Avatar of Lord Greshh
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    1. Lord Greshh 8 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current I will finish what we started.


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I stumble a few feet, but quickly regain my balance and turn to face Jerus again. I take another moment to channel my anger, and the tubes running up my arms and legs begin to pump a yellow chemical into my body. With a yell of rage, I charge back at Jerus.

HJ Twilight

As the elevator rises, I tap my foot impatiently. "Come on. Come on. Come on."

My only response is a grunt as I turn and begin attacking with several slow, deliberate strikes. The cybernetics in my arms add extra power to each blow, hopefully making them harder to defend against.

HJ Twilight

I nod. “Good luck, and make sure to kill him properly this time. Come on, Hank.” I pull Hank into the elevator, knowing that he would have probably preferred to stay and fight.


I stop a few feet away, my lightsaber activate by my side. My mechanical hand grips into a fist. After a moment of staring at Jerus, I break into a run towards him, lightsaber spearing towards his face.
HJ Twilight

“I know. Even in her darkest moments, Hayden would never do something like this willingly.” We continue down the hall, eventually reaching a row of elevators. “She’s probably under heavy guard. We should prepare for a tough fight.” I press the button to summon the elevator, but my danger sense flares behind me. I turn, and at the end of the hall we’d just come from stands a grotesque hodgepodge of flesh and machine.


I walk slowly down the hall towards them, lightsaber in hand and hatred blazing in my eyes.
Caalin Daemon

"We will do our best, Jerus! See you soon!" I click off, returning to the fight against the brainwashed soldiers. I was only myself and one other Jedi left. We couldn't afford to make any more mistakes.

HJ Twilight

As we head down the hall, I turn to Jerus. "Dad... what are we gonna do? What if we're too late, and whatever Sucal did to Hayden... what if she isn't herself anymore? You saw the dead look in those troopers' eyes. You don't think..."
HJ Twilight

Hank and I rush through the side doors. As Jerus begins to hack the controls, I try to call up Caalin. "How is it going on your end?"

Caalin Daemon

"Not great. Sucal's people are very resistant to the Force. We're trying to push forward, but it's slow going."

HJ Twilight

"Just do what you can to draw them away from us. Retreat if you get overwhelmed."
HJ Twilight

As the door shutters closed, I return my attention to facing the brainwashed soldiers. I leap from cover and charge, continuing to shoot with one hand while I deflect bolts with my lightsaber. It does not take long to finish off this group now that they were cut off from reinforcements. “We need to find another way to the bridge. Hank, seal that door to make extra sure nobody else comes through.”
HJ Twilight

Thinking fast, i shoot the door controls. This makes the automatic doors shutter part way, but not close completely. Quietly I curse. “Dad! Use the Force and pull it closed!” I reach out and start to pull one side.
HJ Twilight

I roll behind a conveniently placed box for cover, then pop up to fire on the nearest soldier. His clearly old armor doesn't do much to protect against my well aimed shot. "I don't they're gonna tell us anything useful! They're brainwashed!" As if to confirm this, the trooper Jerus pushed over looks up. His helmet has been knocked off, revealing his blank expression. He, like many in Sucal's service, is Void, and therefore untouched by the Force.
HJ Twilight

"Agreed. I just put Huntress into a calming sleep. I don't want her getting riled up again." I lock my ship up. I also try to reach out and find Hayden. "She is alive still, which is good. Hold on, sister. He're coming." The hanger doors open and a squad of Republic troopers in outdated armor rush in, blasters ready. "Get the hell out of our way, you brainwashed pieces of crap!" I start blasting.
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