Avatar of Lord Greshh
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    1. Lord Greshh 8 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current I will finish what we started.


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Jakito Twilight

I nod. “Probably a good idea. So much for the party, huh?” I look to Alice. “Sorry to cut the reunion short. I promise we’ll all have time later.” I motion everyone towards our shuttle.

Hunter Ordo

As the group of Becca, Jakito, Jerus, Zar’kun and this new woman walk back towards the ship, I approach. “Room for one more?”

Becca Twilight

“Kam? I figured you’d want to be part of your people’s celebration.”

Hunter Ordo

I shrug. “I’m not really in the partying mood. I’d much rather be doing something important, and from the determined looks on your faces, I’m guessing you’re all up to something. I’ll lend a blaster, if I can.”
Jakito Twilight

“Oh yes. We’ve met a Wookiee or two in our travels. There’s a lot to catch you up on. Remind us to tell you all about it some day.” My comm beeps and I answer it. “Luci? What’s up?”


“Hey, Jakito! Sorry I’ve been out of it most of the day. But now... well, you guys might want to get back to the hotel sometime soon. While all the Mandos were out, there’s been an... intruder.”

Jakito Twilight

“What kind of intruder? Is anyone hurt?”


“That’s the weird thing; this intruder isn’t attacking. It’s just... wondering around. Its not very stealthy either because he’s tripping every security sensor. We don’t really know what to make of it, but we’re avoiding it for the time being. It’s just Koraline, Xan, and I, plus a bunch of wounded Mandos. Could use some backup just in case this thing means harm.”
Becca Twilight

I exchange a surprised look with Jakito. "Oh, well that is certainly a surprise. But a very welcome surprised." I offer my hand. "I'm Becca Twilight, and this is my husband Jakito. He trained under Zar'kun in the ways of the Force, and his sister married your son. So... I guess that makes you our family as well. Happy to have you."
Becca Twilight

Jakito and I follow. "Oh dear. More friends? As if we didn't have enough people in our little flock to look after."

Jakito Twilight

"I say the more the merrier... just as long as they aren't conniving Sith Lords or Politicians or... both."
Kaira Saxon

I pump my fist in the air. "For Mand'alor!" My words are echoed by hundreds of others, and the crowd begins to spread out throughout the plaza, quickly turning it from an battle arena into a party spot.

Torian Cadera

I walk silently through the crowd towards the kolto tank, Mako close behind. Ava floats unconscious in the tank, but I speak to her anyways. "You have made me proud, daughter. There is no shame in this lose. You served your time well." I place a hand on the tank. "Now rest."
Kaira Saxon

"I did not always get along with my father, and I know that is methods were often considered extreme, but he was a good man. I never believed that he could have been capable of treason, and I am glad to hear that his name, and the names of our youngest warriors, can finally be cleared. I don't know who was really responsible for this and I don't much care. All that matters in my opinion is that they have been dealt with accordingly." I bow my head. "I am more than ready to move on and work towards a better tomorrow under your great leadership."
Kaira Saxon

The crowd parts, and I step out with my helmet under my arm. A few of my closest clan mates go to follow, but I signal them to stay put. My platinum blonde hair is buzzed short on one side, but flows past my shoulder on the other. Standing before Temari Ordo, I pound a fist to my chest armor. "Mand'alor."
Mandalore the Risen

This time I do scream. For how long, I don't know; I seem to slip out of consciousness for a moment or two as I struggle. As I look out at the sea of onlookers, I can't make out their expressions. I can't tell if they are happy to see me beaten, or astonished that I've lasted this long, or appalled that I won't just submit already. Then, out of all of them, I notice one face I recognize... "HJ..."

HJ Twilight

I stand at the edge of the arena, forcing myself to look passive even though I was brimming with emotions. Slowly, I give Ava a nod.

Mandalore the Risen

Closing my eyes, I lower my head to the pavement. "I yield." I say quietly, then louder. "I YIELD!!" At the announcement, there is an uproar from the gathered Mando'ade. The voices are neither joyous or saddened or angry; They just are. Out of the chorus of voices comes a single word. it starts with only a few in the crowd, but slowly it grows into a unanimous chant. 'Mand'alor! Mand'alor! Mand'alor!'

Ava Cadera

But they aren't calling for me anymore.
Mandalore the Risen

The pain is intense, and I can't help by tear up a little. I try by best to look Temari in the face, and resist the urge to scream in pain as I speak. "I... I can't!" With a grunt of effort, I preform the dreaded kov'nym. That is to say, I headbutt Temari full force in the face. I can hear a crunch as her nose breaks, and my vision turns to stars as I fall back. I can feel warm blood dripping down my face, though I can't tell if it's mine or hers. It doesn't really matter either way as I roll onto my stomach and begin trying to force myself to stand. Despite ever part of my body telling me to stay down, despite the horrible feeling of bone scraping against bone and poking against my flesh, I still force myself to move.
Mandalore the Risen

I try to pull away, but I'm not fast enough. Temari's nerve strikes hit home, and this time I'm not able to fully resist. I can feel my right arm going dead. Luckily, my father trained me to be ambidextrous. Still, this was a major disadvantage. I raise my good arm to guard my face as I bounce on my feet, circling outside of Temari's immediate range. Her leg wound was slowing her down, but not very much. Fainting to one side, I bound back and roundhouse kick toward's Temari's head.
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