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A project me and Rumor (a close friend of mine) have fostered for nearly five years, the following is a brief summery on the Origin fluff of a homebrew Multiverse. With it's own (unlimited) set of rules and laws. Open to suggestion and constructive criticism.

To explain, this is not a typical Multiverse, but rather a Multiverse of Multiverses, each 'Plane' is it's own multiverse, and each 'Layer' is a universe, a reality unto itself. Imagine a Die with an infinite number of side, then imagine it is beside and infinite number of Dice that are exactly alike to it, then roll them an infinite number of times. These are the possibilities of the multiverse.

While It is preferred that an original character is used, exiting characters from popular media are allowed, but you must know that character well and preform well with it.

The below is a brief summery of a paper I did describing the lore of the Aeon Multiverse (the name) and is minimal, mostly to test interest.
If you have questions, comments, criticism, or what have you, please post them.

Thank you for your time. :)

The Before
Before the sun, before the moon, there was only the light of the stars. In this shiftless plane of infinite black, energy took thought, and The First were born. Beings of pure energy and mind, they had no physical form and they could not change or interact with the world around them. For time uncounted, for time had yet to form, they roamed the endless black and white without purpose. This was until one took upon themselves the power of will.

He is considered the First among the Firsts, a being that changed the stasis of reality. His name was Derzera, Lord of Aeons. He was the first to take up a physical form, creating the primordial essence of all matter, forging its existence though his will alone. He brought about the concept of ebb and flow, and with that Time began. He taught his secret to others and they too took the mantle of will. The spirits of harmony and disharmony, of light and of dark each brought their own ideals into existence. This caused the concept of conflict to come to exist, a reactionary, but unintended, side effect of the birth pangs of a new existence.

The First War
As the long ages of the immutable stasis of change past the First split into like-minded groups, each focused on one total extreme. Eventually the diversity of conflicting and parallel ideas could no longer be contained, and one unnamed First wished another to exist no more, and while he could not will them out of existence, he found he could end it. And so death was born.
Tools were made, items that carried death with them, weapons literally forged from of hate and pride. It began, slowly at first, but soon all of the First took up arms and conflict raged across the totality of infinitude. War had come, crafted on anger and ego. They fought not for land nor for wealth, but for power. Mastery over all. For the power of life, death, of light and dark, and to end the disparity betwixt.
Derzera led his brothers and sisters into battle for the unity of all, for the fulfilment of the status quo. He was not order, nor was he chaos, not life or death, light nor dark. He was equilibrium, balance. For a hundred numbered ages War raged, unchecked, across the realms of eternity.
But as time wore on Derzera looked forward and saw no end, he looked behind and could not remember the beginning. He realized that his people had lost themselves to the change, they had not the will to exist without grief, hate, and pride. He then chose to force unification, willing them together, "For," he thought "How does one fight one's self?"

Incineron (En-kin-erhon)
Derzera gathered to himself the greatest of his vassals: Elrath, Aspect of Purity. Galmog, Aspect of Choice. And Kozel, who's aspect has been lost to the ages. And together they constricted all that had been wrought, bending space together into a single mass that was all that was in the totality of infinitude. This act shattered the will and thought of many of the first. It was then that Derzera reshaped the fragments into the Metasera, the spirits of life.

For a time there was peace, and the newly formed Metasera were free from the conflict of their forebears, and worked as one to improve all things for all people. The eldest of these spirits prayed to Derzera, for they wished to take physical form, as to better interact with the world. Derzera, caring for his children, gave them the secret of form. Each took on the appearance and attributes of what reflected their souls. There were wolves and trees, there were fish and birds, and there were things most could not recognize, shapes so alien that merely seeing a glimpse of them would drive most men mad. The eldest took up the name Xyilarn, meaning 'Seeing From Afar', and mediated on the nature of life, and in this meditation he found the secrets of truth and knowledge. He inscribed them onto a scroll of infinite length, who's characters described entire lifetimes of stars, and constantly moved and shifted, mirroring all possible futures, the accumulation of all thought and memory. He named it the "Aeon Chronicles" for namesake of his lord.

For a time this new world prospered. But, for there to be prosperity there must also be change. For every deed done there was at least one who disapproved. While akin in spirit, physical forms separated the Metasera in mind and thought. The bonds of unity frayed and it began to reflect on Derzera's vassals, for they had glutted themselves on the prayers, hopes, and nightmares of the fledgling souls. This had slowly corrupted them, leading Elrath to vanity and deception, Galmog to domination and control, and Kozel to unchained, but cold, hatred.

