, we simply access the droid schematics and reprogram then to serve us...” I glance at HJ. “Or, you know, we deactivate them.” Gives a smug smile.

HJ Twilight

“Oh, is that all we have to do? Where exactly is the control room in this giant facility? You have a map?”

Omega Squad Leader

“Not a complete map, but remember the Empire has been here once before. The strike team’s progress through the Foundry was tracked by a team of Intelligence agents.” I tap my data pad, and a hologram appears, showing the basic floor plan of the Foundry. “The control room should be somewhere on the higher levels, above the assembly line.”

HJ Twilight

I look at the hologram. "That won't be easy to reach. There are bound to be a bunch of security droids, troopers, and maybe even a few active Sith Hunter Droids."
HJ Twilight

I take my blaster in one hand and my lightsaber in the other. Mashing the button to open the cargo bay doors, releasing Huntress, Hank and I follow shortly after as she begins tearing through the security team. Those not immediately in her attack range smartly retreat to further into the station. "That was easy, but now comes the hard part. They know we aren't messing around anymore, so they won't hold anything back. Let's hurry before they assemble a proper welcoming party." I look up at Huntress. "You stay here and guard the ship. If we need you, I'll call. You understand? Nod if you do." After a few seconds of blank staring, the rancor lowers her head in an attempt at a nod. "Gaia, you're smart! See you soon!" I wave Hank on as we head off down the nearest hallway.

Outside, the Sith Hunter Droids battle the Terentatek on the outer hulls of the Imperial ships. The beasts have brute strength and the Force on their side, the the droids have heavy armor and shielding. It is a rather odd sight compared to the otherwise straight forward naval battle taking place around them.
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