Avatar of Lord Greshh
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    1. Lord Greshh 8 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current I will finish what we started.


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Kamari Ordo

“Might I add that Mand’alor herself is on the way? She is to lead the final charge once the shield is down. So far, Tamari and I have had o my good things to say about you and Gavin’s progress, but knowing her, it will only take one mistake to incur her ire.”

Cosen Greshh

“Alright, fine. The message was from Hayden Twilight, Jakito’s daughter. She’s here on Coruscant. I haven’t spoken to her since my father was betrayed and murdered, so I have no idea what she wants.”

Gavin Greshh

“She is extremely powerful, but difficult to control. The Mandalorians could use her help, but it will only come voluntarily. She will not be forced into service like we initially were.”

Cosen Greshh

“She wants to see me and Gavin. Let us go to her and we will convince her to help you. Otherwise, she may find herself a odds with your people and add one more complication to the plan.”

Kamari Ordo

I know Hayden’s reputation well. HJ used to speak very highly of her, even when he was complaining. Having her on our side would definitely be beneficial. “You may go to her, but you will not do it unsupervised. Either I or Temari must go with you.”
Gavin Greshh

I nod. “We do. The Ugnaughts probably have a pretty accurate map of the sewers and irrigation around the place too. We could slip in UNDER the shield and come up on the inside.”

Kamari Ordo

“The team would have to be small, but functional. As few people as possible to get the job done without being immediately detected.”

Gavin Greshh

“Give me time to talk to the Revolution leaders and I’ll have a team worked out.” I look at Cosen. “Do you have anything to add?”

Cosen Greshh

“Possibly. I just don’t want to say something I’ll regret later.”
Cosen Greshh

I quickly turn to Temari. “Of course. Where were we?” Behind my back, I press a button on my comm to transmit our location to Hayden. I didn’t like hiding information from the Mandalorians, but I had no idea how they would react to Hayden. I may have been treated well, but I was still technically a prisoner. I didn’t want Hayden to be forced under Mand’alor’s will.

Kamari Ordo

“We were figuring out how to get the shield over the Senate District down. It is resistant to all our attempts to break it, and it’ll take way longer than we have time for to whittle it down. We need to shut the shield generator down before we can make the final push.”

Gavin Greshh

“What about a strike team? You have scouts all around the dome, and Jakito is on his way back from his search. Maybe a weak spot can be found and we can slip a small team through to hit the generator.”

Kamari Ordo

“Sucal probably has dozens of Sith Hunter Droids protecting him. Any small team that got caught past the shield would be dead before they knew what hit them.”
Jakito Twilight

“Fine, but you have to follow my lead, okay Cosen? I have the feeling this Stoneheart is an extremely dangerous enemy. If things get bad, I don’t want you getting yourself killed trying to save me, or become you really want to finish the job. If I say we have to run, you run.”

Cosen Greshh

Sighs. “Alright, but I’m sure it won’t come to that. You fought in the war. You’ve faced countless Sith Lords and Dark Jedi. One more shouldn’t be a problem.” I look at Gavin. “Guess I’ll see you afterwards?”

Gavin Greshh

“Yes. We still need a plan to get the shield down though. Maybe if you and Jakito hurry, you can make it back in time for the final assault.”

Cosen Greshh

“Hopefully, I...” my comm beeps again, and this time I glance at it in frustration. Who could have been bothering me, I wonder. As I read the ID tag on the display, my frustration evaporates instantly, though I try to hide my new emotions. With a straight face, I turn to Jakito’s holo and say, “We’ll meet up later to figure out a full plan. Talk to you him later.” Before he can say anything else, I end the transmission. I then turn to Gavin and mouth two words: Hayden’s alive.
Jakito Twilight

My eyes widen. “Uhh, why don’t you start from the beginning.”

Gavin Greshh

I proceed to explain the plan to him to the best of my ability. “It is still a work in progress, so if you can make any suggestions to improve it, I am all ears.”