The War of Heaven
Just as the thoughts of the Metasera had corrupted Derzera's brethren, they in turn corrupted the bodies and minds of the Metasera, with many becoming twisted parodies of their former selves. Driven mad by the incessant whispering that clawed at their minds. While it is true many fell, a great number also did not, listening only to the word of Derzera and his emissary Xyilarn.
As disparity grew once more Derzera took note of the distortion, and lamented the choice he would have to make. He ordered the dissidents purged.

Once more the forges of the Metasera lept to life, but not for the baubles and trinkets that they normally forged, but to craft weapons of war. The essence of life was bound to each weapon, so that the weapon itself was not mearly a tool, but a sentient warrior that held the power over life and death. Even in madness the corrupted ones kept their great mastery over crafting, and forged their own weapons, but they were hallow. Filled with the hate of their wielders, the bound themselves physically to their masters, drinking deep their madness.
The world was divided, between of the light and life of the above, and the darkness and death of the below. For a hundred lives of men they warred for the fate of all existence.

Eventually the three traitors, known among the faithful as the 'Funmengari' or "Those Who Oppose." took form upon the world, no longer content to simply watch. And they lay waste to legions before Derzera, Embodiment of Creation, Lord of Time, descended himself for the final battle.

Elrath: Who took the form of a great white serpent, which had the torso, arms, and head of a woman in lieu of a head. seven sets of great feathered wings ran along her scaled body, while her upper half was clad in alabaster hued armor. Her eyes were pits of white light, and her skin was pale and without a blemish or imperfection, her hair as black as the shadows between the stars.

Galmog: The body of a great dragon, who's tail was three fire-breathing serpents. In place of a head was the upper body of a man, clad in molten armor.

Kozel: A giant, whose armor had melded with flesh and seared onto bone. His malformed face contorted in a permeant scowl that was either pain, hatred, or both.

Derzera: A man clad in armor that seemed to be made of glass, and beyond was the night sky. He floated aloft on four sets of pure white feathered wings, a flaming sword in each hand.

The Shattering
The great ones, who were as gods, clashed. Their battle leveled mountains and carved deep ravines, the might of their power boiled away oceans and froze deserts.

It was in this battle that the stress on the bonds that held the world together snapped, and Incineron was shattered. As the explosion on the world's demise threatened to engulf all Derzera overpowered Galmog and Kozel, binding them to his will and using their power to catch the fragments. But this fraying went beyond the physical, to fractured time and space. Each fragment was no longer a simple chunk of soil and rock, but a reality unto itself. At its core stood Derzera, the catalyst for the new order. With these fragments frozen in place, but still bound together by tentative cords of Derzera's will, each would develop its own laws, its own features. Its own fate.
With the Metasera scattered and lessened by the severance of them from their gods, they became mortal, and evolved along whatever lines they had before them, and they were the forebears of all life.

With his will strained and that he was immobilized Derzera chose to sleep, to conserve his power and ease his fraying mind. But he could not leave the new Multiverse to fend for itself, so he fractured his mind and soul into eight shards. Purity, Life, Death, Wisdom, Time, Eternity, Spirit, and Vigilance.

The High Gods

Ishachal: Purity = *Enoch: Order

Tir'Lan: Life

Dimallow: Death

Azalheroni: Wisdom = *Asheron: Chaos

Kathura: Time

Ti'Mu: Eternity

Crestaru: Spirit

The Watchman: Vigilance

The Shadows Grow
For a time there was peace as the aspects of Derzera, the High Gods, shaped and guided the growth and change of the Multiverse. This was until Ishachal, the Lord of Purity, began to fear change and see anything new as bad, as disparity. And so his purpose was tainted, and he became Absolute Order. The other High Gods became concerned, and Azalheroni, Lord of Wisdom, consulted every source he could in an attempt to fix this great problem.

He eventually found himself in the black nothing that lay beyond the Multiverse, where he often came to meditate. This is when a voice echoed from the vast empty black and conversed with him. The voice stated that to maintain balance, as was his mandate, he would have to become equal but opposite to Ishachal. Azalheroni saw that there was wisdom in these words, and asked what that would be. "Chaos, of course." was the response. He then asked where he would get Chaos. The voice told him of the bloodshed that once filled the Abyss around him, and told him to allow the emptiness to fill him.
When he returned he was Wisdom no longer, he was Asheron, Lord of Chaos.

The All Saints War
When Asheron retuned Ishachal rallied Tir'Lan & Kathura to his side and war began once more. Dimallow and Crestaru rose to defend Asheron, and Ti'Mu and The Watchman remained neutral. Asheron took up his throne on the Plane of Gondreth, and renamed it Discordia. While Ishachal took his seat on Milatoyrn, the home of the Angelorum, his most faithful servants.
Asheron wove and measured life in a forbidden spell, creating a race in like image of the ancient living weapons. They had the capacity for good and evil, for light and dark, and added the ultimate random factor. This tipped the scales in Asheron's favor, and he pushed harder into Ishachal's domain.

In a battle on the plane of Jadore, Ishachal and Asheron met in battle for the first time. Though the battle was long and hard, Asheron prevailed in the end, destroying his foe's physical form and thus severing his connection to the World's Heart (Derzera). After this Crestaru betrayed Asheron, he and Tir'Lan imprisoned him on a plane separated from all others. But his mark was made, as he had sired the fathers of all demons, and sowed the seeds of discord, ensuring his legacy remained, even 100000 years later.

Note that these are just the accepted races, you can make your own (within reason)

Human(s): The most prolific race, they were crafted by Asheron in ages past through the forbidden use of life sorcery in a display of overwhelming power. They were crafted in the image of the ancient race of warrior servants crafted by the transcendent arts of the Metasera. With the capacity for both greatness and infamy, humans are the most varied of the races in Creation.
Sub Races:
Char: A race of humans with dragon-like qualities (Scaled skin, sharp teeth, immunity to fire ect) That are sworn, body and soul, to Asheron.
Humani: Ascended humans that serve Enoch Evershown, the second coming of Ishachal. They are intrinsically linked to light based powers and rarely fall to darkness, but when they do it is further than most.

Edolion/Reapers: A race linked to the Abyss, Crestaru, and Asheron. They have the solemn duty of Sheparding the souls of the dead to the afterlife. They exist between the realms of shadow and form, allowing them to become shadow, and control it as a physical force.
The royal family of the Edolions, the Stormblades, is known for the estrangement of the last king Scourge, and his son, the usurper Prince Rumor.
(Warning: I can not grant permission to use this race, as it is the sole property of Rumor)

Angelorum: Immortal beings descended from Ishachal, they are beings of light and order. With great aetherial wings and armor forged of Celestial Steel they cut swathes through lesser foes. They are slaves to Ishachal's will, however, and though they have free thought they are unable to act agienst their core belifs unless corrupted by an outside source.
Demons: The bloodlines of the the seven Demon Lords, these Immortal creatures are as varied and dangerous as their ancestors. They are servants of Asheron, paying homage through both fear and awe at their oldest progenitor, whom they often call the "Archdemon".
Kalbonites: Giant humanoids with metallic skin and golden eyes, they are masters of crafting magical items through their own force of will. Hair colors range from white to bright red. They are marginally aligned with Tir'Lan, Goddess of Life and the Sun.
Daimons: Demigod children or descents of the High Gods, Daimons have a multitude of abilities and powers that set them apart from others. While Daimons are classified as a race unto themselves, they can be born to any race save for Angelorum or Demons, who are already a subrace of Daimon. While powers vary greatly, standards are:
1) The ability to move between planes at will (more experienced Daimons can use this to teleport short ranges through space.
2) Effective Immortality (Immune to age and illness)
3) Superhuman Physical abilities (enhanced strength, speed, and endurance)

Rule 1): If you can give a reasonable explanation, it's good.
Rule 2): Magic and technology are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Rule 3): There is no restrictions based on setting. Exmp: if the rp takes place on a medieval plane, but your character canonically has a pistol, you may keep it

Rule 1): Magic is varied and dangerous to the ill prepared.
Rule 2): Do not attempt a spell that would be to taxing on you Physically or mentally, or it will kill you.
Rule 3): Be aware that magic is devided into three categories: Healing/Holy Powers (Controlled by Ishachal and Tir'Lan), Soul Magics (Controled by Crestaru and Dimallow) and Forbidden Sorcery (Controlled by Asheron)
Soul Magic uses the power of one's own soul to cast powerful spells, but is dangerous after prolonged use.
Forbidden Sorcery is everything from Necromancy to Will spells, powers that no mortal was ever meant to hold.
In Hello 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
To each their own.

There seems to be plenty here.
In Hello 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hello! I also randomly stumbled upon this site but yesterday.

Did someone say... Original Characters?

I prefer original stuff, though it take a hell of a lot more work...
Oh, all kinds...
But my favorite are the open ended character driven ones. You know, the ones all about player choice and allow the group to shape the story.

As for genres, Most things, provided the lore is fleshed out.
Nice to meet another American. Just joined myself, but I'm en experienced RPer and look forward to seeing you in action :)
Thanks, I certainly look forward to seeing what creative things people can come up with.
I'm not new to the RP, but am new to the site. I do a lot of Warhammer 40k RP and I also RP with some friends in a Multiverse that me and a close friend have worked in for several years.

Hope I'll find something to do here :D
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