Jakito Twilight

I nod, taking in the full plan. “Just one slight change I would make; let me go in alone. Not that I don’t appreciate the assistance, but I can handle this myself. Besides, if this Stoneheart is as clever as you say, he isn’t going to be easily duped by an ambush. If he realizes I have backup, he might spook and not show up.”
Gavin Greshh

I think for a moment before an idea comes to me. “Perhaps an old enemy? Someone known to disagree with us at the best of times, and would logically plot other motives behind our backs?” I type in a code to the holo projector, and a moment later, Jakito Twilight appears. “How goes the scouting missing, Jedi?”

Jakito Twilight

I have been spending the past few hours scouting the perimeter of the shield dome, trying to find a major weak spot. So far, no luck. When I first came to Coruscant, it was only to drop off Vette and possibly help her find her kids. Once I’d accomplished that, I found myself wrapped up in the coming battle.

My holocomm pings, and I hear Gavin’s question. “It goes alright. I haven’t found any weaknesses yet, but I’ll keep looking. I did notice that the main generator looks to be connected to Presidential Palace, so it is likely the main controls to shut it down would be inside.”

Gavin Greshh

“I was afraid of that. Listen, we have a new mission for you if you are interested. One that’ll likely suit your skills a little better.”

Jakito Twilight

I wince. I hated taking missions from Sith, especially teenage Sith. But Gavin was a very level headed kid, and of the two Greshh twins, he was definitely my favorite. Plus... I did save him from drowning all those years ago. He isn’t likely to lead me into a trap any time soon. “Let’s hear it.”
Kamari Ordo

"Traitors to peace? Shouldn't be too hard to manage."

Gavin Greshh

"Hmmm... yes, that might work. One of us could pretend to turn traitor and try to rat us out to the Republic. That might draw Stoneheart close enough to take him down for good."

Cosen Greshh

"It couldn't be one of us though. We're obviously too committed to the cause to betray it. The traitor would have to be either a new recruit or someone low enough in the pecking order to where it would make sense they could get away with being a rat." As I speak, my commlink buzzes. Temari had allowed me to have it back, but I wasn't expecting anyone to try to contact me. Because we are in the middle of a meeting, I ignore it. "Temari and I could perhaps tail our 'traitor', and when Stoneheart shows up, we ambush him."
Cosen Greshh

"We don't even know where he is, or how to lure him out. He just kinda... appears places. We'd be searching in the dark, figuratively and literally." I rest my head on my fist. "I hate to say it, but I think Kam's right. We have to let him go for now. At least until we can pick up a lead and properly track him down. Maybe..." I think to myself. "Maybe if we bait him into coming to us? But how would we do that?"
Gavin Greshh

"Apparently they were completely unaware of our reformation. Seems there leader went straight to the Republic after the meeting at Billi's house. We are currently trying to get a hold of a new Workers Union representative so we can add them to the team."

Cosen Greshh

"It isn't easy though. A lot of our old comrades went deep into hiding. Draxxal and his inquisitors are still hunting the stragglers down. What's worse, more and more bodies are being found strung up, likely the work of the Stoneheart Killer. Most of them have been identified as Republic spies and loyalists, but it's putting an unnecessary amount of fear into this battle. We're trying to come off as the liberators, yet if people start thinking we helped orchestrate these murders..." I make quick eye contact with Gavin. "It'll lose us a lot of ground with the people."

Kamari Ordo

I cross my arms. "We can't divide our attention too much. Sucal is our enemy, Stoneheart is just a distraction. We can worry about him after we take down that shield and take Presidential Palace for Mand'alor."
Kamari Ordo

I walk through the halls of a once luxurious hotel. Not long after the battle began, the staff and guests abandoned the place, leaving a bit of a mess. But as far as temporary bases go, this was still pretty cozy, and it gave us a good view of the giant force field that surrounded the Senate District; our next major target.

In one of the suites is where Temari, the Greshh twins, and a handful of Revolutionaries gather to form a plan.
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